Patrick J. McShay, Israeli Leaders Cheer the Slaughter In Gaza While A Record Number of Israelis Protest The Broken Peace

Patrick J. McShay “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” — Revelations 2:9 “I wany to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it!” — Ariel Sharon, Former Israeli Prime Minister (3 weeks after 9/11) It’s hard to imagine that Bibi Netanyahu is a moderate but he was convinced to resume bombing Gaza and violating the ceasefire by the hardliners in Israel…

Patrick J. McShay, Trump Partners With War Criminals Netanyahu and Zelensky—What Could Go Wrong?

Patrick J. McShay “The most important thing here is to address the root causes of the crisis, which we have discussed many times. That is the most important thing.” — Vladimir Putin (Russian President, Jan. 20, 2025) The accusation on everyone’s lips in the media and among our politicians in the last two weeks, if you are opposed to this ridiculous war in Ukraine, is, “Russia started the war” or Russia invaded Ukraine.” While it is true that Russia moved troops across the border to secure the Russian-speaking regions in…

Laurent Guyénot, Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy

Laurent Guyénot    I am tired of reading that Netanyahu is a psychopath.  He most certainly is not.  I see no reason to consider him, or any other Israeli leader, as psychopaths in the psychiatric sense.  They have a collective psychopathy, which is a very different thing. The difference is the same as between a personal neurosis and a collective neurosis. According to Freud, religion (and he meant christianity) is a collective neurosis. Freud did not mean that religious people are neurotic.  On the contrary, he observed that their collective neurosis…

Joachim Hagopian, The Russia-Israel Alliance Is Cracking Amidst the Ever-Shifting Geopolitics Chessboard

Joachim Hagopian   On May 13th, 2022 for the first time, Russia used its S-300 air defense system against Israel, firing at Israeli jets after an air strike in northwestern Syria. In 2015 Putin had come to the defense of Syrian ally President Assad, requesting Russian military assistance against US-Turkey-Saudi backed ISIS terrorists, successfully securing Assad from yet another illegal US coup insurgency. Recall that Syria was among the targeted nations per the infamous Bush-Cheney-neocon takedown list of 7 nations in 5 years, disclosed by General Wesley Clark. But with Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen and…

Jim Fetzer, The Assassination of Soleimani: What really happened and why it matters

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: This article was originally published in Farsi in Iranسردار-سلیمانی-موفقترین-استراتژیست-نظامی-ضد-تروریسم-جهانترور-سردار-سلیمانی-نقض-قوانین-بینالمللی-است.] The stunning drone attack that killed Major General Qassem Soleimani and senior leaders of the Shia militia in Iraq was not only a violation of international law but of Iraqi sovereignty as well. Perhaps most disturbing, Iraq’s PM, Adel Abdul Mahdi, reported that Soleimani was on a diplomatic mission as the guest of Iraq at the behest of President Donald Trump, who used the pretext of receiving a Trump-Pompeo missive to take him out. The world has not seen…

Jack Mullen, Israel Demands New War with Iran: The War to Deliberately Destroy America

JACK MULLEN In 2007, General, retired 4-star U.S. Army general and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia, publicly told the world the United States was planning to take out 7 nations in 5 years. The Lord your God will bring you into the land that you are going to occupy, and he will drive many nations out of it. As you advance, he will drive out seven nations larger and more powerful than you [..] When the Lord your God places these people in your power and you defeat them, you must put…