Joachim Hagopian, Cabal’s Trojan Horse: LGBT Agenda Normalizing Bestiality and Pedophilia

Joachim Hagopian As the West grows more frantic over the Deep State crimes and false flags being exposed daily by Russia’s cleanup operation in Ukraine, the rapidly shifting global power has the decadent, morally decaying, hubris-filled Western civilization crumbling in real time. Yet the crime cabal’s controlled demolition of the United States has in fact been a long time coming. During the past several decades, under the guise of inclusionary human rights politics, the Luciferian elite has pushed its Political Correctness bandwagon to the hilt to effectively inhibit, suppress and even outlaw free speech. Social acceptance of…

Joachim Hagopian, The Biden Laptop: New World Order’s Pandora’s Box to Satanic Cesspit in Hell

Joachim Hagopian With The New York Times article dated March 16th, 2022, admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop story first uncovered by the New York Post on October 14th, 2020, just weeks ahead of the rigged, stolen presidential election, was neither the figment of some conspiracy theorist’s imagination nor the evil plot of yet another “Russian disinformation campaign,” but was every bit as real as night and day. But the singularity of the homogenized fake news network quickly drowned out both the Post and Trump ally Rudy Giuliani allegations, as the MSM presstitutes went into overdrive, reading off the…

Joachim Hagopian, With All Eyes on Ukraine, the ‘Grand Chessboard’ World Churns…. For Better or for Worse?

Joachim Hagopian Every week the stakes get higher in this epic war between good and evil, between truth and lies. The international crime cabal’s shunning of Russia, applying heavy-handed pressure to virtually the entire world to financially punish Putin over the cabal-created conflict in Ukraine as desperate evildoers’ all-out effort to choke the Russian bear to death. Risking nuclear annihilation that even in a conventional hot war the West can’t win against militarily stronger Eastern powers, the Satanic rulers of this earth are playing, no pun intended, Russian roulette with all of our lives. For…

Joachim Hagopian, Deep State Ukraine Battleground – Incendiary Excuse for International Crime Cabal’s Nuclear Genocide?

Joachim Hagopian   What we are witnessing today is a relative handful of psychopathic, soulless monsters, outnumbered by more than a million to one that are misbehaving on the geopolitical world stage like the neighborhood bully not getting its usual bad behavior. So they’re going for broke to drastically escalate the stakes – premeditated murder of 7.4 billion out of us 7.9 billion people on this earth, amounting to 15 out of 16 of us living and breathing right now, targeted in their genocidal crosshairs. Since their Covid-19 fake pandemic-kill shot assault…

Joachim Hagopian, International Crime Cabal’s War in Ukraine. Potential WWIII Endgame? A Bigger Picture Perspective

Joachim Hagopian Sometime around 1603, the world’s most famous poet-playwright William Shakespeare wrote:     All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances  The same can be said for all nations, civilizations, cabals and genocidal democides as they all come and go. With today’s highly deceptive world stage set and choreographed with monolithic script-reading robots, all mouthing the same false daily headlines in unison obedience to their BlackRock and Vanguard owning puppet masters that control over 90% of the US media outlets, over four centuries…

Joachim Hagopian, ‘Trust the Plan Bro,’ but for How Long? White Hats and Trump Aren’t Saving Us as America Is Destroyed

Joachim Hagopian After listening to 40-minutes of host Sarah Westall recently interviewing author, attorney and economist Wayne Jett, I feel compelled to write this article. As a fellow interviewee with Wayne a few years back on Kevin Barrett’s 2-hour Truth Jihad internet broadcast and as an hourlong guest myself on Sarah Westall’s  podcast 4-years ago, I have immense respect for both Wayne and Sarah as courageous truth spreaders. A recent Wayne Jett piece dated February 19, 2022 entitled “Military Saves Constitution: Defeat of Insurrection Progresses,” boldly asserts that President Donald Trump during his final…

Joachim Hagopian, Open Letter to All the Criminally Complicit Genocidal Killers of the World

Joachim Hagopian As an independent journalist for a decade now, I have heeded the call trying to provide truth to an increasingly truth-starved world amidst cancel culture insanity and the growing digital book-burning censorship. Though I’ve exposed the global child sex trafficking network in an A-Z five-book volume series Pedophilia & Empire and written hundreds of articles published on extremely reputable alt-media news sites, my blogsite was deplatformed a week before Christmas by Google and my articles exposing the crime of the ages – the currently underway COVID genocide – have not been published by editors who previously posted virtually…

Joachim Hagopian, Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable

Joachim Hagopian By now – October 2021 – it’s more than evident that the Big Pharma-Great Reset globalist elite are currently committing human genocide, carrying out their eugenics depopulation agenda. In spite of Big Media’s censorship blackout as complicit murderers causing misinformed, lied to hundreds of thousands of innocent victims to die from the killer vaccines already, in response scores of leading medical doctors, expert scientists and insider whistleblowers at great risk to themselves have been shouting from rooftops to sound the apocalyptic alarm. Early on during the vaccine rollout, last February 2021 Dr. Sherry…

Joachim Hagopian: The Global Elite’s Pedophile Empire is Crumbling – But Will it Ever Crash?

Joachim Hagopian Since the internet bombshell launched by WikiLeaks‘ release of John Podesta emails and the uncovered Comet Pizza’s bizarre and suspicious activities leading to last fall’s Pizzagate scandal, and the simultaneous reporting of unprecedented number of arrests made in child sex trafficking rings worldwide, clearly demonstrate that law enforcement is finally treating the global epidemic seriously. Yet the systematic kidnapping, torturing and raping of children by highly organized trafficking rings have barely if at all even scratched the surface of mainstream media coverage, which has chosen to act as a complicit accomplice and partner-in-crime in the…

Joachim Hagopain, Who Caused the Kakhovka Dam Bust? Early Analysis Points to Ukraine

Joachim Hagopian Prior to addressing the major developments this week in Ukraine, a brief historical review provides the contextual background for today’s events. The Rothschild Khazarian mafia/City of London plotted the complete destruction of Western civilization in favor of a multipolar world, run chiefly by emerging geopolitical kingpins Russia (for its unlimited natural resources) and China (as the world’s largest manufacturing base), in covert partnership with the City of London RKM after years earlier secretly courting and grooming both Putin and Xi Jinping’s rise to power. Additionally, a scheme to make Ukraine the next…