Joe Olson, P.E., The ASHRAE Cargo Cult

Joe Olson In his recent FewTube video, anthropologist Robert Sepehr describes the reaction of ignorant tribal societies when confronted by foreign, advanced technologies. While most pronounced in the tribes in Micronesia, by the arrival of allied forces, then overtaken by Japanese forces and finally recaptured by allies, and then abandoned.  Confused, the tribal societies then asserted their creation of these advanced technologies, claimed that they had created these products of civilization and that foreigners had stolen these gifts from their gods. The modern parallels are striking. The Cargo Cult Phenomena,…

William de Berg, Three Viagras and A Cloud of Deception

William de Berg Ohio State University football in the 1960’s under the legendary coach Woody Hayes was known not only for its great success but also for its conservative play-calling, which was given the moniker “three yards and a cloud of dust” because its offense relied mostly on the same tried-and-true running plays.   But if the Ohio State playbook was well-worn, the playbook of the Western financial cabal and its political and media henchmen is nothing short of necrotic. Late last week the western media ran wild with a…


Joachim Hagopian Nations like China, Egypt, Serbia, India and many former Soviet outer republics in Eurasia are all ordering their citizens out of Ukraine immediately. They’ve been given notice that if they value their and their families’ lives, they need to get the hell out of Dodge ASAP. We know what’s coming. After back-to-back weeks of US/UK/Ukraine/NATO terrorist attacks on Russia’s Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines and Russia’s bridge to Crimea, the dirty ticks by the West are about to backfire bigtime. Be careful what you wish for. Next comes…

Jeffrey Sachs and Philip Giraldi: The Ukraine War Is Yet Another Neocon War

Jeffrey Sachs and Philip Giraldi Edited by Kevin MacDonald Jeffrey Sachs in Tikkun (a liberal-left Jewish publication): The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. The Biden Administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the US wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Syria (2011), Libya (2011), and who did so much to provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster, yet Biden has staffed his team with neocons. As a result, Biden is…

President Vladimir Putin | “Empire of Lies” Speech – February 24, 2022

Vladimir Putin [Editor’s note: My colleague, Michael Ivey, has just written to me as follows: Before this morning, I had not heard/read this speech from Putin given on Feb. 24.  I had seen another one that was given to the Russian people on Feb. 21 and I thought that THAT was the one people were talking about — but I was wrong — THIS is the one that people were saying contained so many “truth bombs”. Transcript: Vladimir Putin’s Televised Address on Ukraine. Read more at BloombergQuint.]   A week…

How many times has the US said ‘just trust us’ and then lied?

Rachel Marsden In a single day, two members of the American press asking for clarification and evidence from the Biden administration were painted as sympathizers of Russia and ISIS. Efforts by US media to establish objective truth – rather than acting as stenographers for the government and its official narratives – is now apparently considered an act of disloyalty to your country, and loyalty to its enemies. The first instance occurred during a gaggle in which the White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, addressed the US-led liquidation of the latest…

ZeroHedge, 6 Warning Signs From Biden’s First Week In Office

BY TYLER DURDEN Authored by Kit Knightly via, The “progressive” candidate praised as a “woke bloke” seems to be carrying on where all his authoritarian Imperialist predecessors left off…   It’s been a busy first week for the 46th President of the United States, there are the 20,000 troops occupying the capital city to organise, as well as the totally unprecedented show-trial of his immediate predecessor. You know, usual democracy type stuff. On top of that, Biden has now signed at least 37 executive orders in his first week. The record for any President, and…

Margaret Kimberly, The Baghdadi Scam

By Margaret Kimberley The Democrats and corporate media don’t really oppose what Donald Trump is doing in Syria or anywhere else. “In the end it doesn’t matter if Baghdadi is dead or when or how he died.” Donald Trump says that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed by the United States military. Baghdadi was the founder of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is also known as ISIS and Daesh. The name is less important than the fact that ISIL carried out a reign of terror against the people of Iraq…

How Trump Thwarted Calculated Israeli Effort to Keep U.S. in Syria

Gareth Porter The Pentagon was not the only party pressing Donald Trump to keep troops in Syria last year. It turns out the Israeli government and its supporters in Washington were working very hard to get the Trump administration to use America’s military presence there to support an Israeli campaign of airstrikes aimed at threatening war with Iran. The Israeli strategy was aimed at dividing Russia from Iran and thus putting pressure on Tehran to withdraw its military personnel from Syria. A campaign by a pro-Israel think tank actually succeeded in getting…

Marc Thiessen, The Ten Worst Things Trump did in 2018

By Marc A. Thiessen   [Editor’s note: Once again, I regard some of what Thiessen takes to be bad as good  just as I take some of what he regards as good as not. In this case,  where I regard 3 (seperating children from their families at the border as having been his obligation to follow a law signed by Bill Clinton and enforced by Barack Obama overwhelmingly more often) as one more Democratic political ploy, 2  (his plan to pull out of Afghanistan) and 1 (his plan to pull out of Syria) as his wisest foreign…