BOMBSHELL: Senate Report On Hunter Biden Corruption Is DEVASTATING–Ties to Ukraine, China, Moscow, and Suspected Human Trafficking Ring

K. Walker The new allegations against the former Vice President’s son, Hunter, are absolutely explosive! For a guy who appeared to like to get paid for doing nothing, Hunter Biden sure was busy! The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) and the Committee on Finance have released their report on Hunter Biden and it is an 87-page wild ride! Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley(R-IA) launched the investigation after he raised concerns over conflict-of-interest regarding the sale of a U.S. company to a Chinese firm that had…

Patrick J. McShay, The Deep State, the IMF and the Fleecing of Ukraine

by Patrick J. McShay “Communism is Jewish Cabalism, a Satanic Cult that inverts reality and morality” — Eustace Mullin, Author of “The Secrets of The Federal Reserve” “The impeachment farce is basically a Jewish Affair” — Israeli Daily Haaretz I’ve written quite a bit about the unrelenting vitriol directed at President Trump by members of the media, especially so from Jewish members of the media. I’ve also written that the vast majority of the Jewish members of the Congress and Senate are Democrats with dual Israeli citizenship who are the…

Paul Craig Roberts, Trump Is History and So Is the USA

Paul Craig Roberts When I read this evening in The Hill, which I mistakenly thought was a legitimate news publication rather than a weapon against President Trump and the Republicans, that the documented fact that Joe Biden and his son received between them $1,750,000 for preventing any Ukrainian investigation of the corrupt firm Burisma was mere unsupported “allegation,” and that the Trump Department of Justice had indicted two associates of Rudy Giuliana, President Trump’s most fervent supporter, for “campaign finance violations,” a very elastic term, it became completely clear that Trump’s own…

Mike Adams, Pelosi’s surrender to the lunatic impeachment fringe of the Democrat party may push America to civil war

Mike Adams (Natural News) Nancy Pelosi just couldn’t resist the fringe lunatics any longer. Earlier today, she caved to the madness of the Democrat crowds and agreed to pursue an attempted impeachment of President Trump over yet another fabricated, media-hyped hoax. The “Russia collusion” hoax just won’t die, it seems, as long as the New York Times or Washington Post still has yet more fake “anonymous sources” to dream up. And while the fake news media is fabricating fake treason accusations against Trump, the lunatic fringe of the Democrat party…