Paul Craig Roberts The hubris and arrogance of Washington have been at work since the Clinton regime to destroy the power and relevance of the United States. This website has an international audience. The most asked question from this audience is the world order. There is a realization that Washington’s control might weaken, a development people abroad see as hopeful. They ask me for verification of their hope. Here is my answer: The world order has already changed. China has a larger and more powerful industrial and manufacturing based economy…
Tag: propaganda
John Kass: Democrats use tear gas image as sentimental weapon to avoid clearheaded immigration debate
By JOHN KASS | Tribune News Service If there is one thing worse than that photograph of a little Honduran boy breathing through an oxygen mask after being hit with tear gas on our southern border, it’s this: Using that image as a sentimental weapon to fend off or obliterate clearheaded immigration policy. But that’s where we are now, aren’t we? The caravan of thousands of Central American migrants is finally at the border. Mexico is keeping them back. The other day, after rocks were thrown at American border officials,…
SOTN: Deep State had to change the topic of conversation across the Internet from the “pervasive election thefts by Democrats”
Deep State Resumes Gun Control Schemes with a Post-election Vengeance State of the Nation CA bar & grill psyop: Why they did it, why they did it there, and why they did it now The election theft perps had to change the conversation—FAST! There’s no better way to change the public discourse than to stage a horrific mass shooting somewhere in the USA. The Powers That Be have run that game on the American people for many decades with no signs of slowing down. In the current case at California’s Borderline Bar &…
Douglas A. Yates: Khashoggi murder exposes agenda; selective narrative distorts reality
By Douglas A. Yates In near lockstep, the media industry used the murder of Jamal Khashoggi to elevate his status to a journalist, a truth-teller. The Saudi official in exile is presented as a champion of peace and justice in the Mideast. However, when the claims are matched to Khashoggi’s life, the resulting profile suggests pertinent facts are missing. In the 1980s, Adnan Khashoggi (1935-2017), Jamal’s uncle, was among the richest men in the world. Backed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Adnan was a premier weapons dealer for…
Political Theater Retrospective: Post gives away “Sucker Punch” Game
DC Dave Martin (2017 Update) In spite of everything they could do for her, their candidate has lost, so you might think that at this late date The Washington Post would give a rest to the story that came out of Fayetteville, North Carolina, last March. That is the one that did a lot to sell the American public on the notion that Donald Trump and his supporters were racists, but The Post would not leave ill enough alone. On the last day of 2016, apparently with the belief that fanning the flames of racial…