Joachim Hagopian   [Editor’s note: Joachim Hagopian & Omar Khan on The Dean Mackin Show – 05 January 2024 | TNT Radio On today’s show, Joachim Hagopian discusses the release of Epstein documents. Later in the show, Omar Khan discusses the pandemic response in 30 days and revisits the topic of Epstein.] Back channels between Iran supporting the Shiite Houthis and Saudi Sunni supported puppet government in Yemen through the United Nations just revealed the 9-year Yemini “civil war” is coming to an end with a brokered peace plan. With reports that…

The Dreaded GOAT Predictions for 2024 Part I — Where Do We Go From Here?

Tom Luongo [Editor’s note: Fascinating projections about 2024, where I have added my “Top 10 Stories of 2023” to round out a dreadful year.] Where do we go from here Terror in Rue de St. Denis, murder on the periphery Someone else in someone else’s pocket Christ knows I don’t know how to stop it Poppies at the cenotaph, the cynics can’t afford to laugh I heard in on the telegraph there’s Uzis on a street corner — Marillion, White Russian Last year I finally gave in to the pressure and…

Paul Craig Roberts, In Court Cases Facts Are Losing Their Relevancy as They Have in News Reporting, Scholarship, and Science

Paul Craig Roberts [Editor’s note: The Sandy Hook lawsuits provide a perfect illustration, where none of them has been decided on the basis of its merits by being sent to a jury to determine the facts. They have been decided on the basis of assumption, presupposition, or (in the case of Alex Jones), alleged failures of discovery. My own came the closest, where Wisconsin allows judges to set aside evidence it considers to be “unreasonable”. Thus was a massive conflict in alleged facts resolved by simply “setting aside” all of…

Joachim Hagopian, City of London Pawns US and Israel are Fast Becoming Rogue State World Pariahs  

Joachim Hagopian Every week Israel and US governments’ genocidal war in both Gaza and larger Middle East increasingly alienates and dooms both these nations as global outcasts. Even a Wednesday December 20th Washington Post cast doubt on Israel’s capacity to defeat the heavily entrenched Hamas militants fighting on their own demolished turf in Gaza. Though near all of Gaza’s buildings lay in rubble, with 90% of its Palestinian residents displaced and homeless, and over 20,000 of them dead, 2 out of 3 women and children, with all its pulverizing military might, WaPo insists that Israel…

The Antisemitic Moment: Maligning critics by Jewish groups to “protect” Israel only damages their credibility

PHILIP GIRALDI    In a 2002 interview the former Israeli government minister Shulamit Aloni was asked by Amy Goodman: “Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called antisemitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?” Shulamit Aloni replied “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country [the US] people are criticizing Israel, then they are antisemitic.” She added that there…

Paul Craig Roberts, The American Political Crisis

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS    American politics is in crisis. The evidence is overwhelming that Biden was not elected but was put into the presidency via a stolen election, and the evidence is overwhelming that Democrats and the Biden regime are attempting to prevent Trump from being returned to the presidency by trying to destroy him with four false felony trials and several civil lawsuits. This is an unprecedented weaponization of law for political purposes akin to Stalin’s purge trials of the Bolsheviks. The ultimate consequence is unclear. However, the people…


Joachim Hagopian The genocidal Israel regime and its warmongering globetrotting foot soldier from the US Lloyd Austin, on Monday December 18th made yet another appearance with Bibi the “butcher” Netanyahu in Tel Aviv to announce the official launch of Operation Prosperity Guardian. It’s a multinational military initiative to counter the Yemeni Houthis increased targeting of commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea. Other nations participating in this massive joint military operation include Britain, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherland, Norway, Seychelles and Spain as part of a 39-nation Combined Maritime Forces military campaign ostensibly to…

Joachim Hagopian, Anglo-American-Zionist Genocidal Agenda Fully Exposed 

Joachim Hagopian [Editor’s note: Plus we now have evidence of the use of nuclear and neutron bombs in Gaza. Recently a far-right Minister declared that nuking Gaza was an option. As Natural News has now reported, shocking new evidence provides scientific proof that that is already happening. See the report by Christopher Busby here for confirmation: Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon by Christopher Busby, What a ghastly development!]   Clearly the US and Israel waging their genocidal war against the…

Finian Cunningham, Biden has Damned the United States over Israel’s Gaza Genocide

Finian Cunningham The Biden White House has brought the U.S. into global disrepute for its flagrant complicity in Gaza’s genocide. On a day of global shame this week, the United States voted against calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. It means the U.S. is an accomplice in the genocide by the Israeli regime. It can’t get more graphic than this. Out of 193 nations at the United Nations, 153 of them (nearly 80 per cent) voted for an immediate ceasefire and the urgent delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza where…


By Joachim Hagopian The intense public debate over free speech within the context of the Israel-Hamas war raging in Gaza is, like seemingly everything else unfolding these days, more divide and rule polarization into divided enemy camps. On the campuses of the nation’s most elite Ivy League schools, there are those condemning Israel’s genocide against Palestinians versus those defending Israel and its right to defend itself. I maintain that the movement to shutter public debate and kill free speech in America and world is by nefarious globalist design. Those who seek…