Preston James and Mike Harris, Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

by Preston James and Mike Harris [Editor’s note: Although originally published on 11 March 2015, the Rothschild attempt to seize control of the world gives it current relevance–as indeed it has for world history since the creation of Israel in 1948.] The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship. Israel bombing of the Gaza Strip. Note: The history…

Preston James, The Wireless Take-Down of America: Can it be stopped?

by  Preston James Cell phones and cell phone towers, Wi-Fi, remote phones, Smartmeters and Smart grids, smart TVs, 4G, 5G, 5G millimeter, shoulder held constant-on police radios, doppler radar, small cube satellites, the now inert Soviet Woodpecker (Duma), and the new super high-tech deep-black remote inductive psychotronics. It’s all part of a well-planned covert system to hijack the minds and bodies of the American masses, to deploy America as a military and economic tool to finish bringing the whole world under corporate fascist control and mass destruction. In the process…