Techno Fog, Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant

Techno Fog Today, Special Counsel John Durham moved to unseal this motion in limine in the false statements case against Igor Danchenko. This motion provides new information on the details of Danchenko’s lies to the FBI, further information on how Special Counsel Mueller ignored Danchenko’s false statements, expected testimony from Clinton-connected executive Charles Dolan, and one crazy development. But we’ll start with the the most damning development: Danchenko was on the FBI payroll as a confidential human source (CHS) from March 2017 through October 2020. The purposes of making Danchenko a CHS should…

Revealed: Trump Fired Comey to Carry Out His Campaign Pledge to Work with Russia

The Lead There is one major story buried in the scurrilous Mueller report which must be made known internationally, immediately. As LaRouchePAC’s Barbara Boyd writes in her report on the Mueller report: “In the original letter which Trump dictated to Stephen Miller, firing Comey, Donald Trump said that Comey’s refusal to [state publicly that Trump was not a target] was specifically inhibiting what the President wanted to do with Russia, with respect to trade and with respect to collaboration on eliminating ISIS. With the intervention of the same staff whom…

Gordon Duff and NEO – Mueller Dropping Russia Probe, Says Trump Working for Israel and Saudis

by Gordon Duff with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow The Mueller Russia probe, according to mainstream media sources, Daily Beast, BBC, Vanity Fair, UK Independent, Mother Jones, al Jazeera, the UK Guardian and others, as of mid-December 2018, has changed direction. [Editor’s note: Let me say right off the bat that Duff has a long history with the CIA and gave me the boot from Veterans Today in 2015 for writing about JADEHELM15. So I do not take for granted the accuracy of his reporting. In this case, however, it coincides with…