Kurt Nimmo, Sandy Hook and The Murder of the First Amendment

Kurt Nimmo [Editor’s note: Kurt certainly has the right idea, especially as the mainstream media has reported it. I posted the below comment on this article.l Let me begin by saying I have no idea what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. However, since 9/11, I have questioned the veracity of many news reports and claims issued by officialdom about terrorism and mass shootings. [See 33 unanswered questions about Sandy Hook here – Ed.] The government and its media have been caught hundreds of times lying about or…

Kevin Barrett, The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial

By Kevin Barrett Stalinist show trials were conducted in front of rousing images. Jim Fetzer’s trial featured a tear-jerking backdrop image of Noah Pozner Tuesday was the final day of Jim Fetzer’ defense against Lenny Pozner’s libel lawsuit. I attended and wrote up a “just the facts” report that evening. At almost the same moment I published my report, the jury came back with a verdict awarding close to half a million dollars to Lenny “Jim Fetzer gave me PTSD” Pozner. Now it’s time for an opinion piece. And as much as…

Jim Fetzer and Lenny Pozner Testify During Day 2 of Sandy Hook Trial

By Kevin Barrett   Jim Fetzer’s defense against Lenny Pozner’s defamation suit got interesting today, day two of the penalty phase of the trial. (Disclaimer: I have been friends with Jim since 2006, and though I don’t always agree with him, I respect his courage and sincerity. It was an honor to have lunch with him on this, the critical day of the penalty phase of his trial.) Pozner won the first phase last June when the court determined that four of Fetzer’s statements alleging a fake death certificate for Noah Pozner…

Mike Palecek, The Sandy Hook “Trial of the Century” Nobody Really Knows About

Mike Palecek [Editor’s note: Our first book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control (2015), was banned by amazon.com less than a month after it had been placed on sale and sold nearly 500 copies. I released it as a pdf to the public for free, where you can still download it today by putting the title in your browser. Now amazon.com has banned five more of our books–six out of a dozen, which must set the record for American journalism. This lawsuit…

Mike Palecek, ed., PENN Magazine: Can Truth Prevail in America?

Penn Magazine June 2019 Find it here: pennmagazine.us And here: https://archive.org/details/JunePennMagazine/page/n23 Liars may seem formidable, but think of it this way. Lying is never a sign of strength, rather it’s an indicator of weakness and fear. — Mary W. Maxwell Ph.D by Mike Palecek Have you seen the video for the R.E.M. song “Man On The Moon”? The people in the bar/truck stop are singing along with the song … “if you believe … they put a man on the moon … man on the moon.” Well, it gives you…

Kurt Nimmo, Another Day in the Empire: The New Zealand Psyop

Kurt Nimmo Following the murder of fifty Muslims at a mosque in Christchurch New Zealand, the corporate media went into overdrive, describing the alleged shooter as a white supremacist Trump supporter. This is clearly not the case. If we read a “manifesto” attributed to the accused shooter, Brenton Tarrant, we discover he followed the writing of Candace Owens, a “conservative” black woman, and predicts he will be set free like Nelson Mandela.  Tarrant—if he is indeed the author of this professed manifesto—also criticized the leadership of President Trump and described…

Robert David Steele, New Zealand False Flag to Disarm America or even start World War III

Javad Heiranniah TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), regularly answers questions for Tehran Times. Zionist Provocation to Disarm US White Nationalists and Start World War III? Q. You are well known as a former spy, and you have also said many times on the public record that you managed a false flag operation for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). You have also written three books and two chapters on specific false…


Jim Fetzer On 27 November 2018, the Minneapolis law firm, Meshbesher and Spence, Ltd., filed a suit against me on behalf of its client, Plaintiff Leonard Pozner, for defamation, and I was properly served on 29 November 2018. Under Wisconsin law, a Defendant has 45 days to submit a response, which would make it imperative that I reply by 11 January 2019, with either an ANSWER or a MOTION TO DISMISS. I filed an ANSWER rather than a MOTION TO DISMISS early on 4 January 2019 because I do not…

PENN Magazine (January 2019): LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE! Jim Fetzer vs. The Deep State

Penn Magazine January 2019 *Find it here: pennmagazine.us [Penn Magazine site] *And here: https://archive.org/details/January2019PennMagazine [Here you will be able to download your own PDF file as well as use a flip-page format] If Gene Rosen is a fake. … then the whole chain breaks …Then we know that the Bush administration did 9/11 themselves. Then we know that Karl Rove and George Bush cheated and Bush was never a real President. Then we know that Dick Cheney and the FBI killed Paul Wellstone. Then we know that Oklahoma City was…

The Parkland Puzzle: How the Pieces Fit Together

Florida Shooting Staged by Democrats for the 2018 Midterm Elections “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” —Mark Twain Former chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (DWS)—who had sabotaged Bernie Sanders’s campaign by assigning 13 primaries he had won to Hillary Clinton instead—worried that the Democrats might lose as many as 11 seats in Florida alone. Additionally, the forthcoming trial of her IT guy—whom she had allowed to spy on her colleagues in Congress—would draw attention to the dirty tricks…