Claudio Resta, A 60 years old Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

By Claudio Resta           JFK assassination and the secrecy of Dimona, USS Liberty and 9/11 “What can you tell me about this ?” asked JFK to Shimon Peres, Israel’s Foreign Minister about what kind of nuclear program Israel was doing in 1963, whether civil or military… ‘ When Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as…

Joachim Hagopian, The Elites’ Genocidal Agenda to Render the Human Species Extinct

Joachim Hagopian On December 3rd I spoke for an hour on the topic of the genocidal agenda as part of James Fetzer’s False Flag and Conspiracies conference. Below is the full transcript: I’m honored to be part of this amazing False Flags conference sponsored by my dear friend Dr. James Fetzer. Jim and I go back quite a few years to our days as fellow Veterans Today columnists. It was Jim Fetzer who first suggested that I write the book on pedophilia, way back now over five and a half years ago. I…

Philip Geraldi, Putting an End to Zelensky’s Follies

By Philip Giraldi One week ago, the Ukrainian government may have deliberately attacked neighbor Poland in an attempt to draw the NATO alliance into its war with Russia. The incident involved a missile that hit a grain processing site inside Poland and killed two farmers. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky immediately blamed Russia for the incident even though he surely must have known that the missile had been fired from Ukraine, meaning that he may have been using a so-called “false flag” to create a false narrative of what had occurred. He…

Stephanie Sledge’s Open Letter of Resignation to Veteran’s Today: Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, and Editorial Staff

Stephanie Sledge Dear Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, and Veteran’s Today Management, I am hereby submitting my resignation to be a volunteer contributing writer for Veteran’s Today as of October 23, 2020. I have written for Veteran’s Today for quite some time now. I have exposed very gruesome but brutally truthful investigative details about  the 2011 Tucson shooting, the 2012 Sandy Hook Shooting, Wal-Mart’s involvement in Opioid dealing, the Public-Private Partnership Trump set up for companies to make billions off the Coronavirus, the Communist take-down of America, and other precious articles…