Dr. Joseph Mercola, Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ll Never Guess

By Dr. Joseph Mercola BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, combined own The New York Times and other legacy media, along with Big Pharma. Story at-a-glance: Big Pharma and mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management firms: BlackRock and Vanguard. Drug companies are driving COVID-19 responses — all of which, so far, have endangered rather than optimized public health — and mainstream media have been willing accomplices in spreading their propaganda, a false official narrative that leads the public astray and fosters fear based on…

Dylan Eleven, War Has Been Declared Upon Us. This is very simple: The vaccine is killing people. Therefore anyone saying you have to take the vaccine is trying to kill you.

Dylan Eleven  Why the f— is anyone listening to these people? And how the hell are they still getting away with it? Telling us to kill ourselves is a declaration of war. Act accordingly. Every time a politician or someone is talking on TV about how you must take the death vaccine, they are literally telling you to kill yourself. They know the vaccine is deadly. They are threatening us with consequences and violence if we don’t kill our selves. Anyone that is telling us to get vaccinated is openly…

Israel is deliberately obliterating media buildings in Gaza to cover up the war crimes that will follow

Eva Bartlett Smoke and flames rise from a tower building as it is destroyed by Israeli air strikes amid a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence, in Gaza City © Reuters The destruction of two important Gaza buildings housing 20 media outlets was both shocking and predictable. History shows that if the media aren’t around to document Israel’s war crimes, it’s a lot easier for it to commit them. On Tuesday, Israel bombed the 10-storey Al-Jawhara Tower, causing it to collapse. Before doing so, it had ‘benevolently’ warned that the airstrikes were coming. The…

NPR, CNN, NYT, Wa-Po, MSNBC, Twitter, Facebook, Google Presstitutes Covering Up Biden Scandals by Refusing to Report on Them

Paul Craig Roberts  There has never been a news media as biased as the American one The New York Post’s report that the FBI has laptops belonging to Hunter Biden that contain emails showing Hunter and Joe Biden’s use of the Vice Presidency for business deals that amount to influence peddling and money laundering was banned from Twitter, Facebook, and Google.  The New York Times, Washington Post and other of the press prostitutes tried to discredit the story with the fake news that it was Russian disinformation to help Trump win…

Chris Hedges, The Mueller Report Ends a Shameful Period for the American Press

Chris Hedges The Mueller report’s categorical statement that Donald Trump and his campaign did not collude with Russia ends one of the most shameful periods in modern American journalism, one that rivals the mindless cheerleading for the Iraq War by most of the press. It further erodes and may prove fatal to the credibility of a press that has steadfastly rendered most of the country invisible and functions as little more than an array of gossiping courtiers to the elites. “ ‘[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the…

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Is Changing The World Order against Its Own Interests

Paul Craig Roberts The hubris and arrogance of Washington have been at work since the Clinton regime to destroy the power and relevance of the United States. This website has an international audience. The most asked question from this audience is the world order. There is a realization that Washington’s control might weaken, a development people abroad see as hopeful. They ask me for verification of their hope. Here is my answer: The world order has already changed.  China has a larger and more powerful industrial and manufacturing based economy…


NOVEMBER 22, 2018 MHB Prefatory Note on Censorship in Academe This study was written in 2013-14 as part of my academic research as Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. I have had numerous papers addressing news coverage of historical events published in academic journals over the past two decades. However, this was the first attempt to offer a scholarly treatment of a research object related to a conspiracy–how the news media “framed” New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s JFK assassination inquiry. When I presented the paper at the…