Jack Mullen With a match one has no need of a lever; one does not lift up the world, one burns it. – —The Fire in the Minds of Men In the State of Virginia we can find the essence…

Jack Mullen With a match one has no need of a lever; one does not lift up the world, one burns it. – —The Fire in the Minds of Men In the State of Virginia we can find the essence…
By Jack Heart & Orage Introduction “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Nothing could be written any more clearly than this one sentence, yet globalist lackeys insist that it is open to interpretation by cowards, simians and dialecticians, each one dumber than the last one. A line has been drawn in the sand at the same place it always is in America; Virginia. It will be tested on Monday, Martin…
Mike Adams (Natural News) After passing extremely restrictive anti-gun legislation in early 2020, Virginia has a plan to deploy roadblocks at both the county and state levels to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens (at gunpoint, of course) as part of a deliberate effort to spark a shooting war with citizens, sources are now telling Natural News. Some might choose to dismiss such claims as speculation, but these sources now say that Virginia has been chosen as the deliberate flashpoint to ignite the civil war that’s being engineered by globalists. Their…
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