Miles Mathis, Despinning Tucker Carlson

Miles Mathis  [Editor’s note: I am a huge fan of Tucker Carlson, but also of Miles Mathis. So I share this without implying that I agree with everything he has to say about Tucker, whom I esteem. But, agree or disagree, Miles is always worth reading.] I will start off by pointing out that I published 17 articles last month, 13 of them written by yours truly. That’s more than three a week. Some of them weren’t very long, but I believe it was a personal best. To pre-empt some…

PIZZAGATE – 24 Of The Nastiest Characters & Locations Made Up Of Nightmares

BEFOREITSNEWS  [Editor’s note: On 5 July 2020, I published “Pizzagate: Reality or Illusion? The American Francise of Pedogate”, which you can access here. Would that Pizzagate were an illusion, but the evidence suggests that it’s all too real, where many children appear to have been sexually abused and murdered by fiends such as those recorded below.]   Kudos to the person that created these incredible graphics in card formats of 24 of the nastiest characters and locations involved in Pizzagate all connected to D.C. enjoy!   Related: List of Indictments, Arrests…

BREAKING NEWS: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead at 87

By Joan Biskupic and Ariane de Vogue, CNN (CNN)Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday, the court announced. She was 87. Ginsburg was appointed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and in recent years served as the most senior member of the court’s liberal wing consistently delivering progressive votes on the most divisive social issues of the day, including abortion rights, same-sex marriage, voting rights, immigration, health care and affirmative action. Along the way, she developed a rock star type status and was dubbed the “Notorious R.B.G.” In speaking events across the…

CNN, NBC, MSNBC may Not Know, but Fauci Knew about HCQ in 2005 — Nobody Needed to Die

Bryan Fischer  [Editor’s note: The reports on MSNBC, NBC and CNN were insulting and absurd if you knew the facts, where they had doctors condemning the President’s use of hydroxychlorquine and as having no medical warrant and even being contraindicated, citing a shoddy study from the VA that was clearly designed to undermine confidence in an inexpensive and virtually completely effective treatment, which works both as a therapy (if you have COVID-19) and as a preventative (if you don’t). I watched these grotesque misrepresentations on MSNBC and NBC tonight and…

Paul Street, Money Talks, Bullshit Walks on Cable News

PAUL STREET Is it any wonder that the nation’s “liberal” cable news stations CNN and MSNBC can barely contain their disdain for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and even (to a lesser degree) for that of Elizabeth Warren while they promote the nauseating center-right candidacies of the bewildered racist and corporatist Joe Biden, the sinister neoliberal corporate-militarist Pete Butiggieg and even the marginal Wall Street “moderates” Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris? Next time you click on these stations, keep a pen and paper handy to write down the names of the…

Dr. Eowyn, Piers Morgan: The Media has turned Left and the Left has become unbearable

Dr. Eowyn  Piers Morgan, 54, is an English journalist, broadcaster and TV personality. I was no fan of Morgan. He was especially loathsome when he hosted Piers Morgan Live on CNN from 2011 to 2014, after which he returned to the UK. On the Ben Shapiro Show last Sunday, August 18, 2019, Morgan launched into a stinging critique of the contemporary Left which had gone viral on Twitter, which just goes to show even a self-identified, pro-gun control liberal like Piers Morgan has had enough with so-called “liberals”. Morgan said (beginning at the…

Lenny Pozner’s HONR Network: There is no honor among thieves

Jim Fetzer Among the techniques used for propaganda and disinformation are cloaking your covert activities as though they were beneficial or benign and citing other covert agents as though they were “independent sources” to confirm the actions of the perps as appropriate or desirable. In the latest video about the HONR Network, which the man who calls himself “Lenny Pozner” claims to have founded after the alleged Sandy Hook shooting on 14 December 2012, we have discovered that he obtained the domain name at least as early as 2005–and by…

PaidGovernmentShill: A list of “crisis actors” and other hilarious misfits

by PaidGovernmentShill Maybe this will wake em up a little: So many smiles, so little tears and sadness from the Borderline “mass shooting.” Robbie Parker, smiling and laughing, and “getting into character” while hyperventilating. Gene Rosen, whose entire story makes even less sense than his hilarious acting. Thousand Oaks supposed father of a supposed victim… no tears, ZERO sadness, no emotion… brings up gun control, naturally… says his son was (impossibly) also somehow at the Las Vegas shooting. Thousand Oaks supposed mother of supposed victim… this one speaks for itself… she…

Tim Brown, Alleged Pipe Bombs To Democrats & CNN Are Very Suspicious

Tim Brown I’m just going to say it.  The only people I’ve ever seen become truly violent are those aligned with Democrats.  That’s not saying all Democrats are violent, but those that would support them are mostly Marxists, which means the ends justifies the means.  With that said, this news about pipe bombs going to key Democrats raises some suspicions just weeks ahead of the elections. We’re not talking about unknown Democrats here.  We’re talking the usurper Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah and Hillary Clinton, as well as fake news network CNN,…