Patrick J. McShay, Will Trump Break the Hold of the Global Crime Syndicate?

Patrick J. McShay “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” — Martin Luther King Jr “Trump is someone with an ability to perceive opportunities that most politicians do not and forge powerful, sustained connections with large swaths of people in ways that no contemporary can match. In other words: He is a force of history” — John F. Harris – founding Editor and Global Editor-in-Chief of POLITICO “America Is A Free Nation Once Again!” — President Donald J. Trump (Addressing the World Economic…

Robert W. Malone, M.D., Consequences of Government Weaponization

Robert W. Malone, M.D. Apparent RFKjr Assassination Attempt: A Requiem for Civil Society   Epoch Times: Armed Man Posing as Federal Agent Arrested at RFK Jr. Event in Los Angeles By Mimi Nguyen Ly and Rudy Blalock 9/15/2023, updated 9/16/2023 After the incident involving an armed man allegedly claiming to be a U.S. Marshal, Mr. Kennedy Jr. renewed his call for Secret Service protection. LOS ANGELES—An armed man was arrested by police at an event attended by Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., according to the Los Angeles Police Department. Photos provided to…

David Neal, Why the Assassination of JFK Matters to Us Today

By David Neal To keep the peace and defend the country are a U.S. President’s primary duty. Contrary to many shallow historians, President John F. Kennedy was not going into Vietnam with ground troops; he was pulling 1000 “advisors” out in Dec 1963, all the rest of them by 1965. (see NSAM 263).  He was murdered on Nov 22, 1963, one month before the first 1000 could be pulled out.  Lyndon Johnson reversed this order with NSAM273 four days after the murder and by March 1965 500,000 American soldiers were in Vietnam. The…

State of the Nation, The Kennedy Assassination That No One Ever Talks About

State of the Nation JFK and RFK are not the only sons of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. who were brutally assassinated by the Khazarian Mafia The KENNEDYS vs. The ROOSEVELTS Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace SOTN Exclusive Who doesn’t know that Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. ardently wanted his eldest son — Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. — to become the first Catholic president of the United States? However, what few folks, even those in the know, are aware of is that there was a conspiratorial plot hatched by the Roosevelt family to prevent that…

New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK from ever Reaching White House

Jeremy Kuzmarov  – Yet even after over 50 years, high government officials like Vice President Kamala Harris are still trying to cover up the truth about his murder. [California parole commissioners recommended on August 27th, 2021 that Sirhan Sirhan should be freed after spending more than 50 years in prison for assassinating Robert Kennedy. Governor Gavin Newsom (D), however, rejected parole for Sirhan in January. Strong evidence suggests that Sirhan was not the real killer and would be exonerated in any new and objective trial. This article is another in CAM’s series on…

New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK From Ever Reaching White House

 Jeremy Kuzmarov Even after over 50 years, high government officials like Vice President Kamala Harris are still trying to cover up the truth about his murder. [California parole commissioners recommended on August 27th, 2021 that Sirhan Sirhan should be freed after spending more than 50 years in prison for assassinating Robert Kennedy. Governor Gavin Newsom (D), however, rejected parole for Sirhan in January. Strong evidence suggests that Sirhan was not the real killer and would be exonerated in any new and objective trial. This article is another in CAM’s series on political assassinations.…

Edward Curtin, Unspeakable Memories: The Day John Kennedy Died

By Edward Curtin November 22, 2019 There is a vast literature on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, who died on a November 22nd Friday like this in 1963.  I have contributed my small share to such writing in an effort to tell the truth, honor him, and emphasize its profound importance in understanding the history of the last fifty-six years, but more importantly, what is happening in the U.S.A. today. In other words, to understand it in its most gut-wrenching reality: that the American national security state will obliterate…

John Simkin, A Call to Reinvestigate American Assassinations

By John Simkin To mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day a group of academics, journalists, lawyers, Hollywood artists, activists, researchers and intellectuals, including two of Robert F. Kennedy’s children, are calling for  reinvestigation of four assassinations of the 1960s. On the occasion of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a group of over 60 prominent American citizens is calling upon Congress to reopen the investigations into the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Signers of the joint statement include Isaac Newton Farris Jr., nephew of…

PENN Magazine (December 2018): The Resistance

PENN Magazine December 2018 Vol. II No.  2 Go here: Or here: Maybe tomorrow. But for sure by next Wednesday. No, wait, that’s not good for me. Can you do Thursday? Thursday’s good. The Revolution Is Thursday. See you there. Will it be streamed? Didn’t we already cover this decades ago? It will not be streamed. [What is Friday looking like for you?] In 2008, when Chuck Gregory and I started The New American Dream website and in 2011 the radio show, the premise has always been that there…