Bharani Padmanabhan, M.D., Ph.D. The cancer of accountable care has cut American lives short The government dictates the profession of medicine in the United States. Over time the camel has fully taken over the tent, and “accountable care” and “patient care quality” means reaching a target set by the government. Not meeting these paper targets means that the government will reimburse the doctor less money for his or her work, and claim that the doctor is not good. The practice of medicine now is the practice of maximizing reimbursement. Somehow…

Mark H Gaffney, Did the Plowshares Program Set the Stage for Nuclear Terrorism on September 11?

MARK H. GAFFNEY Skeptics have pointed to the alleged absence of radiation at ground zero as proof that nuclear weapons were not used to demolish the twin towers in New York City on September 11, 2001. This argument, however, is a logical fallacy that can never rise to the level of proof because the alleged absence of radiation is not evidence of its absence. Such thinking is a red herring that, unfortunately, has set back the cause of 9/11 truth by many years. The subject of nukes has been taboo…

45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show

Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. The authors of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of national and international COVID-19 vaccine adverse events during the first two years of the rollout said their findings highlight the importance of reevaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups. The cost of injecting healthy people, “especially children,” with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits,” according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two…