Joachim Hagopian
On March 17th, the International Criminal Court in Hague issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin based on his so-called “war crimes.” This is the same criminal court that ignored Reiner Fuellmich’s open and shut case presenting all the evidence against the elites’ global conspiracy to commit a fake COVID pandemic to sinisterly induce panic in the world population in order to premeditatedly inject billions with bioweapon poisons proven to kill millions across the planet. Pretending to be blind to hardcore criminal evidence and then a year later falsely accuse Putin of war crimes when all along he is simply asserting his nation’s right to national sovereignty protecting his homeland’s national security is absurd.
It’s an insult to our intelligence to think this corrosively corrupt judicial body is even capable of fairly prosecuting any crimes when it ignores and shields known genocidal predators committing history’s most deadly crime against humanity ever perpetrated on this earth. On March 20th, in response to the ICC’s preposterous arrest warrant against Putin, Russia’s Investigative Committee launched a criminal countersuit against the ICC prosecutor that filed the bogus case and the three ICC judges that accepted to hear the case. As last week’s first shot across the bow against Russia, fast closing in on victory in Ukraine, it’s yet another politically motivated move out of sheer desperation in league with the West’s arrogance calling for regime change in Russia.
Then on March 20th, globalist Western puppet, unelected UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with his foreign ministry announced that UK is sending depleted uranium ammunition to Zelensky to use in the Donbass, deploying it in shells fired from British sent Challenger tanks. This high-density, radioactive poison in both UK’s armor plated vehicles and their artillery shell munitions takes the war to a whole new hellish level, right down the slippery slope of tactical nuke dirty bombs as next step to full blown nuclear war.
Last October, Russia accused Ukraine of planning to set off a dirty bomb made from its nuclear materials left over from the Soviet days. Once Russia discovered evidence of this plan and released it to the press, the West immediately resorted to its favorite M.O. whenever caught in any nefarious activity, projecting the very same allegations back onto its intended victim of the very same crime it in fact is guilty of. A prime example is Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland a year ago when she was caught operating several dozen US Department of Defense funded bioweapon labs in Ukraine, immediately accusing Russia of intent to imminently use them against Ukraine and the United States.
Meanwhile, for over three decades US military veterans have been suffering ill health effects from operating depleted uranium on multiple warfronts. But the local native populations wherever the US has deployed this deadly radioactive toxin has been permanently harming victims with far worse effects. A brief history of depleted uranium left on US battlefields is extremely disturbing. The US allied forces are the only perpetrators in the world that have wantonly used this poison with total disregard for the well-being of local civilian populations in many war zones, starting with Bush senior’s 1991 US Gulf War in Kuwait and Iraq, then in Clinton’s balkanization of Yugoslavia in 1999, again in Bush junior’s war in Iraq after 2003, also in the Afghanistan War, in Libya and in Syria as recently as 2015. Cancer rates, kidney disease, and developmental birth defects skyrocket wherever this radioactive poison has been left.
As an example, after depleted uranium was used in 2004 in Fallujah, Iraq, birth defects spiked 15 times higher than the year before, and to this day it’s still devastating the health of the Iraqi people. The powdered residue ends up airborne, breathed into the lungs as well as seeping into the ground and water, continuing for many years to come to this day to permanently wreak havoc with deadly implications for future generations of exposed victims. If murdering innocent civilians in Eastern Europe, Middle East and now again in Eastern Europe in the Donbass region fails to wake people up about the diabolical forces controlling the West’s intent to ignite a larger war in Ukraine into an Armageddon endgame, then nothing will. Knowing they’re running out of time with Russia defeating Ukraine, the bloodline controllers’ dirty secrets of how they’ve misused and abused Ukraine as their drug-pedophilia playground for many decades, they’d now rather ignite nuclear war first, sacrificing all of Europe than lose power, control and their earthly lives.
UK’s depleted uranium deal was Deep State cabal’s way of coercing Zelensky to succumb to US/UK pressure to hold the line, still mouthing the insane demands that Crimea and the four annexed acquisitions belonging to Russia must be returned to Ukraine, pure fantasy with zero reality of ever happening. Just last month Ukraine destroyer Victoria Nuland said that the US supports and encourages Ukraine’s attacks on Crimea.
Back when Saudi Arabia was a US Empire Petro-dollar puppet, the Saudis and perennial US enemy Iranians were coerced into hostile enemy camps, despite both being fellow Middle Eastern Muslims. But with the hegemonic Anglo-American-Zionist Empire days run by the Khazarian mafia now winding down, in recent months recognizing the global power shift making China and Russia the winner and US the loser, the House of Saud decided to join BRICS, sidling up to the Eastern powers including longtime rival Iran. On March 10th while US banks were historically failing and the Biden clown show fast sinking US power, strength and prestige to an all-time historical low, of course by globalist design, China as the emerging world power successfully brokered the historic peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, normalizing their diplomatic relations after seven years. Out with the old, in with the new.
Then on March 20th, for the first time in a quarter century, Saudi Arabian King Salman invited the Iran President Ebrahim Raisi for an official visit to further develop mutual friendship and regional stability. With continued US dominance in the Middle East, this would have never been allowed to happen. Especially after the humiliation of its disgraceful retreat from Afghanistan, the US no longer wields the authority or substantive power in the Middle East, its weakened reputation globally, be it acting on its own or subserviently still doing the evil bidding of apartheid Israel.
UK’s despicable announcement to send depleted uranium was intentionally timed with China’s third term leader Xi Jinping’s arrival for his three-day strategy planning parlay with Vladimir Putin in Moscow on March 20th. In response to Britain’s overt provocation, Putin stated:
[Russia] will be forced to react accordingly, bearing in mind that the collective West has already started to use weapons with a nuclear component.
On Wednesday March 22nd Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin warned:
The war to the last Ukrainian could become a war to the last European, [adding the next step] could be the use of a dirty bomb by the Kiev regime or the deployment of a tactical nuclear weapon.
Putin responded to British sending tanks and depleted uranium, stating:
If this happens, Russia will be forced to respond accordingly, given that the West collectively is already beginning to use weapons with a nuclear component. It looks like the West indeed intends to fight Russia until the last Ukrainian.
On March 21st as Xi Jinping and Putin shook hands saying goodbye in Moscow, Xi told the press:
Change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years. And we are driving this change together.
On March 22nd, a week after two Russian fighter jets downed an American $32 million MQ-9 Reaper drone spying over the Black Sea that provides intelligence for Ukraine to carry out missile strikes against Russian ships and other military targets, the US defiantly said there would be more drones flying over the Black Sea. The Kremlin warned that it will respond with “countermeasures.” Sadly, the US/West/NATO/Kiev have collectively violated so many of Russia’s red flags, the West now smugly, arrogantly doesn’t believe Russia has neither the teeth nor gumption to back up their warnings, leading to yet more transgressions. The DC neocons simply don’t believe any of Moscow’s ultimatums. They are in for a rude awakening when the change that Xi referred to is coming sooner than later.
Despite all these flagrant provocations from the West, Putin said he is open to “negotiating a peace process” on Ukraine with China acting as mediator. Of course, the problem is the US puppets obeying their bloodline masters’ orders will never allow Ukraine to negotiate an exit plan out of its ongoing bloodbath. On March 19th, White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby declared that any “call for a ceasefire” in Ukraine is “unacceptable.”
Again, the Satanic cabal is living and dying by what goes down in Ukraine, and since the controllers know they’re losing everything due to their now lost “devil’s playground,” as Ukraine goes down, so do they. Ukrainians are simply being used as cannon fodder for predatory Satanists that literally feed off mass human death and destruction. Just prior to Xi’s arrival, due to the aggressive US foreign war policy, Putin released statements saying Russia and China are historically the closest ever as vital allied neighbors and leading partners in the multipolar world of their making, having this to say about the US and West:
Sticking more stubbornly than ever to its obsolete dogmata and vanishing dominance, the ‘Collective West’ is gambling on the fates of entire states and peoples. The US’s policy of simultaneously deterring Russia and China, as well as all those who do not bend to the American dictation, is getting ever more fierce and aggressive. The international security and cooperation architecture is being dismantled. Russia has been labelled an ‘immediate threat’ and China a ‘strategic competitor.’
Addressing the US fixation on retaining its unipolar hegemony, Putin wrote:
The crisis in Ukraine, which was provoked and is being diligently fuelled by the West, is the most striking, yet not the only, manifestation of its desire to retain its international dominance and preserve the unipolar world order. It is crystal clear that NATO is striving for a global reach of activities and seeking to penetrate the Asia-Pacific. It obvious that there are forces persistently working to split the common Eurasian space into a network of “exclusive clubs” and military blocs that would serve to contain our countries’ development and harm their interests. This won’t work.
After helping broker normalized relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, China was handed the greenlit gauntlet from Putin and Zelensky to negotiate a ceasefire in Ukraine, a win-win for the entire world. With China Kiev’s biggest trading partner, as recently as March 22nd Zelensky spokesman Andriy Yermak is quoted in Newsweek:
As President Zelensky has repeatedly said, we expect dialogue between President Zelensky and President Xi to take place very soon.
But with US neocons making it clear that Washington will not relent from its hardline stance of no peace talks for Kiev despite knowing Ukraine’s a lost cause, currently its soldiers being chewed up with a four-hour lifespan on the battlefield, the US will not tolerate peace. Predictably submitting to US pressure after Xi’s Moscow visit, a day later Newsweek was compelled to post the headline: “’No Hope’: Ukraine Lawmakers Dismiss China Peace Talk After Putin-Xi Meet.” Such bullshit. Puppet Zelensky and his Ukraine lawmaking puppets answer to the US puppet that in turn answers to its bloodline puppet masters, end of story.
Despite nixing any chance for world peace as the much needed off ramp for Zelensky and Ukraine to both save face and their nation from total destruction, now the world knows that the United States never desires peace. Warmongering DC neocons idly stand by with “a sense of unease” after China’s peace proposal, nervous that the rest of the world will realize the last thing on earth the US wants is peace in Ukraine. This desperate neocon strategy is doomed to fail as the world is painfully aware that history shows the US government is a violent pariah and enemy threat to the entire planet. Categorically rejecting any possibility of a negotiated peaceful settlement, the world sees the US and puppet Zelensky coldly preferring Ukraine be literally sacrificed, pulverized to death in the Russian meatgrinder. But the Washington neocons are simply puppets following their Satanic bloodline masters’ marching orders – pushing humanity to nuclear holocaust prior to elites losing their power and lives going down in flames.
America’s arrogant hubris, brutish bullying and lust for war has thoroughly alienated the United States from the rest of the world. What is really a war crime is not providing Ukraine the opportunity to avoid complete annihilation because the US and its puppet masters refuse it any other way than have Ukraine be their cannon fodder. Since the globalists cannot win this war, they are punishing the people of Donbass with depleted uranium and the people of Ukraine with far more bloodshed. What’s left of the depleted, defeated Ukrainian forces and their demolished homeland will be sacrificed until Russia seizes control over the Kiev government, forcing Zelensky out, though a coup from Ukraine’s military is likely.
Based on US’s emphatic rejection of China’s peace proposal, the consensus of nation states is ultimately forced to recognize that America is the dangerous divider and globalist antagonist, always insisting on war, never wanting peace in this world. History alone bears this fact out. Xi’s final words to Putin before leaving Russia speak volumes – a great change is coming as balance of global power shifts radically from West to East. It serves as a blunt reminder that the American century was last century, not this one.
Illustration of this fact was witnessed this week in the South China Sea. As China expands both its regional and budding global control, it was confronted with echoes of America’s unipolar past feebly attempting to reassert itself with a little muscle flexing, hanging onto its US naval fleet prowess dominating the seven seas. China detected US guided-missile destroyer the USS Milius near the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea on March 23rd, the same islands also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. But de facto claims by China maintain the territory is a possession belonging exclusively to Beijing. A senior Chinese military officer insists that China “warned off” the US warship as tensions between these two adversaries mount. China’s Navy was prepared to “take all necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty, security as well as peace and stability” in the region. Of course, in face-saving denial, the US asserts that its ship was not driven away by China’s warnings at all. A US naval spokesman maintaining the US was simply “conducting routine operations in the South China Sea and was not expelled.” The state of our world again is on ever-high, trigger-happy tensions now.
This latest confrontive episode on the high seas is human display of the animal territoriality instinct, comparable to a cockfight where the two biggest, baddest roosters [or teenage thugs] are threateningly posturing, ready to strike death blows at each other over their disputed turf… sadly pathetic, fittingly true… a prepping rehearsal for the war to come over Taiwan.
Another related US military maneuver worth noting is America’s redeployment next month of its more recent warplanes from the Middle East to the Asian Pacific region in anticipation again of war against China. As a replacement in the Middle East, the US is sending its 40-year old attack planes the A-10s on the heels of China’s brokered deal normalizing relations between the two most powerful Islamic rival nations in the region, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
The bottom line militarily in the Ukraine is that once the Donbass, the port of Odesa and Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea is cut off in the south, and Moscow’s mop up operation secures all four annexed regions, Putin will then accomplish his strategic objectives and the war for all intents and purposes will be over. Pushing the warfront west of the Dnieper River to pursue a defeated, retreating Ukraine army all the way to Kiev is an option Putin will likely mercifully not choose if peace talks are on the table.
In addition to UK’s latest uranium roadblock intent on sabotaging peace prospects, Poland’s ambassador to France threatened if Ukraine cannot defend itself, then will jump into the fray and fight Russia. These European puppets acting on behalf of their bloodline controllers are aggressively intent on destroying any chance for peace to avoid the larger Third World War in Europe. This comes days after Poland announced it will be the first NATO member sending its Russian made MiG-29 fighter jets to Kiev.
Another provocative act of brazen war escalation came from Canada’s foreign minister on March 10th, openly stating that Canada’s policy toward Moscow is to seek regime change. Russian foreign ministry called the Canadian ambassador in to lodge a formal complaint. One can easily see where all these desperate order-following warmongers from the reckless suicidal West are attempting to force more than just Ukrainian blood be spilled in a wider war in Europe overtly instigated against Russia. This latest wave of escalated Western assault on Moscow from every angle, as much as it’s pure demonic insanity that threatens survival of the entire human species, it also reflects the sheer desperation that the earth rulers in the Rothschild-Rockefeller-royal black nobility bloodlines that would rather kill off humanity before they themselves get exterminated. Signs of their growing desperation are visible everywhere, unprecedentedly unfolding daily.
In yet another desperado move, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is planning a “special envoy” for Belarus. George Soros working hand-in-hand with the DC neocons are once again at it, plotting yet more purple revolution regime change against Russia’s most stalwart European ally and only friendly neighbor in Europe as every single other European nation sharing Russia’s western border is a hostile NATO member, hankering to bring NATO/US/West directly into world war against Russia beyond Ukraine’s border. Belarusian terrorist provocateurs with strong support from Lithuania have carried out recent failed operations in Belarus in recent months. But New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen as senior member of the US Foreign Relations Committee pointed out to Blinken:
There is no one [on behalf of Belarus] who could encourage the Europeans and the US to work together or to serve as a conduit for the opposition movement.
It makes perfect sense why the powerful senator wife married to Bill Shaheen, America’s biggest money laundering kingpin identified by whistleblower Mike Gill, might want to turn anti-globalist Russia’s only non-hostile European neighbor Belarus against Putin. Gill holds evidence that New Hampshire’s alleged mafia ringleader Bill Shaheen runs a $932 billion money laundering drug and human trafficking scheme.
Again, for nearly eight decades now strict US foreign policy toward its Cold War enemy Russia and lesser extent China has been to encircle with US nukes on Russia’s doorstep aimed at Moscow. So, establishing an official “envoy” in place, complete with NGO/CIA allied boots on the ground Belarusian terrorists the US can call Belarusian “freedom fighters” (not unlike the installed neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine 9 years ago), actively overthrowing Belarusian duly elected President Alexander Lukashenko as Putin’s strongest and only European allied partner, smacks of déjà vu of Victoria Nuland’s 2014 illegal US coup in Kiev.
Meeting with top Washington officials this last week is Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, the apparent US pick to be Washington’s next installed puppet, professing the West’s false claim of democracy. It’s reminiscent of John McCain coddling Washington’s secret Middle East proxy war ally ISIS, portrayed in MSM as the world’s largest terrorist organization in America’s created “war on terror.” DC neocons are shamelessly sinking to the lowest diabolical depths of evil in its pathological fixation to their dying breath to overthrow Vladimir Putin at all cost. This lends credibility that Putin actually is an anti-globalist fighting the West’s corrosively corrupt and sinister war-drug-pedophilia driven New World Order enslavement and not just the elite’s controlled opposition figure. After the fall of Ukraine, time will tell.
Meanwhile, weather geoengineering controllers ensured that Russia’s planned winter offensives never materialized due to an unseasonably warm winter keeping the ground in the south of Ukraine unfrozen, and spring mud may even delay scheduled spring offensives. Though the Western media often mentions a Ukraine spring offensive, it’s likely just false propaganda hot air to keep the delusion of a protracted, still winnable war for Ukraine alive – total wishful thinking lies. But with all this escalation unleashed by the Western puppets every day, obviously it raises the stakes where we might all lose. Following strict bloodline masters’ orders, the US/West keeps relentlessly provoking WWIII, leaving Russia, China, Iran and North Korea with little choice but to respond. But then that’s what warmongers want – war.
It appears imminent that demonic despots are pushing a WWIII countdown in Europe to coincide with just their long-planned world banking collapse. Planetary controllers have become so desperate, that in response to their power fast diminishing with lost revenue from organized crime activities in Ukraine’s devil’s playground, the Satanists are now bent on taking all of humanity down with them. But too much awakened pushback from world citizenry resisting and opposing the enemy will not let it happen.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.
The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like , and currently as well as . As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled , his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at . Joachim also hosts the weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).
An excellent article from American Thinker….
“America now has a two-tiered justice system: — Trump is indicted while Clinton pays a small fine — Antifa & BLM rioters roam free while Jan 6 protesters are imprisoned without bail — Douglass Mackey faces 10 years for the same joking memes that Kristina Wong posts with impunity”
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The Dersch tells it like it is re Trump’s indictment: (this will never go to trial)
More from Dershowitz:
Alvin Bragg Or Grand Jury Member Could Face 5 Years In Prison, Dershowitz Says
“If Alvin Bragg is looking for a felony in the case he has brought against former President Donald Trump he may want to look in the mirror, in his office or at his grand jury.
Legal scholar and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz said, in an interview and in an op-ed, that whoever leaked the sealed indictment is the person guilty of the only felony, in his opinion, in this case.,
“It is likely that a serious felony has been committed right under District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s nose and he is not investigating it. Under New York law, it is a felony to leak confidential grand jury information, such as whether the jurors voted to indict. The protection of secrecy is as applicable to President Trump as it is to anyone else,” the attorney said in an op-ed for The New York Sun.
No kinetic war needed. They are bringing us down from the inside…another coincidental train derailment….yep…just a coinkydink. Add a military diluted with trannys and it’s over. Plan accordingly. Stock up and arm up.
The recent Nashville is a total HOAX. File: dead girl wearing different sneakers than when she walked into the school.
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So many are buying into this ff in Nashville. Goes to what’s happening to the general IQ in this country. Even most on ZH and Whatfinger think it’s real. Truly disheartening.
It’s a brilliant strategy from the left, though, since those on the right will happily blame a “tranny” for this shooting…..rather than see through the obvious psyop.
Change of shoes for the School shooter girl.
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Absolutely, Don!!
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More re the sneakers!
Proof that the Nashville shooting was a staged event, fake
Courtesy of Max Malone, with help from Jeff Rense.
Jim Stone’s take:
Knocked offline, SANDY HOOK 2.0
My internet got cut right when I was onto something big.
Others have probably nailed this by now, I am just picking up where I left off two days ago.
The shooting is provably another Sandy Hook. The objective was to get mental screening for everyone before firearms purchases with the storly line behind it being that a whacked out trans on antidepressants shot up a school. ONLY NO.
What actually happened:
Last year this school had an active shooter drill. That drill was recorded by police body cams. In that drill, the death scene at the end was not done, and I am guessing (only a guess) the doors of the school were not shot out. I was in the process of nailing down precisely where the shoes on the shooter changed and was getting better quality stuff than other people were posting. I got a nice clear shot of the entire death scene that was better than anything else posted at that time, complete with full context so there’s no mistaking what it was:
And I found the holy grail video that showed the other pair of shoes super clearly (as clear as the photo above) with them all black and white and with the full context clear shot of the “shooter”, went to capture it, and everything shut off. Internet gone. I am back online today with a different carrier. It was a local FOX broadcast that had it. I am going to go back through the history and see if I can click into it from the history but for this part I am working offline and will do an ambush post, for whatever it is worth with incomplete info.
I was convinced the shoe story was real because stuff like that is damn near never wrong, but the way it was originally presented left it open to trolls saying “That’s out of context” and “those shoes only look all black and white because the security cameras did not capture the colors correctly” so I set out to prove it was real by finding the best of the best frames that immistakably proved it with full context and clarity. Trolls even went as far as saying “The white and black shoes are not even from the shooting”, hoping people would just go away from the topic. I was getting all excited about FINALLY capturing the black and white shoes so clearly within the same frame that had perfect context that the trolls were definitely proven liars, was inching back and forth through the frames to get the best possible shot and BOOM, everything cut. I was offline.
I am just going to say it:
This trans shooting is a hoax, and Sandy Hook was a hoax, and Alex was wrongfully prosecuted. I am not going to eat a line of bullshit about the shooter changing shoes in the middle of a shooting like some trolls said to boot; Sandy Hook was staged in an empty school that had been shut down for demolition, and I’d bet this school was empty too. Let’s see if they demolish it. They demolished the Bat Man theater too. Why? Because NO ONE was to be allowed in to see what really went on.
I saw the video of the doors being shot out from the inside of the school with the shooter too obscured to see, the video cut and did not even show the shooter going through the broken glass. Probably because it was “too dangerous”, maybe that video does exist but everything I came across just showed the glass breaking, and then suddently the “shooter” was walking around inside the school. Makes no sense. If the doors really were shot out, and that’s on video, the shooter ought to enter on video too, right? I did not find that.
Here is what I found: Two sets of video, one from a previous drill, with one pair of shoes, and another with a different pair of shoes, spliced together where the doors were shot out recently and a death scene was shot out recently and they could not have the shooter on video entering because the shoes changed and/or because broken glass is dangerous. Maybe. Who knows how they stitched together this lie, but the shoes blew it. Shoulda had a guy do it, he’d have had the same pair of shoes available for the closing scenes a year later!!!
Just a surface reading of this article throws it out of reality. Another killer – this time female! – armed with two rifles and a handgun(!) kills three adults and three kids at a Christian school. Sound familiar?
Highlight from the article: “Mike Bloomberg gun control affiliate Shannon Watts blamed the shooting on the law that allows law-abiding citizens to permitlessly carry a handgun for self-defense.”
Police: Female Shooter Kills 3 Students at Nashville Christian School
The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department held a press conference on Monday’s Covenant School shooting and indicated the attacker who killed three students was a female.
Breitbart News reported that three children were killed in the attack Monday, but details on the attacker were not known.
The MNPD press conference revealed the attacker was as female who not only killed three children, but three adults as well.
MNPD noted the female “[appeared] to be in her teens” and she was shot and killed by police.
She was armed with two rifles and a handgun.
MNPD spokesman Don Aaron said, “Officers entered the first story of the school, began clearing it, they heard shots coming second level, they immediately went to the gunfire. When the officers got to the second level, they saw a shooter, a female, who was firing. The officers engaged her and she was fatally shot by responding police officers.”
Aaron said the female attacker entered the school through a side entrance.
Mike Bloomberg gun control affiliate Shannon Watts blamed the shooting on the law that allows law-abiding citizens to permitlessly carry a handgun for self-defense.
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Superb comment on the article that follows:
Imagine being a Democrat right now…
you believed the piss dossier was real
you believed the Govt spying on a domestic political campaign is “justified”
you believed your neighbors were phantom Nazis
you believed the President was a Russian spy
you believed open borders and diversity “are our greatest strengths”
you believed an upper respiratory infection would lead to 100,000,000 deaths
you believed wiping down your groceries actually did something
you believed “masks worked”
you believed lockdowns worked
you believed experimental vaccines were “safe and effective”
you believed “build back better”
you believed a dementia patient would make a great president
you believed Hunter Biden was a seasoned oil executive deserving of a 6-figure income, while working remotely for an international firm
you believed “10% for the big guy” was totally legit
you believe the Ukraine war was not a massive laundering scheme for elites
Of course these intellecutal lightweights think everything is honky-dory. Critical thinking skills are something they no longer possess.
We’re living through the end of Amerca.
This is a paid article from Epoch Times:
Prosecutor Admits DC Police Officers Acted as Provocateurs at US Capitol on Jan. 6
By Joseph M. Hanneman
March 24, 2023Updated: March 25, 2023
A federal prosecutor admitted in court papers that three D.C. Metropolitan Police Department undercover officers acted as provocateurs at the northwest steps of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
The admission came in a March 24 filing before U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras that seeks to keep video footage shot by the officers under court seal.
Prosecutors accused the case defendant—William Pope of Topeka, Kansas—of an “illegitimate” attempt to unmask the video as part of his alleged strategy to try the case in the news media. Pope filed a motion to remove the court seal on Feb. 21.
“The defendant is not entitled to ‘undesignate’ these videos to share them with unlimited third parties,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Kelly Moran. “His desire to try his case in the media rather than in a court of law is illegitimate, and the government has met its burden to show the necessity of the protective order.”
Videos long hidden under court seal have become a major topic, especially with prosecutors disclosing in a number of high-profile Jan. 6 cases the involvement of multiple FBI informants.
Pope is seeking to lift the court seal on the undercover video as part of his drive to obtain full access to video evidence held by the government. Pope is representing himself in the criminal case being prosecuted against him. At a hearing on March 3, Judge Contreras seemed sympathetic to Pope’s motion to unmask the videos.
“The officer clearly incited that area, and we still don’t have video from all other undercover MPD,” Pope told The Epoch Times. “And as the numerous informants in the Proud Boys trial demonstrates, we are only just beginning to scratch the surface on FBI involvement.”
The undercover video—a portion of which posted on Rumble on March 24—shows three members of the MPD’s Electronic Surveillance Unit approach the Capitol’s northwest steps. One of the men, while surveying the crowd, stated, “Someone’s going to get shot.”
Officer 2 replied, “They’re not going to shoot anybody.”
Along the edge of the Capitol property, Officer 2 encouraged one protester to go up to the building. “Go join ‘em then,” he said. The man replied, “No, I’ve got my bike to guard.”
The men engaged in banter on the walk across the west Capitol lawn.
‘Never Seen Anything Like This’
“This is amazing,” Officer 2 said. Officer 1, who was shooting the GoPro video, replied, “Yeah, I’ve never seen anything like this.”
Nearly 30 members of the Electronic Surveillance Unit were assigned to duty on Jan. 6, some of whom were gathering evidence on crowd activity. Members wore special bands on their left wrists to identify themselves as part of the Electronic Surveillance Unit, according to the MPD’s 96-page Jan. 6 action plan.
Officer 1 repeatedly joined in chants of “Drain the swamp!” and “Our house! Our house! Our house!”
A little closer to the Capitol, the video captures a protester shouting, “Joe Biden! We wanna hear you speak, you [expletive] pedophile satanist [expletive]!”
A short time later, Officer 1 joined the crowd in a “USA!” chant, repeating the phrase five times.
At the foot of the northwest stairs, someone leaned part of a bicycle rack against the balustrade. As a protester climbed up the makeshift ladder, Officer 1 shouted, “C’mon, man, let’s go! Leave that sh*t.”
Officer 1 got help from a protester climbing onto the balustrade of the steps. Then, surveying the people moving up the staircase, he shouted, “C’mon, go, go, go!”
Officer 1 encouraged the crowd to move up the stairs with repeated shouts, “Keep going! Keep going!” and “Keep going, keep going, come on!”
Once Officer 1 jumped from the balustrade onto the stairs, he passed someone he knew, a man in a blue sweatshirt wearing a dark cap, protective goggles, and what appeared to be a Halloween mask.
“Tim!” the officer said, to which the unidentified man replied, “What’s going on, bro?”
Walking on a sidewalk next to the Capitol, Officer 1 hears a protester say, “Now they’re letting everybody in, there ain’t nowhere to go.”
Officer 1 replied, “I think it’s gonna…they’re going to trap everyone in.”
“This video clearly evidences undercover law enforcement officers urging the crowds to advance up the stairs and scaffolding towards the Capitol on January 6,” Pope wrote in an earlier case filing. “The government may claim that incidents like this did not happen, but the facts show they did.”
Prosecutor Moran acknowledges such in a motion filed on March 24.
“The specific footage, GoPro video recorded by an MPD police officer who was stationed at the Capitol in an evidence-gathering capacity, captures the officer shouting words to the effect of, “Go! Go! Go!” Moran wrote.
“At other times in these videos, the officer and the two other plainclothes officers with him appear to join the crowd around them in various chants, including “drain the swamp,” “U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!”, and “Whose house? Our house!”
Moran also argued against unsealing large amounts of closed-circuit television (CCTV) security video, which she said could put officers at risk.
“There are very specific and highly worrisome risks associated with the specific videos the defendant seeks to share en masse,” she wrote.
“Given the highly volatile nature of the discourse surrounding these cases, releasing the identities of the officers depicted in these videos—officers the defendant now claims to have instigated the entire attack on the U.S. Capitol—would surely put the lives of those officers at risk.”
Pope told The Epoch Times that he never made such a claim. He has not yet filed a response to the government’s memorandum.
Another video Pope discovered in his research shows Officer 2 and Officer 3 walking behind the late Ashli Babbitt on the northwest steps. About an hour later, Babbitt was shot at the entry of the Speaker’s Lobby by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. She died a half-hour later.
Here’s a screengrab of Ashli Babbitt being followed by two of the infiltrator cops outside the building. Had they already picked her out of the crowd, or are they her co-conspirators? To me, it doesn’t look good for her. An analysis of her movements before the shooting- or “shooting”- needs to be conducted, especially in relation to those infiltrators.
The photo caption: “Two undercover Metropolitan Police Department officers walk behind Ashli Babbitt on the northwest side of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. One had earlier remarked “someone would get shot.” (William Pope via U.S. District Court/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)”
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Toni…more and more coming out everyday. This was a set-up, so why these folks are still in the gulag is beyond me. As far as Babbitt goes, I’ve seen so many versions, my head hurts. My gut tells me it was a hoax…but who knows.
Well, Joachim….that ruined my rather quiet and peaceful Sunday. But after Trump’s speech in Waco (ANYONE ELSE WATCH IT ON THE BLOG?), we should have no concern. When he gets in, he’ll end it in 24 hours…….IF WE ARE ALL STILL HERE….Deagel would say NO!
The vast majority of the Jan 6 Revelers with welcomed into the Capitol building by various Capitol Police with locked doors. How many of those police are now in jail? How many of the Revelers are now in jail?