Edward Ring, The Algorithm of Erasure

Edward Bing   The broad definition of the word algorithm is “a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end.” This term is a perfect metaphor for the process unfolding around the world wherein, step by step, national identity and individual competence are being erased in a process that is implacable and relentless. In some cases, this algorithmic erasure is literal, expressed in every microtargeted image that hits our ubiquitous screens. But whether it’s literal or a metaphor to describe the culture being imposed upon us, our erasure…

Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Reynolds to POTUS TRUMP: Break Up Tech Monopolies – Or Lose in 2020

Jim Holt  Glenn Reynolds called on Trump on Monday to breakup the tech monopolies like his predecessor Teddy Roosevelt did back in the early 1900s. Donald Trump must bust Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google monopolies like Teddy Roosevelt. Rush discussed this article on Monday: RUSH: Glenn Harlan Reynolds, who’s a friend and a law professor at the University of Tennessee, has a column out today in USA Today saying that Trump has got… Forget prison or anything else. If Trump doesn’t get a handle on the monopolies that exist now — Facebook, Google,…