William de Berg Media pundits and leading politicians claim Russia’s intervention in Ukraine will be Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “Waterloo”,[1] a reference to the final, crushing defeat of Napoleon’s forces in 1815 in what is now present-day Belgium. They may have it backwards, though: The real Waterloo analogy may be better applied to the collapse of Putin’s opponent—the Anglo-American Bilderberger/NATO empire in the West. Afghanistan has often been referred to as the “graveyard of empires”, but this bears little historical reality.[2] Alexander the Great conquered the satrapies in Afghanistan and…
Tag: Ukraine
Patrick McShay, Ukrainian Corruption, Our Crooked Politicians, and The Jewish Agenda
Patrick McShay “We are not only fighting for Ukraine, we are fighting for the New World Order“. — Kira Rudik, Ukrainian Member of Parliament “Russia should go into Ukraine to remove the criminals there whose money laundering operations keep the fake Joe Biden regime afloat, Russia should also go into France and remove the Rothschild puppet Macron too. My understanding is that MI6 and Pentagon brass would not interfere with such a move because it is necessary for planetary liberation.” — Benjamin Fulford, Journalist “If I put on glasses and look at myself like the whole…
Mike Whitney, The Man Who Sold Ukraine
Mike Whitney Volodymyr Zelensky is the current President of Ukraine. He was elected in a landslide victory in 2019 on the promise of easing tensions with Russia and resolving the crisis in the breakaway republics in east Ukraine. He has made no attempt to keep his word on either issue. Instead, he has greatly exacerbated Ukraine’s internal crisis while relentlessly provoking Russia. . Zelensky has had numerous opportunities to smooth things over with Moscow and prevent the outbreak of hostilities. Instead, he has consistently made matters worse by blindly following Washington’s…
Veronica Swift, What’s the Deal with Ukraine?
Veronica Swift World events make a lot more sense when you look at them from the perspective of Luciferians vs. the rest of us. This is about kids & witchcraft, not Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine is a hotbed of Satanic/Demonic/Luciferian activity, military, satanic family bloodlines and more, including a large Nazi faction. An Elderly Ukranian woman claims that the Ukranian army is the one looting homes, stealing cars and destroying property, not the Russians. (1) A Ukranian man doesn’t have much nice to say about Ukraine, calling the people there…
President Vladimir Putin | “Empire of Lies” Speech – February 24, 2022
Vladimir Putin [Editor’s note: My colleague, Michael Ivey, has just written to me as follows: Before this morning, I had not heard/read this speech from Putin given on Feb. 24. I had seen another one that was given to the Russian people on Feb. 21 and I thought that THAT was the one people were talking about — but I was wrong — THIS is the one that people were saying contained so many “truth bombs”. Transcript: Vladimir Putin’s Televised Address on Ukraine. Read more at BloombergQuint.] A week…
Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11 (10 February 2015)
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor [Editor’s note: Things could become very interesting with the United States taking Russia to task and attacking its banking and financial interests by removing it from SWIFT and cutting off commerce, which is going to have a devastating effect upon not only Russia’s economy but that of the world as well. As Barack Obama observed, “Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to f— things up!” Among them may be the release of proof that the US attacked itself on 9/11, which I have documented elsewhere: 9/11…
Paul Craig Roberts Saw It Coming: Walking into Armageddon (5 December 2017)
Paul Craig Roberts [Editor’s note: I have long admired Paul Craig Roberts and regard him as our nation’s leading public intellectual. He observed and anticipated the course of events as early as 5 December 2017. We have further confirmation of the motives for demonizing Putin over Ukraine from Investment Watch Blog: And I have no doubt that these observations are more accurate and on the mark than anything you are hearing and seeing from the MSM, not only CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS but Fox News as well, alas!] Dear…
The ECONOMIC SUICIDE of the West is now under way… Severe economic sanctions against Russia will END the dollar as the global reserve currency
Mike Adams (Natural News) Today’s urgent Situation Update podcast (see below) connects the dots and reveals why the West’s economic sanctions against Russia have actually set into motion a series of events which will inevitably lead to the end of the dollar and the collapse of America as we know it. If you want to jump right to the podcast, you can find it at this link on Brighteon.com. To understand why the dollar is now doomed, first realize that the petro dollar status of the US dollar made it the…
Joachim Hagopian, International Crime Cabal’s War in Ukraine. Potential WWIII Endgame? A Bigger Picture Perspective
Joachim Hagopian Sometime around 1603, the world’s most famous poet-playwright William Shakespeare wrote: All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances The same can be said for all nations, civilizations, cabals and genocidal democides as they all come and go. With today’s highly deceptive world stage set and choreographed with monolithic script-reading robots, all mouthing the same false daily headlines in unison obedience to their BlackRock and Vanguard owning puppet masters that control over 90% of the US media outlets, over four centuries…
Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine
Shlomo Ezagui [Editor’s note: While this was originally published 18 March 2014 (Jerusalem and Zhitomir, 16 March/Adar II 14), it’s interest remains current in relation to developments in Ukraine.] (Our Russian and Ukrainian correspondents Hirsh Ostropoler and I. Z. Grosser-Spass also contributed to this story, delayed due to the crisis over the Crimean referendum.) Fast-breaking Developments Followers of Middle Eastern affairs know two things: always expect the unexpected, and never write off Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who has more political lives than the proverbial cat. Only yesterday came news that Syrian…