Joachim Hagopian At dawn on October 7th, the official story goes that Hamas invaded Israel allegedly killing over 1,300 Jews, reportedly the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. That same day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a formal declaration of war, the first time since 1973’s Yom Kippur War – exactly a half century ago. With the 200 plus Israeli hostage situation holding Tel Aviv back, Israel currently has more than 100,000 troops assembled at the Israeli-Gaza southern border with miles of tank convoys lined up awaiting the greenlight for Israel’s imminent…

Henry Makow, Do Israeli Civilians Deserve to Die?

Henry Makow  Of course not. We are witnessing a human tragedy. But Israeli Jews must accept the bitter truth. They have been duped. They occupy farms, homes, and businesses that were stolen from their rightful owners who were forced to flee to refugee camps. They are unwittingly culpable.  Instead of sharing it for the benefit of all, the Israeli government has engaged in the ruthless and barbaric persecution of people  who ironically may be the descendants of the biblical Hebrews. Hamas’ atrocities cannot be condoned but Israel created the hatred  and desperation…

Kevin Barrett, Gazans Break Out of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp

Kevin Barrett Video Link [Editor’s note: There are increasing reasons to believe this may be another “false flag” attack, where Israel itself created Hamas and where the IDF took six hours to respond, which is absurd. An Israeli blogger (and former IDF soldier) says that the Gaza fence is monitored so closely that even the presence of a cat sets off a response in force. SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG HERE. Here’s a detailed discussion of (what appear to be) good reasons to think that this is a staged event to…

Robert Fisk, Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is so absurd and banal, it’s impossible to take it seriously

Robert Fisk Truly, all must read these 80 pages. And every reader should go through them twice – in case, first time round, they missed some extra egregious indignity inflicted upon the Palestinians When the two old political fraudsters emerged at theWhite House this week with the most deranged, farcical tragi-comedy in Middle East history, it was difficult to know whether to laugh or cry. The 80-page “peace” plan from the White House contained 56 references to “Vision” in its first 60 pages – and yes, with a capital V on each occasion to suggest, I…

Dr. Mustafa Mheta, Absurd for Danny Danon to tell the UN that Israel has Biblical, historical and legal foundations

Dr. Mustafa Mheta Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, made a very bold assertion during a debate in the Security Council recently. “Jewish rights to the land of Israel depends on four pillars,” he claimed. “This includes the Bible, history, legality and the pursuit of international peace and security.” I don’t know what he meant by “legality and the pursuit of international peace” and, given Israel’s record of attacking its neighbours, I will refrain from giving credibility to his illusionary discourse by dissecting it. Suffice to ask if he…

Dave Martin, Zionism Contradicts Judiasm

Dave Martin New York historian, journalist, and lecturer, Alfred M. Lilienthal, was the leading 20th century American Jewish spokesman against the Zionist project of creating a Jewish state in Palestine. His views gained a wide audience in the United States when his essay, “Israel’s Flag Is Not My Flag,” was published in the September 1949 Reader’s Digest. The following is an excerpt from that article, which was written in the form of a letter to his mother: The plain fact is that we Jews are not a race and we should not…

Patrick McShay, Can we trust Trump to save America? He may be our only hope

Patrick McShay Is it just me or is the timing of these so-called pipe bombs recently sent to leading Democrats including the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, John Brennan, George Soros, Mad Maxine Waters and the traitor who had a spy with ties to to the Muslim Brotherhood working as her IT guy, Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, awfully convenient with the election just two weeks away.   The trolls at CNN and MSNBC are already blaming Trump and his supporters. Have they thought to question Sheila Jackson Lee and her staff?   At first glance, this…

Outside In: The Trump Administration’s Plan to Remake the Middle East

Ted Snider Donald Trump recently reiterated his promise to introduce a Middle East peace plan in the next few months. That promise makes sense of a number of unusual and extreme events that have taken place recently. On February 15, 2017, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and then newly inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump held their first official meeting. At the press conference that preceded that meeting, they discussed Trump’s promise to strike “a bigger and better deal than people in this room even understand.” Over the course of the press…