William de Berg, Death and Dying—The Five Stages of NATO Grief

William de Berg Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross did extensive research on the psychological acceptance of mortality in her famous book on “Death and Dying” [1]. She concluded  that, when facing death, there are five main stages: 1) denial, when we refuse to accept that our death is imminent; 2) anger, when we begin to realize the truth of our demise and need someone or something to blame; 3) bargaining, when we realize we’re out of time and offer to do anything (often agreeing to healthy choices that were dismissed previously);…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Evaluating Moral Theories

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Evaluating Moral Theories* ABSTRACT: False beliefs about right and wrong are boundless, where students would benefit from learning that there are objective criteria on the basis of which they can be evaluating, leading to rational conclusions about the nature of morality. The classic Hempelian Criteria of Adequacy for evaluating scientific theories has a parallel by means of counterpart Criteria of Adequacy for evaluating moral theories. Counterpart Criteria are introduced here, where their analytical significance has been exemplified in relation to eight theories of morality, four of which…

Joachim Hagopian, Nuclear Doomsday’s Dead Hand Walking…

Joachim Hagopian This year’s ongoing pattern of two active regional wars threatening to expand into global conflicts, alternately taking wag-the-dog turns as elites’ bread and circus theater for the wary masses, has yet again suddenly shifted worldwide focus to the Middle East and the Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire that took effect Wednesday November 27th. While The New York Times inverts reality with the headline “A Battered and Diminished Hezbollah Accepts a Cease-Fire,” with Israel running out of gas and will, it grabbed full global attention in order to purposely obscure the most foreboding flareup…

Mitchell Bard, Trump’s Election Saved Jews, But He’s No Zionist

Mitchell Bard For partisans, Donald Trump is either the devil or the Messiah. We will only know at the end of four years. We do know the Jewish community’s immediate well-being was spared by his victory. Israel’s fate is not so certain. Recall the alarming moment when Trump said that if he lost the election, Jewish voters would have played a significant role in that defeat. “If I don’t win this election—and the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that if that happens,” he said. This kind of…

Patrick J. McShay, Trump’s Cabinet: Neocon Warmongers, Zionist Traitors & Big Pharma Shills

Patrick J. McShay “Joe Biden is like a child who can’t stop breaking things” —Kayleigh McEnany, Fox News Host and Former Trump Press Secretary “When they need a hero, we will provide them with one.” — Albert Pike- 33rd degree, Freemason Occultist Grand Master and revealed The Illuminati Plan For 3 World Wars “National Security Divisions of the DOJ and FBI are the greatest domestic threats to US people and the concept of Constitutional rule of law today” — Scott Ritter- Military Analyst, Former Marine Officer, and UN Weapons Inspector…

Scott Bennett’s Last Will and Testament: Report on Ukraine’s War Crimes

The Liberty Beacon Former US Army officer’s report on Ukraine’s war crimes If anything happens to me it will be in order to try and bury this report” ~Scott Bennett RT-WORLD NEWS RT is publishing Scott Bennett’s testimony posthumously Scott Bennett was a former US Army psychological warfare officer and RT commentator. In 2023 he visited Donbass, where he filmed a documentary about his experience, entitled ‘Frontline Diary of an American Officer’. During that time, Bennett researched Ukraine’s use of Western weapons to commit crimes against humanity. Scott passed away…

Joachim Hagopian, Scott Bennett’s Death: Another Truthtelling Whistleblowing Warrior Pays the Ultimate Price

Joachim Hagopian Bennett’s death, coupled with the recent passing of his business partner and close collaborator, Paul Taylor, has raised concerns among those familiar with his work. Both men were described as having deep knowledge of the inner workings of global power structures. Their deaths, occurring within weeks of each other, have led some to question whether there may be a connection or underlying cause beyond natural circumstances.                                            …

Joachim Hagopian, Order-Following Biden Launches Long-Range US Missiles into Russia to Ignite WWIII

Joachim Hagopian Russia, Moscow stated that on late Tuesday November 19th, on the 1000th day of the war, for the first time, the US providing Ukraine with its technical guided assistance in Ukraine jointly fired off six US made Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) longer-range missiles into Russia’s border region of Bryansk. This Ukraine-US missile launch came near the same time Vladimir Putin announced the lowered threshold of its nuclear doctrine update to include Russia’s potential nuclear response to any conventional military attack by a non-nuclear state (Ukraine) and nuclear state US/NATO…

Jim Fetzer, Princeton in the Nation’s Service, Class of ’62 Style (II)

Jim Fetzer ’62   “‘It’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled”–attributed to Mark Twain   Dear Classmates,   Now that Drayton has presented his class lecture on the importance of character, “Character Matters”, I write to make a final plea as to whether the Class of ’62 has any character. The very idea that Tom Dunn, a real estate lawyer who appears to have no grasp of the principle, “Innocent until Proven Guilty” or of standards of proof (since I have refuted the claim…

DCDave, 2020 Election: Kavanaugh Stabbed Supporters, Nation in the Back over Vote

David Martin Looking back now at the great Presidential election theft of 2020, it becomes ever clearer that the best chance to bring it to a halt and reverse course was represented by the lawsuit of the state of Texas challenging the election result in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin (summarized in the American Thinker here).  Texas was joined by 126 members of the U.S. Congress and 17 state attorneys general in an amicus brief.  The suit and the brief argue, I believe very persuasively, that authority granted by the…