Jim Fetzer Explores the Sandy Hook Psyop The book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, was banned by Amazon [Editor’s note: For the original or to send comments about this article to Mike King, click here.] Yours truly will be appearing this Wednesday (July 12) at 12 EST on Jim Fetzer‘s “The Raw Deal” show at Revolution Radio. Veteran conspiracy analysts will recall the Professor of the Philosophy of Science from Minnesota U for his early 9/11 Trutherism. His academic activism on the subject was so informed and effective that he eventually drew fire from…
Tag: no blood
Everything points to a synagogue massacre that DID NOT take place at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life
But there was this photo quite conveniently taken of a SWAT team member conspicuously carrying ‘the AR-15 assault rifle’ that was allegedly used in the mass shooting. State of the Nation SOTN challenges anyone on the Internet today to provide a single piece of evidence which proves conclusively that a mass shooting took place at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania on Saturday morning, October 27, 2017. No bodies, No injuries, No ambulances, No stretchers, No blood, No interviews with congregants or rabbis present, No photos of a…