VT Editors, Fetzer and the Zio-Juggernaut from Sandy Hook

By VT Editors VT: Our good friend Jim Fetzer has been sewn up in court for years now over his book on Sandy Hook.  For anyone but Fetzer, errors, real or imagined, in his book are certainly “absent malice,” a typical affirmative defense in defamation cases like this. What our own investigation showed, an extensive investigation, is that those who staged Sandy Hook, and we don’t know if the kids were real or not…in fact nothing about Sandy Hook can be said at all with any degree of certainty…fed the…

Mary Maxwell, The Real Sandy Hook Tragedy Begins Now: Arrests Called For

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB The day of the Sandy Hook school massacre — December 14, 2012 — is not a tragic day, as there were no deaths. There was no shooter. There weren’t six staff members who tried valiantly to save the 20 children. It was an ordinary Friday. The massacre story is fiction. There have been many false flag events in the US and elsewhere. Some are pure fiction, such as the crash of Flight UA93 in Shanksville Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001. No plane fell to…