Jim Fetzer and Brian Davidson [Editor’s note: We have prepared a checklist for law enforcement as guidelines in detecting and exposing staged events and “false flags” that are being used to deceive and manipulate the public. You can download the PDF from this site here. Please share this as far and wide as you can, beginning with your county sheriff and local police departments. There’s the ghost of a chance that it just might make a difference. Time is short. They want to take our guns. Act now!] LAW ENFORCEMENT…

Mona Alexis Pressly: The Thousand Oaks False Flag, Part II

“Make no mistake about it gun control is not about crook control. It’s about America control” —Derrick Grayson Mona Alexis Presley The Dispatch audio There are many questions once again with this “shooting” as in all the others. The questions from drills in the past have been answered with censorship. All Sandy Hook opposition is being taken down on the internet. Videos, articles, blogs, websites, and pictures proving these shootings are all drills with a specific agenda are quietly disappearing so the criminals can write history that match their lies.…