Joachim Hagopian After retaking the White House a second time, in his first few days as the new president, Trump revealed his prioritized agenda, starting with his January 20th Inauguration Speech, his first full day on January 21st signing scores of more Executive Orders (EOs), and on his second full day his first press conference with three Big Tech billionaires and his teleconference address to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. This presentation constitutes his report card, evaluating his first week performance covering both the positives and negatives he has outlined.…
Tag: America
Pat Buchanan, Where US and Ukrainian War Aims Collide
by Pat Buchanan For us, the crucial concern in this Ukraine-Russia war is not who ends up in control of Crimea and the Donbas, but that the U.S. not be sucked into a war with Russia that could escalate into a world war and a nuclear war. To President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine, Crimea and the Donbas are national territories whose retrieval justifies all-out war to expel the invading armies of Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Yet, who controls Crimea and the Donbas has, in the history of U.S.-Russian relations, never been an…
ANALYSIS: Russia is winning, America is self-destructing… prepare for EXTREME POVERTY as 50-year economic fairy tale implodes
Mike Adams ANALYSIS: Russia is winning, America is self-destructing… prepare for EXTREME POVERTY as 50-year economic fairy tale implodes – (Natural News) Do not confuse the headline of this analysis with any conclusions of who we’re rooting for. We are rooting for America and the American people, yet we simultaneously realize that the current occupying US government is an illegitimate, treasonous crime cartel that rigged the 2020 election, built the covid bioweapon and is trying to mass exterminate the American people with mRNA “vaccine” injections. They do not represent the…
The ECONOMIC SUICIDE of the West is now under way… Severe economic sanctions against Russia will END the dollar as the global reserve currency
Mike Adams (Natural News) Today’s urgent Situation Update podcast (see below) connects the dots and reveals why the West’s economic sanctions against Russia have actually set into motion a series of events which will inevitably lead to the end of the dollar and the collapse of America as we know it. If you want to jump right to the podcast, you can find it at this link on To understand why the dollar is now doomed, first realize that the petro dollar status of the US dollar made it the…
Gholemreza Montazami, Who is America’s Greater Enemy, Israel or Iran?
Gholemreza Montazami [Editor’s note: The author is a Retired Iranian Diplomat and General Director of the International New Horizon Organization, which sponsors international conferences in Tehran that bring together scholars and public intellectuals from around the world to address problems of mutual interest and concern, where I participated there in 2014. As I frequently emphasize, Iran is a peaceful nation that has not launched a war of aggression against any other state since 1775. Would the United States had such a record, where the US and Israel, alas, are the…
And I Suppose … nobody died when Johnny Carson was buried at sea on the moon, either?
Mike Palecek And I Suppose… nobody died when Johnny Carson was buried at sea on the moon, either? by Mike Palecek I understand how. I do not understand why. — Winston Smith, 1984 Also by Mike Palecek SWEAT: Global Warming in a small town, and other tales from the great American Westerly Midwest Joe Coffee’s Revolution The Truth The American Dream Johnny Moon KGB Terror Nation Speak English The Last Liberal Outlaw The Progrrressive Avenger Camp America Twins The Bigfoot Chronicles [non-fiction] Iowa Terror Guests of the Nation…
Paul Craig Roberts, America: A Dead Man Walking
Paul Craig Roberts Will America Exist in 10 or 20 Years? Probably Not I knew America was finished when the insouciant dumbshits let the corrupt Establishment openly and blatantly steal a presidential election and install a cipher as front man for the Establishment’s agenda. What is the Establishment’s agenda? It is Evil incarnate. The agenda is the rewrite of Western history as one vast crime. The agenda is the demonization of all European and British ethnicities with white skin. The agenda is the replacement in Western universities and school systems…
Patrick J. McShay, America Betrayed
by Patrick J. McShay Anyone paying attention to the mainstream news in the last year can see that the public is being lied to about this pandemic and that the government’s stated objective to “Follow the science” has devolved into “Shut up and do as you’re told!” Despite several mask studies that have concluded masks don’t work, and the fact that the Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) just published a report last week on March 5, written by doctors and Ph.D. scientists that admitted: “Face masks do not…
Mike Adams, PREPARE FOR WAR: After Jan. 6th, expect all hell to break loose across America
Mike Adams (Natural News) For the past month or so, I’ve been posting daily Situation Update reports based on deep research and insider sources who help keep me informed. You can listen to all these Situation Update podcasts at this link on In this article, I’m going to summarize where things stand right now in terms of the election, civil war, the Insurrection Act, war with China and other topics. The short summary is that if this election situation is not resolved on January 6th, all hell is going to…
Jack Mullen, The Next American Revolution
July 4th, 2019 Today Americans should remember the Revolution was about becoming Independent from Briton – ending control of the various governments in the Colonies by the British and becoming a nation unto its own, without foreign entanglements and commitments in any form except through treaty to another nation-state power. Now America we are again under the control of a foreign nation again – suffering nearly total usurpation at the federal level and we have lost more than 26 States to this occupying enemy. These ideas are not hyperbole or…