Joachim Hagopian, Another Armenian Ancestral Homeland Lost: Crisis Continues

Joachim Hagopian With catastrophe and crises erupting all over the planet every week like never before, the ongoing horror in Artsakh, the Armenian enclave Stalin a century ago unethically handed over to Azerbaijan as Nagorno-Karabakh, was hit on Tuesday last week with an Azeri “lightning strike” invasion against the heavily outmanned, outgunned Artsakh separatist militia, forced to surrender 24-hours later with another Russian brokered ceasefire. On the day a truce was brokered, Putin declared: Peacekeepers are working very actively with all parties involved in this conflict. They are doing everything to protect…

Joachim Hagopian, Godless Globalism is Normalizing Today’s Insanity, Deception, Pedophilia, and Pure Evil

Joachim Hagopian   This presentation attempts to connect the dots to illustrate the myriad of ways that truth and reality, just like humanity itself, are all under unprecedented attack worldwide by the centralized parasitic cabal, especially infesting today’s Western Deep State cancel culture. The bloodline controllers worshipping Satan systematically subvert honesty, open discourse, pursuit and inquiry of truth in their rejection of God’s natural law of justice, rendering these ideals taboo in their upside-down, godless, loveless world. In fact, the elites are all about criminalizing the truth as a means…

Joachim Hagopian, Are Courts Overturning Biden Regime Violating 1st, 2nd and Potential 14th Amendments?

Joachim Hagopian A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.                                                                                                                          …

Joachim Hagopian, Armenian Genocide 2.0? One Step Closer with Armenia-US Joint Military Exercise on 9/11

Joachim Hagopian In an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica published on Sunday September 3rd, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made the following statements: Armenia’s security architecture was 99.999% linked to Russia, including when it came to the procurement of arms and ammunition. But today we see that Russia itself is in need of weapons, arms and ammunition (for the war in Ukraine) and in this situation it’s understandable that even if it wishes so, the Russian Federation cannot meet Armenia’s security needs. This example should demonstrate to us that dependence on just one…

Joachim Hagopian, While the Burning Man Sideshow Misdirects, the World Turns, Spurns and Burns

Joachim Hagopian Over this last weekend the weeklong Burning Man Art and Music Festival organizers along with local police opted to close the only road in and out of the Nevada desert 110 miles north of Reno known as “Black Rock City” (coincidental that it shares same namesake as world’s wealthiest investment firm BlackRock, whose stakeholders are the earth’s bloodline controlling dynasties Rothschild, Rockefeller, royal families et al?). This unique “New Age” festival attracts amazing art installments, created and self-assembled by the festival-goers themselves, many from Silicon Valley. At night it’s…

Joachim Hagopian, Elites’ Engineered Global Economy Collapse Is Here

Joachim Hagopian The net wealth of the world fell by a whopping $11.4 trillion or by 2.4% to $454.4 trillion by 2022’s yearend tally, the first decline observed since the 2008 financial crisis. This is just one among countless ominous barometers all indicating we’re fast headed off a financial Armageddon cliff, plunging headfirst towards a global economic depression the likes of which none of us alive today have ever experienced before. Non-financial assets like real estate appeared to hold up despite increasing interest rates. That said, commercial real estate is crashing bigtime.…

Joachim Hagopian, Armenian Genocide Redux A Century Later?

Joachim Hagopian Since December 12th, 2022, now over eight months ago that Azerbaijan placed a blockade on the 3-mile long Lachin Corridor connecting the breakaway enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh to Armenians) with the Republic of Armenia. Azerbaijan used as its phony excuse eco-protestors blocking the entry to the Lachin Corridor over illegal mining in Artsakh with Russian complicity. Despite the Russian peacekeepers present at the border, the local commander stated he had neither the authority nor direct orders from Putin to forcibly reopen the corridor. My immediate response is this…

Joachim Hagopian, The Maui Inferno: Another Genocidal False Flag Ignited by a Directed Energy Weapon

Joachim Hagopian [Editor’s note: Here’s a video report that provides visual proof of Joachim’s analysis of what has happened here. And another where you can see the DEW in operation. Not good.] The deadly Maui fires are another genocidal assault of NWO pyro-terrorism deploying scalar Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) in its war against the human race. And it’s no accident just a few months prior to the Maui disaster, purportedly to save birds from avian malaria, back in February 2023 Hawaii and Bill Gates introduced their plan: The State of Hawaii and…

Joachim Hagopian, The Niger Crisis – Africa’s Next ‘Ukraine’ or Africa’s Rejection of Western Neocolonialism

Joachim Hagopian Major changes within the last month are sweeping through the geopolitical landscape worldwide. Even the West is now braced for Ukraine’s defeat against Russia. Western national economies are all failing, undergoing a perilous backslide into emerging economic depression, ultimate collapse of Western civilization and crumbling of the centralized banking infrastructure. Meanwhile, amidst this political and economic shakedown, the rising challenge of the multipolar world is destined to crush US unipolar dominance and hegemony as the international power dynamics radically shifts from West to East. Within the context of…

Joachim Hagopian, Climate Change Globalist Codeword for Genocide

Joachim Hagopian The planetary controllers are using their climate change minions as lame excuse to double down on their endgame lies, in the same way they use the World Health Organization to usurp national sovereignty. The reality is climate change is another Trojan horse abstraction designed to cover up the willful crimes of diabolical climate engineering controllers who for decades have been engaging in manmade weather warfare, terraforming the earth to deliberately induce this week’s big headline claiming July is the hottest month on record. This sensationalized ploy offers false justification serving…