Joachim Hagopian, The 2022 Midterm – Yet Another Steal?

Joachim Hagopian This week’s Big Event – the US midterm election result, it’s proven to be yet another likely scam election. But then how can we honestly expect a different result if the identified problems that rigged the stolen 2020 election have never been fixed or resolved? The definition of stupidity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again, expecting a different outcome each time. We learned the pathetic evidence in detail how the Democrats stole the 2020 election. A majority of Americans even agree that election results were…

Kevin Barrett, Why I’m Voting Republican for the First Time Ever

Kevin Barrett [Editor’s note: Kevin and I go way back. Mike Palecek even published a book about us as “The Dynamic Duo”, where you can track it down at I am extremely pleased to see he’s voting Republican for the first time–and wanted to share it with you.] The “left” has abandoned peace, freedom, and working folks—they’re now warmongers, censors, and corporate shills Video link A few years ago, if you’d told me I would ever vote for a Republican not named Ron Paul, I’d have said you were…

Joachim Hagopian, The Elephant in Today’s War Room: Casualties of War Wounded and Killed Amidst the Enemy’s Death Jab

Joachim Hagopian 40-something Tulsa, Oklahoma NBC News affiliate anchor Julie Chin suffered a stroke on live TV last Saturday morning. Her story is currently making international headlines. Though mum’s the MSM word on whether Julie received death jabs that likely caused it, those who are half aware realize the lethal danger involved after receiving the COVID non-vaccines, are undoubtedly concluding that Julie Chin is more than likely another death jab victim. Yet you’ll never learn this watching CNN or reading the New York Times. With so much at stake, the corporate media has only doubled…

Miles Mathis, A Little Math

by Miles Mathis Here’s a little math no one is doing.  The Biden scriptwriters are telling us gasoline prices are so high because of Putin.  But wait, Russia only supplies 4% of our oil, but prices have gone up by 90% since Biden took office.  So we seem to have a little mismatch there. But it is even worse than that, because the prices went up by 90% before we cut off delivery of Russia’s oil. We haven’t yet officially cut off Russian oil yet, so we might be able to blame the next 4% rise on that after we do.…

David Sirota, The Democrats are Trying to Lose

David Sirota How party leaders learned to stop worrying and love losing to GOP fascists. [Editor’s note: What I find fascinating about this article is that the author, David Sirota, is a true-believer that the Democrats are the “good guys” and the Republicans the “bad”, when the cases he adduces that the DEMs are trying to throw the election represent what the party has become.] Cognitive dissonance is one of the defining traits of American politics, but with this weekend’s blow against the Build Back Better bill, we’ve now reached an inflection…

Mike Palecek, Reflecting on the Revolution from My Garage

Mike Palecek So, yeah, I’m sittin’ here at the kitchen table worryin’ about if there’s still enough time to get my boat out on the lake for ice fishing. And other stuff, getting the dishes done, at least started, get them soaking. Being a perfectionist, I usually like to let them soak for two or three days. See, I am in my first week of retirement and well … And of course, I’m writing a new best-selling book what else would I do. And I’m supposed to complete or at…

Paul Krause, Killing Liberty, Coronavirus-Style (with Fauci and Gates)

By Paul Krause It should now be self-evident for anyone with common sense that the Democrats, liberals, and their convenient Republican allies like “Republicans for the Rule of Law” are using the coronavirus as a cover to advance their deconstruction of America without opposition behind the veil of “saving lives” and “saving democracy.”  This has been the dream of liberals for over a century.  Now they will not relent until they deliver the coup de grâce to their enemies: Christianity, small businesses, and civil society as a whole. The importance of civil liberties in the…

Steve Feinstein, The Rise of Democratic Idiocracy

By Steve Feinstein   As the 2020 campaign season heats up, the candidates are staking out their respective positions along the political continuum, looking to occupy precisely the right slot, the one that will appeal to a winning swath of voters come November. President Trump has chosen his position: He’s taking the “Make actual day-to-day life better for people by strengthening the job market, reducing taxes, making energy more plentiful and affordable, reducing the negative economic impact and civil disruption caused by rampant illegal immigration, improving our national security by rebuilding…

Senate Democrats introduce New Gun-Control Bill: Federal License, Registration, Red Flag & Gun Confiscation

Dr. Eowyn Six days ago on September 10, 2019, Demonrat senators Cory Booker (New Jersey) and Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut) introduced a new gun-control bill, S. 2449: Federal Firearm Licensing Act, which will: (1) Require a federal license to acquire or receive firearms, “and for other purposes”: “In general…it shall be unlawful for any individual to purchase or receive a firearm unless the individual has a valid Federal firearm license.” (2) A Federal firearm license is required for each firearm: “each license issued under this section shall be valid for the purchase of a single firearm”. (3) Each license is…

Pat Buchanan: Stacking the Electorate: How Middle America Is to be Dispossessed

Pat Buchanan   In all but one of the last seven presidential elections, Republicans lost the popular vote. George W. Bush and Donald Trump won only by capturing narrow majorities in the Electoral College.   Hence the grand strategy of the left: to enlarge and alter the U.S. electorate so as to put victory as far out of reach for national Republicans as it is today for California Republicans, and to convert the GOP into America’s permanent minority party.   In the Golden State, Democrats control the governors’ chair, every…