Joachim Hagopian Below is a typical example of how on Sunday June 23rd, the Rothschild owned Associated Press generates war propaganda by twisting everything upside-down: The Russian leader [Vladimir Putin] is willing to challenge Western interests like never before. The pact that he signed with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un envisions mutual military assistance between Moscow and Pyongyang if either is attacked. Putin also announced for the first time that Russia could provide weapons to the isolated country, a move that could destabilize the Korean Peninsula and reverberate far beyond. After the Western…


Joachim Hagopian Without fail, every week global tensions keep heating up on two kinetic warfronts Ukraine and Middle East, while the next designated third warfront Taiwan also ratchets up. The globalists’ long planned, now staged, grand fireworks endgame finale, their conjured-up West vs. East WWIII Armageddon showdown, at the not so OK Corral, by the day looms ever more imminent than ever. It’s all being centrally scripted by the same bloodline controllers, you know, the same usual suspects. Since the Napoleonic Wars, the City of London moneylender central banksters maintain…

Alan Sabrosky, Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well

ALAN SABROSKY  Prelude The first week of June, I watched all thirteen episodes of a mini-series called Amerika (1987) I had briefly seen in part thirty-odd years before. Yes, I know it is a Hollywood production. Yes, I know it is fiction, just as I know that (e.g.) 1984 is fiction. Yes, I know many of the details re wrong for our time, most notably that the USSR is gone. Nonetheless, it shook me profoundly, and I could not understand why. Being a methodological Germanic scholar (perhaps a triple tautology?), I set out to understand…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Motion to Open Judgment Pursuant to Extrinsic Fraud and Fraud Upon the Court

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Having carried my Sandy Hook case from Dane County Circuit Court to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals (District IV) and the Wisconsin Supreme Court and then going to the United States Supreme Court (all to no avail), it became apparent that my only option was to expose the fraud behind the fraud (the Extrinsic Fraud) and the complicity of the Court and the attorneys for the Plaintiff, Leonard Pozner (the Fraud upon the Court). I had suggested from the beginning that Leonard Pozner was not a real…


Joachim Hagopian Cobalt is a metal currently in extremely high demand used in cellphones, laptops and lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles. 70% of the world’s supply is mined and exported from Africa’s Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where 40,000 victims of child slavery are illegally exploited by powerbrokers’ rush for climate change “clean” green agenda. Way back in the late 1960s, the environmental movement was co-opted by the globalist Club of Rome to make humans’ “greedy overconsumption” of the earth’s “limited” natural resources the scapegoated target to blame for the polluted biosystem as their…

Patrick J. McShay, As Biden Sinks in the Polls, Leftist Politicians are Losing All Over Europe

By Patrick J. McShay       “The Right Wing agenda today is just the centrist agenda of 20 years ago.        The Left has become an extinctionist movement.”                                                                                     — Elon Musk       “Five dangerous months await us because of this lunatic”    …

Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Unprecedented Surge of Violence Against Politicians: What Does It Mean?

Joachim Hagopian   As madness grips Western puppet leaders aggressively provoking Putin into a Third World War, in a directly related parallel process, violence in recent weeks targeting politicians on both sides of the left vs. right spectrum, has spiked exponentially in both Europe and beyond during this historical year holding the most national elections ever. This presentation chronicles both politicians’ violent assaults and assassinations and explores underlying dynamics plausibly giving rise for their surging recurrence.   With so much geopolitical volatility unfolding daily on two regional warfronts in Europe’s Ukraine and Middle…

Joachim Hagopian, Ceasefire in the Middle East? Or Armageddon?

Joachim Hagopian A Wall Street Journal article back in April 2022 called US aircraft carriers “sitting duck” targets, adding: The inconvenient truth is that our Navy has 12 carrier groups and all are now obsolete. The fact is that modern warfare has passed the US Navy by, with old conventional hunks of steel that cost so much and take so long to make are now relics of last century warfare. Painful proof in point is last weekend’s alleged attacks of the USS Eisenhower in the Red Sea when the Houthis in Yemen claimed they damaged…

Andrew Anglin, Columbia University to Provide Special Police to Escort Every Jew Student Around Campus

ANDREW ANGLIN  Jews are are the richest and most powerful people on earth by a virtually unbelievable margin. However, we can’t let that distract us from the fact that they are also somehow the most oppressed people on earth.In a shocking and confounding twist, the degree to which they are oppressed is equal to the degree of their overwhelming wealth and influence. We need to give them all kinds of special rights to prevent them from being oppressed even further. For example, we all have to chip in and pay…

Joachim Hagopian, My Response to Paul Craig Roberts: ‘Why doesn’t Washington want to resolve a dangerous crisis?’

Joachim Hagopian Russian President Vladimir Putin just warned: In the event of the use of long-range weapons, the Russian Armed Forces will again have to make decisions about expanding the sanitary zone further (…) Do they want global conflict? It seemed they wanted to negotiate [with us], but we don’t see much desire to do this. UK, France, Germany, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and now even Joe Biden have agreed to allow Ukraine to launch NATO longer-range missiles to strike targets deeper inside Russia. Reacting to this growing chorus of all the top Western…