WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China?

State of the Nation OPERATION CORONA BIO-TERROR A Complex Psyop Perpetrated to Distract, Enforce Mandatory Vaccinations and Coerce China to Comply with American Demands   Everything Points to Biowarfare Being Used Against China by the Western Powers Which Seek to Contain Her Growing Power and Influence in the World Given the multiple and serious woes that China has suffered from during 2019, it comes as no surprise that the Western powers would now resort to bioweaponry. WEAPONIZED CORONAVIRUS: “Bioengineered as a self-replicating weapon system” If there’s one last hit to the…

State of the Nation, The Secret Back Story Behind the Outright Treason of Adam Schiff

State of the Nation [Editor’s note: Although this was originally published March 2019, it remains acutely relevant ant timely today, as will be obvious.] ADAM SCHIFF A Stone-cold Traitor Guilty of Spearheading a Highly Organized Conspiracy to Commit Treason and Overthrow the POTUS Schiff is also guilty of fomenting war with Russia based on a patently false pretext and bogus allegations! Very few understand that Russiagate was a highly organized Deep State conspiracy conducted by the Democrat Party to overthrow President Donald Trump and to start the hot phase of World War III…

OPERATION ELIMINATE 2A MOVEMENT: A Special Report on the Deep State-controlled Virginia Gun Rally

State of the Nation   OPERATION ELIMINATE 2A MOVEMENT What: False Flag Operation(s) at Virginia Gun Rally When: January 20, 2020 Where: Richmond, Virginia Who: Deep State + Virginia State Government + FBI’s COINTELPRO + C.I.A. + Mainstream Media How: Gladio-style Mass Shooting and/or Bombing and/or Riots Triggered by Agents Provocateurs and/or Vandalism Perpetrated by Fake Patriots and/or Shocking Crime Sprees by Crisis Actors While All of These Are Dramatized and Truth is Covered Up by the MSM Why: To Gut the Second Amendment in Virginia, followed by the Entire Nation State of the…

IMPEACHMENTgate: The Deep State Coup Conspiracy and Democrat Scandal that Will Forever Destroy their Treasonous Party

State of the Nation   IMPEACHMENTgate: A Deep State Hoax Carried Out to Distract from the Countless Democrat Scandals, Criminal Conspiracies and Coup Attempts The primary criminal conspiracy is the ongoing Deep State-directed coup d’état that continually morphs from one massive Democrat crime spree into another. State of the Nation Impeachment Fiasco Now that the Democrats have done the dirty deed, every American is compelled to ask: What in the world is really going on?!  While it appears to be very complicated, and it is, it’s really all very simple. The short answer…

State of the Nation, PELOSIgate: A Manchurian Candidate Poses Grave Danger to the American Republic

State of the Nation The PELOSI CONSPIRACY: New World Order Globalist Cabal using Deep State to execute a coup behind the coup SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé contains highly radioactive information and pertinent historical background that is vital to correctly understanding “The PELOSI CONSPIRACY”. COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility There is a treasonous plot afoot that every American must become of. At the very center of this criminal conspiracy is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Only by comprehending Pelosi’s well-concealed back story linked above can the true depth and breadth of this seditious…

Field McConnell’s Stunning Arrest: The Most Radioactive Scandal in the USA Today

State of the Nation Submitted by the Florida Pedogate Investigation Team SOTN Exclusive “Here’s both the short story and the big picture: the Pedogate perps in Broward County, Florida had Field McConnell arrested in Pierce County, Wisconsin yesterday.  Why?  Because exploding an atomic bomb in the Alt Media was preferable to detonating a hydrogen bomb in the mainstream media.  That’s why!” — Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer Even very few Pedogate investigators and researchers know, but the world capital for the global child exploitation syndicate is Broward County, Florida. There are several reasons for this fact of…

State of the Nation, Democrat’s 2020 Strategy to Overthrow Trump & THE THREE WITCHES

State of the Nation As Pelosi ‘prorogues’ the House, a dangerous precedent is set as the balance of power is forever altered. Let’s be clear, everything about the rush to impeach President Trump has been highly irregular and suspect. That’s because what the Democrats are doing is quite obviously unlawful and patently seditious. As Speaker of the House, Nancy “the Knife” Pelosi has acted in a manner that is so scandalous, they’re now calling it IMPEACHMENTgate. In order to properly grasp what Pelosi and her co-conspirators are really doing on…

OPERATION GLADIO: El Paso and Dayton Targeted with False Flag Mass Shootings to Further Terrorize the American People into Giving Up their Guns

State of the Nation NWO Cabal Will Not Stop StagingMass Shootings Until the Guns Have Been Taken Away “THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE UNDER CONSTANT ATTACK BY DARK FORCES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC … … … AND THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW IT!” — Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer State of the Nation Clearly, Deep State is creating every opportunity between now and Election Day to make serious gun control the number campaign issue for the Democrats. The spate of weekend mass shootings is obviously being carried out by Operation Gladio. This is exactly how…

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation

Globalists Use Geoengineers to Conduct False Flag Environmental Terrorism to Distract from Election Theft “Operation Torch California is a very real ongoing black operation being conducted by the U.S. Intelligence Community in collusion with Operation Gladio.  These false flag terrorist attacks are first and foremost a highly sophisticated psyop.  They have many goals.  And they will continue until California has been completely subjugated by the globalists.” — Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer State of the Nation The apocalyptic firestorms that have afflicted the state of California over the…

HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!

OCTOBER SURPRISE The New World Order Globalist Cabal Uses Weather Warfare Against the American People Every Hurricane Season State of the Nation Hurricane Michael is only the most recent weather weapon launched by the globalist-controlled geoengineers at the U.S. coastline and heartland. There are multiple reasons why the globalists are directing this Cat. 4 Hurricane at the Florida Panhandle. Midterm Elections 2018 First and foremost, this superstorm is being sent to Tallahassee, Florida the state capital.  Not only will the state government be entirely preoccupied with the aftermath of the storm for…