Joe Biden’s Four Pronged Attack On America: Domestic, Economic, Foreign Policy, And Corruption

Patrick J. McShay “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States in the field of commerce and manufacturing are afraid of somebody or something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” — Woodrow Wilson (US President and Puppet of Globalist Bankers) While America is distracted by Donald…

Miles Mathis, Fake Trans Shooting

by Miles Mathis [Editor’s note: Since Miles doesn’t prove it was fake, I am adding a couple of my shows that bear that burden. One of the most striking proofs is that he/she was wearing one type of sneaker (also black-and-white) coming in but another (multi-colored) when taken down. This may be the most amateurish of all the “false flag” events I have covered and represents a catastrophe for FEMA, which runs these drills and pays “big bucks” to the participants.] I am not even going to bother proving this one…

E. Michael Jones, “Put yo Chain On, Nigga!

E. Michael Jones “No black man becomes a millionaire without friendship in the Jewish community.” Minister Louis Farrakhan “So, fuck them motherfucking Jews, my nigga. Heil Hitler.” Charleston White speaking in support of Kanye West “Put yo chain on, nigga. Welcome back.” Dave Chappelle The Kyrie Irving incident seemed at first glance to be the classic example of hysterical Jewish over-reaction leading to the exact opposite of what the Jews intended to bring about. In response to a basketball player recommending a recent movie—From Hebrews to Negroes—which was available on…

The ‘Defund the Police’ Movement Has a Broader Agenda and Its Not to Stop the Killing of Black People

BY MASOOMA HAQ AND JAN JEKIELEK [Editor’s note: Further proof that Brandon Tatum’s “got it right” comes from crime statistics based on race, where this is a typical example from 2013: While those devious bastards behind his movement may want to federalize the police, the riots, looting and arson that has come in its wake has convinced every observant American that they cannot count on local police for assistance when they need it and have to be capable of defending themselves, which is why as an unintended consequence it has all but…

Open Letter to Donald Trump: Covert Invasion Disguised as Migration Relocation?

Jim Fetzer As a former Marine Corps officer, who believes in the Constitution and continues to respect the Oath I took to preserve, protect and defend it from all enemies, foreign and domestic, I write to you as the only national leader in whom I–and most of the American people–continue to have confidence. A new report about the Biden Administration bussing “thousands” of illegals to Red States has caused me and my colleagues alarm. As my research colleague and California attorney, David Kenney, replied, “They look like unarmed military!”   When…

Pat McShay, Who Planned the False Flag on Capitol Hill?

by Patrick J McShay “The Republicans chose Whiteness over Democracy.” — Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House “Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses and women-owned businesses” — Joe Biden, President-elect “Marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” — President Donald J. Trump on January 6, 2021 Joe Biden talks about unity while his Big Tech enablers at Twitter, Facebook, and Google censor, blackball and de-platform Conservative and Christian content. Joe’s idea of unity looks like Saul…

Dr. Eowyn, Were Antifa thugs among those who stormed Capitol Hill?

Dr. Eowyn Yesterday, January 6, 2021, as Congress critters convened in a joint session to certify the Electoral College’s votes for Joe Biden as the winner of last November’s presidential election, tens of thousands of patriots descended on Washington, DC, to protest the rampant election fraud that state governments and the courts, including the Supreme Court, simply refused to even investigate or give a hearing. Source: @DineshDSouza At about 1:00 p.m., some of the protestors advanced on the Capitol building. At about 2:15 p.m. the barricades manned by the District of Columbia police…

Al Perrotta, Our Braveheart Moment

Al Perrotta It’s not about one man. It’s about freedom. Perhaps the most gut-wrenching scene in Braveheart occurs when William Wallace discovers he has been betrayed by a man he thought of as a friend. The heartbreak on Wallace’s face is far more terrible than the torture Wallace would later suffer. You expect brutality from your enemies, but not from your friends. Robert the Bruce had done what was politically expedient at the moment. Betraying Wallace — and his own heart — increased his chances of becoming Scotland’s king. Right now, a…

Clarence Feldman, The Democrats’ Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump

By Clarice Feldman It’s quite obvious to me that the Deep State and the Democratic Party that staffs it never got over the fact that their nefarious misuse of our intelligence agencies and hoodwinking the media didn’t work any better than their constant efforts after his election to remove Donald Trump from office and continue their autocratic grifting. This week was no exception. Indeed, I have to agree with Roger L. Simon that “In the aftermath of Trump’s contracting Covid-19, they are reelecting him.” The Debate Any sentient viewer of this week’s debate…

Marc Thiessen, Trump did listen to experts on the pandemic. They just failed him.

MARC A. THIESSE A narrative has taken hold since the release of Bob Woodward’s latest book that President Trump was told in late January that the coronavirus was spreading across America at pandemic rates but ignored the dire warnings of government experts. That narrative is wrong and unfair. The truth is that during the crucial early weeks of the pandemic, the government’s public health leaders assured Trump that the virus was not spreading in communities in the United States. They gave him bad intelligence because of two catastrophic failures: First,…