Joachim Hagopian, Zionist Israel Still Suppresses Trump Release of JFK, 9/11 and Jeffrey Epstein Files

Joachim Hagopian The common thread that Zionist Israel lurks behind the JFK assassination, the 9/11 attacks and the Epstein blackmail operation is why President Donald Trump and his Attorney General Pam Bondi still refuse to release those promised files – all to protect the criminality of terrorist state Israel. Despite compromised US government sock puppets always touting that Israel is America’s closest ally, Israel is not only not our close ally, Israel is in fact America’s worst, most dangerous enemy that possesses a long history of betrayal toward America. Yet today Israel owns Trump, his Synagogue…

Patrick J. McShay, Will Trump Break the Hold of the Global Crime Syndicate?

Patrick J. McShay “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” — Martin Luther King Jr “Trump is someone with an ability to perceive opportunities that most politicians do not and forge powerful, sustained connections with large swaths of people in ways that no contemporary can match. In other words: He is a force of history” — John F. Harris – founding Editor and Global Editor-in-Chief of POLITICO “America Is A Free Nation Once Again!” — President Donald J. Trump (Addressing the World Economic…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Evaluating Moral Theories

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Evaluating Moral Theories* ABSTRACT: False beliefs about right and wrong are boundless, where students would benefit from learning that there are objective criteria on the basis of which they can be evaluating, leading to rational conclusions about the nature of morality. The classic Hempelian Criteria of Adequacy for evaluating scientific theories has a parallel by means of counterpart Criteria of Adequacy for evaluating moral theories. Counterpart Criteria are introduced here, where their analytical significance has been exemplified in relation to eight theories of morality, four of which…

Jim Fetzer, Princeton in the Nation’s Service, Class of ’62 Style (II)

Jim Fetzer ’62   “‘It’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled”–attributed to Mark Twain   Dear Classmates,   Now that Drayton has presented his class lecture on the importance of character, “Character Matters”, I write to make a final plea as to whether the Class of ’62 has any character. The very idea that Tom Dunn, a real estate lawyer who appears to have no grasp of the principle, “Innocent until Proven Guilty” or of standards of proof (since I have refuted the claim…

Joachim Hagopian, With ‘Friends’ Like Israel, Who Needs Enemies? Zionist Connection to JFK Murder and Beyond

Joachim Hagopian America has not had a president since the criminal Deep State cabal assassinated the last White House occupant who actually tried valiantly to represent the American people and defend our Constitution. Since John F. Kennedy violently exited this earth in November 1963, every president since, all eleven of them have been mere puppets obediently doing what their Khazarian controllers tell them, bar none.   The moneychanger City of London bankers were determined to have a decade long war in Southeast Asia, resulting in the wrongful death of upwards…

Claudio Resta, A 60 years old Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

By Claudio Resta           JFK assassination and the secrecy of Dimona, USS Liberty and 9/11 “What can you tell me about this ?” asked JFK to Shimon Peres, Israel’s Foreign Minister about what kind of nuclear program Israel was doing in 1963, whether civil or military… ‘ When Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as…

George Freund, The Assassination Bureau Pro Russian Leaders Marked for Death

George Freund The world moves at the speed of the predator not the prey. That is an older ‘georgism,’ but an accurate assessment of life in the system we are imprisoned in. Most everyone is indoctrinated in the code of silence as a defense mechanism. However, there are competing interests that understand nothing has changed since the times of Sir Francis Drake. The mercantile nations loot and plunder with reckless abandon. Countries are marginalized under the yoke of the financial tyrants and their plantation managers we conveniently term our elected…

Jim Fetzer, New Book Nails How JFK was Taken Out in Dallas

Jim Fetzer A new book by David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., and Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., The Assassination of JFK: The Final Analysis (2024), was published on 8 March 2024 and had sold 4,000 copies by 15 March (“The Ides of March”), which reflects the public’s thirst for truth about the death of our 35th President. David and I began collaborating in 1992 in the wake of Oliver Stone’s magisterial film, “JFK”, which presents the most accurate, complete, and detailed account of what actually happened in Dealey Plaza on 22 November 1963 ever offered…

60 Years After JFK’s Death It Is More and More Apparent that Kennedy Was a Victim of a Palace Coup—Spearheaded by Vice-President Johnson

Jeremy Kuzmarov The peaceful succession of presidents is sacrosanct in American democracy and marks the United States as an “exceptional nation” which does not experience the same kind of palace intrigues and coups as other nations. Conventional wisdom holds that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald, a deranged lone assassin and communist—as the officially sanctioned Warren Commission concluded. [Source:] An alternative theory advanced most popularly in Oliver Stone’s 1993 blockbuster film JFK suggests that Oswald was a patsy working as part of a larger…

Ralph Cinque, Paul Didn’t Die and (therefore) was Not Replaced (with a rebuttal by Jim Fetzer)

Ralph Cinque [Editor’s note: Ralph Cinque, who manages the Oswald Innocence Campaign, wrote me furious that I had published Clare Kuhen, “Was Paul McCartney Murdered Because He Threatened the Deep State?”, on the ground that it undermined (or even smeared) serious research on JFK, where anyone who believes that Oswald was innocent “must” therefore also believe that Paul died and was replaced! An obvious non-sequitur, but then that’s Ralph’s style: he makes up his mind and (thereafter) evidence simply doesn’t matter. So I sent him the images with which I prefaced…