4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2023 (16-17 December 2023)

The 4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference will be held this coming 16-17 December 2023. Unlike past conferences, this will be FREE and broadcast LIVE. We will take questions from the audience following grouped presentations. SATURDAY (9 AM- 1 PM/CT) will feature Ace Baker, Brian Davidson, Fred Leuchter, and Jim Fetzer on false flags and their exposure, with important examples; (1-6 PM/CT) Donald Jeffries, Stephanie Sledge, and Meryl Nass on COVID, Trump, and biological warfare; (5-1` PM/CT) Giuseppe Vafangulo, Joachim Hagopian, Rima Laibow, and Jack Mullen on kill shots, genocide against the human race, questioning the WHO, and freedom & privacy. For background, download LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE…


Jack Mullen (Editor’s note) – 22 years ago, on 9/11/01, Israeli operatives, the Bush administration, Larry Silverstein, the news media, and many others helped premeditate the murders of nearly 3000 Americans using the story that nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airplanes on a suicidal mission to destroy the twin towers in NYC. The media covered extensively what was claimed to be a terrorist strike ordered and planned by Osama Bin Laden. However, as the years have passed and more extensive investigations have been published, Americans can clearly see that…

OPERATION MAUI DEW – Stephanie Sledge Discusses the Maui Firestorm False-Flag Facts with Jack Mullen

Stephanie Sledge Jack Mullen and I sat down and had a discussion over the suspicious Maui wildfires that swept through which killed hundreds of people and left an entire town demolished, people homeless, and over 1000 children have vanished. People from around the world began sending me their information they wanted to share and real citizen journalists came forward to help report the truth about what was really going on in Maui. The media began reporting their LIES as the real journalists began rising up to report the real facts.…


Stephanie Sledge On February 25, 2022, School Safety Expert and Former Law Enforcement veteran Wolfgang Halbig filed a lawsuit against the Lake County, Florida Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) and other defendants for violations of his US Constitutional first, fourth, fifth, and fourteen amendments rights. The Complaint lists a second cause as a RICO complaint, each seeking compensatory relief. The suit claims that Defendant’s unlawful acts caused damage to Wolfgang Halbig. Halbig alleges they conspired, planned, and designed their actions to embarrass him publicly, damage him economically, silence his FOIA inquiries, and…


Stephanie Sledge   As the 9th anniversary of the Newtown (Sandy Hook) shooting comes and goes, we should revisit some of the facts we have learned that came about as a direct result of the Sandy Hook shooting. 9 years ago, it was necessary to bring the Sandy hook shooting narrative aggressively to the public through the power of a totally controlled media in order to tie together more gun control agenda, health and human services, and insurance companies. Connecticut was the perfect state to perform such action as most in…


by Stephanie Sledge When I published my book last year on my research findings about the Sandy Hook alleged school shooting, I wrote a chapter about the shady lawsuit that was filed by the “victims” to hold gun manufacturers legally responsible for shootings. I also tied together the plot that insurance companies, banks, and gun manufacturers were in bed together helping disarm the nation. One year later, my suspicions of the Connecticut plot to further disarm the nation has been confirmed as Remington Arms agrees to be the fall guy.…

False Flags and Conspiracies 2020: Live Conference: Now Available Free

False Flags and Conspiracies 2020: Live Conference – Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair Master Of Ceremonies Conspiracies are as American as apple pie. In my first scholarly article about conspiracy research, “Thinking about ‘Conspiracy Theories’: 9/11 and JFK“, I explained how the principles of scientific reasoning can be applied to conspiracy theories and illustrated with regard to the current issue of The New York Times that stories on every page dealt with conspiracies. Once authentic evidence has been separate from fabricated, these cases tend to fall into familiar patterns and…

Stephanie Sledge’s Open Letter of Resignation to Veteran’s Today: Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, and Editorial Staff

Stephanie Sledge Dear Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, and Veteran’s Today Management, I am hereby submitting my resignation to be a volunteer contributing writer for Veteran’s Today as of October 23, 2020. I have written for Veteran’s Today for quite some time now. I have exposed very gruesome but brutally truthful investigative details about  the 2011 Tucson shooting, the 2012 Sandy Hook Shooting, Wal-Mart’s involvement in Opioid dealing, the Public-Private Partnership Trump set up for companies to make billions off the Coronavirus, the Communist take-down of America, and other precious articles…

Stephanie Sledge, In Tucson, the Target was the Judge, not the Congresswoman

Stephanie Sledge Roll’s Docket Judge John Roll, at the time of his assassination was presiding over hundreds of cases. These cases ranged from a blacked-out EPA toxic waste class-action lawsuit to pedophilia. The media, at the time of his murder, suppressed discussing the big cases he was presiding over. Alex Jones and his gang only focused on Roll’s 1997 Brady Bill ruling against the Clinton administration and insisted that Roll was murdered because of gun control. This was certainly a big factor considering the media war that followed the 2011…

Stephanie Sledge, Was WalMart compromises into Corona Hoax after evidence of their OpioId “Pill Mill” surfaced?

Stephanie Sledge The U.S. Prosecutor’s Office of the Eastern District of Texas (EDTX) has always been known for their special investigative skills of uncovering major drug lords. In fact –they have been one of the leading U.S. Attorney’s office in the nation to carry out President Trump’s “Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse” focusing their resources on the illegal prescribing and dispensing Opioid drugs by pharmacies and doctors. Their strategies focused on cracking down on the domestic and international drug supply chains. In 2018, Joe Brown, the U.S. attorney for EDTX,…