Patrick J. McShay, The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide the World’s Population

Patrick J. McShay “The risk of Gain Of Function research is worth the risk of a pandemic.” *Dr. Anthony Fauci- Former Director of the National Institute of Health “The COVID-19 vaccines are causing the variant strains. This program was ill-conceived, unnecessary, and is killing people!” *Dr. Luc Montagnier- World-renowned Nobel Prize-winning virologist who discovered the AIDS Virus   In 2022, a long-time immunologist and a former employee at the National Institute of Health (NIH) J. Bart Classen, PhD, wrote a bombshell peer-reviewed paper about the origin of the COVID-19 virus…

Patrick J. McShay, Will Trump Break the Hold of the Global Crime Syndicate?

Patrick J. McShay “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” — Martin Luther King Jr “Trump is someone with an ability to perceive opportunities that most politicians do not and forge powerful, sustained connections with large swaths of people in ways that no contemporary can match. In other words: He is a force of history” — John F. Harris – founding Editor and Global Editor-in-Chief of POLITICO “America Is A Free Nation Once Again!” — President Donald J. Trump (Addressing the World Economic…


Patrick J. McShay I hate to be the bearer of conspiracy news but the narrative surrounding these horrific LA fires blaming the Democrat’s mismanagement and incompetence is certainly believable, but what if what we are seeing was a planned operation. Before the San Francisco earthquake, the city had a series of big fires in the mid 1800s starting on Christmas eve in 1849 that destroyed 50 buildings before it burned itself out. It was later learned that a group of wealthy Masons, Odd Fellows, and other secret societies were behind…

Patrick J. McShay, Trump’s Cabinet: Neocon Warmongers, Zionist Traitors & Big Pharma Shills

Patrick J. McShay “Joe Biden is like a child who can’t stop breaking things” —Kayleigh McEnany, Fox News Host and Former Trump Press Secretary “When they need a hero, we will provide them with one.” — Albert Pike- 33rd degree, Freemason Occultist Grand Master and revealed The Illuminati Plan For 3 World Wars “National Security Divisions of the DOJ and FBI are the greatest domestic threats to US people and the concept of Constitutional rule of law today” — Scott Ritter- Military Analyst, Former Marine Officer, and UN Weapons Inspector…

Patrick J. McShay, Kamala Harris Is Controlled By Communists and Globalists

Patrick J. McShay “Keep voting Democrat…One day they will restrict your freedom, restrict your history, and restrict your safety. All in the name of professional victims that don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance” — Ronald Reagan, US President “It’s going to be up to us on January 6, 2025, to tell rampaging Trump mobs that he is disqualified, and then we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions”. — Jewish Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin Kamala Harris has just six days left to do something she has yet to…

Patrick J. McShay, P. Diddy and The Elite’s Satanic Ritual Sex And Pedophile Ring

Patrick J.McShay “The higher you go in the business the more wicked it gets” — Musician and Producer “Lil Rod” Jones (P. Diddy associate) The New York Post reports that Sean “P. Diddy” Combs who was arrested on charges of sex trafficking and racketeering with over a hundred victims involved, including 25 children, has had a bail request denied by a New York Federal judge and a court date has been set for May 5, 2025 Most of the articles out there are careful to say that there is no…

Patrick J. McShay, What if The First Black Female Presidential Candidate Isn’t Black?

Patrick J. McShay Donald Trump created a firestorm in July while appearing at the Association of Black Journalists when he said of Kamala Harris, “She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until some years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or Black?” Trump then said, “And you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t. Because she was Indian…

Patrick J. McShay, School Mass Shootings, Operation Gladio & American Bolshevik Revolution

Patrick J. McShay OPERATION GLADIO and the very stealthy “Strategy of Tension” paving the way for the American Bolshevik Revolution. SOTN Editor’s Note: The article posted below in its entirety is supremely important because it underscores the multi-decade criminal conspiracy to carry out an Operation Gladio-level campaign of terrorism via mass shootings against the American people. *Operation Gladio is the terrorist arm of NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) OPERATION GLADIO: The Primary Terrorist Arm Of NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) As the excerpt below indicates “Operation Gladio was a CIA-led operation that…

Patrick J. McShay, There Are Major Policy Differences Between Trump, Clueless Kam, And Tampon Tim

Patrick J. McShay “Kamala Harris Becomes The First Indian-American Woman Elected To The US Senate” — Front Page Headline of Kamala’s Hometown Paper “Tim Walz has an amazing personality, he just has terrible policies. We do not need to turn America into Minnesota” — Jack Brewer, Former Minnesota Viking and CEO of the Brewer Group Kamala Harris and her choice for Vice President, “Tampon Tim” Walz, a longtime supporter of the perverted and graphic LGBTQ agenda being forced into grade schools by liberals, put a spotlight on the sexual indoctrination…

Patrick J. McShay, Trump Assassination Attempt: Was it Allowed to Happen?

Patrick J. McShay “Trump indicted for inciting an assassination attempt” — Headline from the Babylon Bee In a bizarre statement yesterday, Joe Biden said “It’s time to put a bulls-eye on Donald Trump”. That is exactly what an unhinged Biden supporter did at Trump’s rally in Butler Pennsylvania today when a deranged Antifa supporter opened fire about ten minutes into Trump’s speech that left Trump shot in the ear, a Trump supporter seated behind him killed, and reports that two others were hit and are in critical condition. The shooter was shot…