Mike Palecek, The Sandy Hook “Trial of the Century” Nobody Really Knows About

Mike Palecek [Editor’s note: Our first book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control (2015), was banned by amazon.com less than a month after it had been placed on sale and sold nearly 500 copies. I released it as a pdf to the public for free, where you can still download it today by putting the title in your browser. Now amazon.com has banned five more of our books–six out of a dozen, which must set the record for American journalism. This lawsuit…

Paul Craig Roberts, Who Remembers the Sandy Hook School Shootings?

Paul Craig Roberts The official explanation given of the Sandy Hook school shootings struck many people at the time as fishy.  Various aspects of the story did not seem to go together well or fit normal procedures for such a crime.  Contradictory evidence was never explained, and doubts based on evidence were ignored rather than answered.   Now a Wisconsin state judge, Frank D. Remington, has renewed doubts about the Sandy Hook event.  This was not Judge Remington’s intention.  It was the result of his summary judgment in a civil defamation lawsuit in favor of…

Carl Herman, BIG LIE that “Mass Shootings” like Sandy Hook require Gun Confiscation must be Flipped

Carl Herman Big Lie that ‘mass shootings’ like Sandy Hook require public gun confiscation must be flipped: arrest .01% US rogue state leaders to confiscate THEIR guns for shooting millions in lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, assassinating JFK, RFK, MLK, etc., etc. “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for…

Stephanie Sledge, SANDY HOOK: The Untold Story

By Stephanie Sledge December 14th, 2012 will always be remembered in history as the day criminal gangsters duped the nation and convinced the world the Sandy Hook shooting went down exactly the way it was portrayed in the AP Press and mainstream media. Sandy Hook was the continuation of prior national shootings, which intentionally spewed political rhetoric on television sets and the Internet screens of millions of people, while intermingling the agenda to confiscate guns, enact more mental health agenda, and steal more science and technology. How far will the…

Jim Fetzer, Why the Sandy Hook “Pozner v. Fetzer” Lawsuit Matters

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: My dear friend, Dr. Katherine Horton, has made some of the key documents in this case available on her website. But her description of the case is flawed and I have written to ask her to correct it to read as follows: On 17th June 2019, a Dane County Judge, the Honorable Frank Remington (Branch 8 of the Court), decided that Prof. James Fetzer and Mike Palecek had defamed Leonard Pozner by claiming that the death certificate for his son, Noah Pozner, who has been alleged…

Sandy Hook “Pozner v. Fetzer” Lawsuit: Judge Rules Against Sandy Hook Denier

Jim Fetzer As the Wisconsin State Journal reports, “A Dane County judge on Monday found that a longtime conspiracy theorist living in the village of Oregon, along with his co-defendant, defamed [Leonard Pozner] the father of a victim of the Sandy Hook massacre and allowed a trial for damages against the men to move ahead” (“Judge Rules Against Sandy Hook Denier” (17 June 2019). The story correctly reports, Pozner’s primary attorney, Jacob Zimmerman, also submitted an official copy of the death certificate, with the required embossed seal, to the court and argued…

Dr. Eowyn, The FBI says Sandy Hook school shooting was on 13 December 2012

Dr. Eowny  We are told that on the morning of December 14, 2012, a lone gunman named Adam Lanza entered the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, shot and killed 20 first-grade students and 6 adults, then shot himself dead in the back of his head. ADAM LANZA’S DECEMBER 13, 2012 DATE-OF-DEATH One of the many anomalies about Sandy Hook is Adam Lanza’s date of death. As I had first reported, on January 20, 2013, I went on GenealogyBank.com and confirmed a net rumor that Adam Lanza’s Social Security Death Index (SSDI) was listed as…

Mike Palecek, ed., PENN Magazine: Can Truth Prevail in America?

Penn Magazine June 2019 Find it here: pennmagazine.us And here: https://archive.org/details/JunePennMagazine/page/n23 Liars may seem formidable, but think of it this way. Lying is never a sign of strength, rather it’s an indicator of weakness and fear. — Mary W. Maxwell Ph.D by Mike Palecek Have you seen the video for the R.E.M. song “Man On The Moon”? The people in the bar/truck stop are singing along with the song … “if you believe … they put a man on the moon … man on the moon.” Well, it gives you…

Helping Misguided Voters: Sandy Hook Massacre Fraud, Gun Control and the Totalitarian State

Diane Richardson, a former Democrat, with research by Laura Cambria, a chronic Conservative April 10, 2015, 11:10 AM, last update October 10, 2017, 9:30 AM — see edit log at page bottom One Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against MSM For ‘Staging Sandy Hook Massacre’ Citizen Speaks Out on Sandy Hook Fraud at Connecticut State Committee Hearing, provides evidence video. Preface (April 18, 2015, 2 AM): Some of the ‘evidence’ presented on this page was forwarded as a potential RICO conspiracy to the Republican side of the US House and Senate as well as…

SANDY HOOK “Pozner v. Fetzer” Lawsuit: Defendant Fetzer’s Proposed Undisputed Findings of Fact

Jim Fetzer After filing Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment on 30 April 2019, I received a letter from the Court advising me that I could not speak for my co-defendants and otherwise would be practicing law without a license and that I had to supplement my Motion with a declaration of Proposed Undisputed Findings of Fact before the Court could consider it  So I filed both an Errata to change my submission to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and the following Proposed Undisputed Findings of Fact, which I hope will…