Joachim Hagopian, As Israel-US Escalate Middle East War, More Staged Kabuki Theater at Home

Joachim Hagopian As predicted, the Zionist Israel controlled Synagogue of Satan Trump administration is deliberately escalating hostilities in the Middle East toward all-out US-Israel World War III against Iran and its Islamic Axis of Resistance in Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza. In recent years, the US has significantly increased its occupying military forces to exceed 40,000 soldiers and seamen spread throughout the West Asia-Middle East region in preparation for yet more Greater Israel Project wars against Islam resistance forces led by Iran. Make no mistake, the US military troops deployed in this volatile region of…

David Stockman, How American Neocons Wrecked the Middle East and Ukraine

by David Stockman  THE FIRST GULF WAR – A CATASTROPHIC ERROR Confronted with the greatest opportunity for global peace in nearly a century, George H. W. Bush did not hesitate:  Upon the advice of his retainers, he immediately elected the path of war in the Persian Gulf. This endeavor was hatched by Henry Kissinger’s economically illiterate protégés at the National Security Council and Bush’s Texas oilman secretary of state, James Baker. They falsely claimed that the will-o’-the-wisp of “oil security” was at stake, and that 500,000 American troops needed to…

Mike Adams, PREPARE FOR WAR: After Jan. 6th, expect all hell to break loose across America

Mike Adams (Natural News) For the past month or so, I’ve been posting daily Situation Update reports based on deep research and insider sources who help keep me informed. You can listen to all these Situation Update podcasts at this link on In this article, I’m going to summarize where things stand right now in terms of the election, civil war, the Insurrection Act, war with China and other topics. The short summary is that if this election situation is not resolved on January 6th, all hell is going to…

Jefferson Morley, Weakest Link: Impeachment and National Security

Jefferson Morley Barack Obama talks on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin about Ukraine. Photograph Source: White House – Public Domain In the summer of 2016 President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump didn’t agree about much, except for one obscure issue of U.S. foreign policy: lethal military aid to Ukraine. As commander in chief, Obama objected to such assistance, even in the face of a Russian proxy war. So did candidate Trump.  On the eve of Trump’s nomination, his allies replaced the GOP platform’s demand for…

Senior NBC Reporter Quits: “It’s Deep State Propaganda”

A senior NBC reporter has quit the news network over their obsession with promoting pro-war Deep State propaganda twenty-four hours a day.  Sean Adl-Tabatabai William M. Arkin, a veteran national security reporter, wrote a scathing farewell message to his colleagues, warning them that NBC has given endless war and ‘destructive’ intelligence agencies a free pass due to their around-the-clock anti-Trump hysteria. reports: Arkin had a number of pointed words to share with his fellow reporters before his last day of work at NBC on Friday – 2,228, to be exact. In…

The Medicated Majority – Democratic leadership now constitutes a cabal of senior citizens suffering from Alzheimer’s and severely damaged IQs from Big Pharma drugs

S.D. Wells (Natural News) Just listen to Nancy Pelosi talk and she sounds like a drunk about to fall off her bar stool at 1:30 a.m., just before the bars all close. She slurs her words as they all seem to run together, and she gets simple facts all jumbled up, losing her train of thought frequently, and simply “blanking out” for periods of time while in the public eye. This is the leading Democratic Congress person, mind-you. There’s also the riot-inciting Maxine Waters, and when she speaks sounds like some angry, violent…