Joachim Hagopian, President Donald Trump’s One Week Report Card Is Out Now – Run for the Hills!

Joachim Hagopian After retaking the White House a second time, in his first few days as the new president, Trump revealed his prioritized agenda, starting with his January 20th Inauguration Speech, his first full day on January 21st signing scores of more Executive Orders (EOs), and on his second full day his first press conference with three Big Tech billionaires and his teleconference address to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. This presentation constitutes his report card, evaluating his first week performance covering both the positives and negatives he has outlined.…

Janita Kan, Washington Highly Militarized Ahead of Biden’s Inauguration

BY JANITA KAN Fences with spiraling barbed wires, barricades, security checkpoints, and heavily armed guards are what you would expect in a military encampment for a war zone, not in downtown Washington D.C. But these are only some of the measures that have been put in place in preparation for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration next week. The heightened security in the nation’s capital is a telltale sign that authorities and officials are extremely worried that the civil unrest and violence observed on Jan. 6 may repeat next week. Federal authorities have said they are…


SOTN Exclusive “President Trump Must Take Out ALL Traitors With One Strike” “The POTUS must have military law enforcement (after invoking the Insurrection Act) apprehend each and every high-level traitor and coup plotter with one perfectly timed surgical strike—PERIOD.” “The POTUS is facing the “presidential decision of the Millennium”. The fate of the American Republic hangs in the balance. The election thieves will not be thwarted in this naked steal.  They don’t care that much more than half of America knows Biden outright stole it. The globalists own and operate all…