William de Berg, Why Are We So Sick?

William de Berg Until Robert Kennedy, Jr., raised the issue in his 2024 presidential campaign, lost in the morass of discussions on growing income inequality, endless wars, illegal immigration, educational decline, ever-mounting government debt, stagflation, rising crime, etc., was the question of “Why Are Americans So Sick?” While the answer to this question is not entirely self-evident, the fact that we are getting sicker by the decade cannot be denied.  Current life expectancy has remained basically stagnant since 2000, rising from 76.6 years in 2000 to 77.4 years in 2022…

William de Berg, Death and Dying—The Five Stages of NATO Grief

William de Berg Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross did extensive research on the psychological acceptance of mortality in her famous book on “Death and Dying” [1]. She concluded  that, when facing death, there are five main stages: 1) denial, when we refuse to accept that our death is imminent; 2) anger, when we begin to realize the truth of our demise and need someone or something to blame; 3) bargaining, when we realize we’re out of time and offer to do anything (often agreeing to healthy choices that were dismissed previously);…

William de Berg, Assassination Talk Is in the Air

William de Berg “The protective shield that all democracies and social orders rely on – legitimacy of the governing body, some level of elite responsibility, the willingness of citizens to view their neighbors in a civic way – is in an advanced stage of decline or collapse.  … It’s quite possible that the powder keg that America’s sitting on will explode over the course of 2024.” –  Dr. Larry Jacobs, University of Minnesota [1] 2024 is already starting out as the most volatile in modern presidential history.   The rhetoric—and violence—has…

William de Berg, The JudoMaster

William de Berg “…  Judo in reality is not a mere sport or game. I regard it as a principle of life, art and science. In fact, it is a means for personal cultural attainment.” ~ Kano Jigoro Russian President Vladimir Putin, the pre-eminent world leader of the 21st Century, has been described as a geopolitical chess master, but if there is anything in his personal as opposed to professional experience that helps explain his geopolitical acumen it is his involvement in the martial arts, specifically judo. In his autobiography…

William de Berg, Can the West Strike Back?

William de Berg In 2000, Russia was flat on its back after the fall of the Soviet Union and the rape of its economy by Western-backed oligarchs, while China was still emerging from decades of impoverishment created by disastrous communist economic policies.    Western companies were pervading each nation, and unrest funded by Western intelligence agencies was popping up all around them. But by 2020 China was the leading trading partner to over 80% of the world and at the forefront of most technological fields, while Russia and China were both…

William de Berg, Roll Over, Rocky!

William de Berg “The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003, p. 405. It was September 1991, the moment of President George H Bush’s address to the United Nations proclaiming a “New World Order”.[1]    The Western globalist elites were basking in the belief they had finally achieved their dream of conquering the world.   The Soviet Union, the postwar archenemy of the U.S., was in the process of dissolution, brought on by its…

William de Berg, The New Opium War: Revenge of the Middle Kingdom?

William de Berg In the middle of the 19th-Century, Great Britain and its East India Tea Company had a major problem:  Exports from China (silk, porcelain, tea, etc.) were worth much more than the imports to the Middle Kingdom  (mainly precious metals).   So, the British created an import market by selling opium to the Chinese masses, whose growing addictions alarmed the Chinese emperors.   Issuing edicts and burning warehouses didn’t sit well with the British, who along with the French ended up sending their navies upriver to capture the capital cities…

William de Berg, Three Viagras and A Cloud of Deception

William de Berg Ohio State University football in the 1960’s under the legendary coach Woody Hayes was known not only for its great success but also for its conservative play-calling, which was given the moniker “three yards and a cloud of dust” because its offense relied mostly on the same tried-and-true running plays.   But if the Ohio State playbook was well-worn, the playbook of the Western financial cabal and its political and media henchmen is nothing short of necrotic. Late last week the western media ran wild with a…

William de Berg, The Morgenthau Plan Reborn

William de Berg “That mortal is a fool who destroys a city, its temples, its tombs, and the precincts of the dead, making them a waste. He will be destroyed himself.” — Euripides Even before the end of World War Two, the major allies (the U.S., Great Britain, and the Soviet Union) had agreed to force an unconditional surrender on Germany and Japan.   That was a military decision, but an even more portentous decision was the implementation of JCS 1067, which called for the de-industrialization of Germany after World War Two. …

William de Berg, Where Did All the Money Go?

William de Berg The year 1913 was an historic turning point for the United States.  It was in this year that the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, a privately owned bank given the privilege of controlling the nation’s monetary policy and supply, was created.  The Federal debt of the U.S. at that time was 2.9 billion dollars and being paid off, all other debt was less than 50% of the U.S. GDP, Arizona had just been accepted as the last state in the continental portion of the U.S.…