Susan Bradford, Neocon Traitors Staged Election Upset

Susan Bradford Circumstances surrounding allegations of Italy’s involvement in switching votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election reveal that Trump was betrayed by allies closest to him and that we are in trouble as a nation. The traitors who allegedly rigged the election were globalists and warmongers frustrated with President Trump’s refusal to accommodate neoconservative plans for regime change in Iran. Barack Obama started the ball rolling in 2015 with the Joint Comprehensive Plan for Action, in which a slush fund was set aside for…

Stephanie Sledge’s Open Letter of Resignation to Veteran’s Today: Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, and Editorial Staff

Stephanie Sledge Dear Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, and Veteran’s Today Management, I am hereby submitting my resignation to be a volunteer contributing writer for Veteran’s Today as of October 23, 2020. I have written for Veteran’s Today for quite some time now. I have exposed very gruesome but brutally truthful investigative details about  the 2011 Tucson shooting, the 2012 Sandy Hook Shooting, Wal-Mart’s involvement in Opioid dealing, the Public-Private Partnership Trump set up for companies to make billions off the Coronavirus, the Communist take-down of America, and other precious articles…

Dean Ryan, Regime Change Disguised as Race Riots: It’s WAR!

DEAN RYAN [Editor’s Note: Dean Ryan, Mike Bara and (intermittently) Blake Walley have been doing Real Deal Reports on the CV crisis–now the looting and riots–for about 70 consecutive days, taking our first break Sunday, 7 June 2020. During our break, Dean reflected on what’s really going on, where the following are his tentative conclusions.] Endless Mass Media coverage Black Lives Matter and the continued push for racial division.. we must ask, Who is really behind Black Lives Matter and why are major Global & Corporate players deeply involved? We…