Stephanie Sledge, Was WalMart compromises into Corona Hoax after evidence of their OpioId “Pill Mill” surfaced?

Stephanie Sledge The U.S. Prosecutor’s Office of the Eastern District of Texas (EDTX) has always been known for their special investigative skills of uncovering major drug lords. In fact –they have been one of the leading U.S. Attorney’s office in the nation to carry out President Trump’s “Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse” focusing their resources on the illegal prescribing and dispensing Opioid drugs by pharmacies and doctors. Their strategies focused on cracking down on the domestic and international drug supply chains. In 2018, Joe Brown, the U.S. attorney for EDTX,…

Stephanie Sledge, Was Walmart compromised into Corona Hoax with evidence of its Pill Mill Drug Ring?

By Stephanie Sledge The U.S. Prosecutor’s Office of the Eastern District of Texas (EDTX) has always been known for their special investigative skills of uncovering major drug lords. In fact, they have been one of the leading U.S. Attorney’s office in the nation to carry out President Trump’s “Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse” by focusing their resources on the illegal prescribing and dispensing Opioid drugs by pharmacies and doctors. Their strategies centered on cracking down on the domestic and international drug supply chains. In 2018, Joe Brown, the U.S. attorney…

Stephanie Sledge, Look Who Gets to Make Billions off the Coronavirus Outbreak

Stephanie Sledge Trump himself named these companies that would enter into a historical Public-Private Partnership in regards to the alleged outbreak of the Coronavirus. These agencies and corporate businesses have partnered together and were charged in the following ways to combat the alleged outbreak. Is this a massive health crisis unleashed upon America or is it a planned simulation by Bill Gates and Co…? These companies and agencies who are allowed to partner together prior to a national emergency being declared must be examined closely in their roles during the total lock-down…

Stephanie Sledge, 9 Years Pass & Nation Still Enduring Lies of Tucson Shooting

by Stephanie Sledge  WARNING: This publication contains information free to the American public “We the People” under the First Amendment. Any information you find offensive or inflicts any emotional response will be doing so at your own risk. It is the ninth anniversary of the January 8th, 2011 Tucson Safeway shooting and the scripted, lying, media begins another year of regurgitating the same lies and nonsense the People were indoctrinated with in January of 2011. A yearly ceremony now performed on the mainstream stage to prevent the nation from knowing…

SANDY HOOK: Launching a Public Health Crisis Distracts from Years of Mafia Control, Meth-Dealing, Pedophelia and Murder

By Stephanie Sledge Author’s note: WARNING: This publication contains information free to the American public “We the People” under the First Amendment. Any information you find offensive or inflicts any emotional response will be doing so at your own risk.  It was the State Police that identified the alleged dead children’s bodies and said they wanted to give the families closure instead of the families being the identifiers. This could be why Coroner, H. Wayne Carver said, “I hope, uhh, I hope they and I hope uhh the people of Newtown, uhh don’t…

Stephanie Sledge, SANDY HOOK: The Untold Story

By Stephanie Sledge December 14th, 2012 will always be remembered in history as the day criminal gangsters duped the nation and convinced the world the Sandy Hook shooting went down exactly the way it was portrayed in the AP Press and mainstream media. Sandy Hook was the continuation of prior national shootings, which intentionally spewed political rhetoric on television sets and the Internet screens of millions of people, while intermingling the agenda to confiscate guns, enact more mental health agenda, and steal more science and technology. How far will the…

Stephanie Sledge: Trump’s words, “Worry about due process later”, reverberate after (staged) Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

Stephanie Sledge PART 1 – DISTURBING PLOTS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION  “This is a very important time in our country. Due Process, Fairness and Common Sense are now on trial!” – President Donald Trump The 2011 Safeway shooting in Tucson, AZ was the beginning of a series of troubling and horrifying connections between a plot so deep, even the reader of this is not expected to understand what is happening in its entirety without further research. However, This is a MAYDAY call to all those who elected Trump to defend our Great…