BY JERM [Editor’s note: Apologies about the Pentagon, where no plane hit the building but you can see (what turns out to be) an UAV in the first frame, conveniently labeled “plane”. For my take on 9/11 (including a thorough and detailed discussion of all four of the purported “9/11 crash sites”, check out my 9/11 SPECIAL in Memoriam for Robert David Steele (12 September 2021).] Alex Jones has been right about a lot of things, and one of those things is Sandy Hook, argues James Fetzer. And before the proverbial knee jerks,…

Mona Alexis Pressley, A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Mona Alexis Pressley                                                                                                                                                                              …

JW Williams, The Sandy Hook Shooting – A Huge Controversy that Lingers

JW Williams [Editor’s note: Apart from a few errata, such as describing me as the “author” rather than as the “editor” of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control (2015; 2nd ed., 2016), JW Williams did a good job of summarizing my case, and I am flattered that it appeared on G. Edward Griffin’s Need to Know website. where those who think my effort to carry it to the US Supreme Court–where I am in the process of drafting my Writ of Certiorari…

Mary Maxwell, The Sandy Hook School Shooting Did Not Happen. Period.

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB I am a Boston-born dual citizen of US and Australia. Last night it was amazing to see, thanks to the miracle of YouTube, a huge, huge group of Aussies converging on Parliament House in Canberra. More than the number in Ottawa, I think. This surely is a turning point. No longer is everyone willing to just lie down and take it. “We’ve had it; we’re sick of it.” I am sick of America’s lies. Sick, sick, sick of the “normalcy” of double-speak. And I’m personally tired…

Brian Wright, Book Review: And Nobody Died in Boston Either (2016)

Brian R. Wright [Editor’s note: It was my great pleasure to feature Brian Wright on “The Raw Deal” today (31 December 2021), where we discussed several of these issues. Check it out here: The Raw Deal (31 December 2021) with Brian Wright: to watch, click here.]   State-sponsored terrorism with Hollywood special effects (9/10) Edited by James Fetzer, PhD, and Mike Paleck Note: The Coffee Coaster is proud to publish this review on April 15, 2016—241 years after the British were ordered to march on Lexington and Concord, Mass., thus…

Wikipedia: James H. Fetzer (April 2014)

Wikipedia James H. Fetzer [Editor’s note: This was my Wiki entry up until mid-April 2014, when I organized and moderated a conference on Academic Freedom: Are there limits to inquiry? JFK 9/11 and the Holocaust, where it was gutted, apparently  as punishment for challenging the “official narrative” of WWII, about which I subsequently published, “The Holocaust Narrative: Politics trumps Science”. I have just discovered that it archived on a site for Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. I thought it was lost forever.] James H. Fetzer James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940 in Pasadena, California) is an American philosopher, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth,[1] and a well–known conspiracy theorist.[2][3][4]  He has written on the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. Two of his most recent books were on the evolution of intelligence and philosophical aspects of “the Christian Right‘s crusade against science“. He is also an advocate of the 9/11 conspiracy[5] and John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. He has published three collections of studies on the death of JFK, co–authored another on the plane crash that took the life of Senator Paul Wellstone, and edited the first book from Scholars for 9/11 Truth, an organization he founded. Fetzer makes frequent appearances on radio and television. Contents 1 Biography 2 Works 3 Controversial views 3.1 Assassination of John F. Kennedy 3.2 September 11, 2001 attacks…

New York Times, Rioters Followed a Long Conspiratorial Road to the Capitol

By Elizabeth Williamson [Editor’s note: The New York Times has become more of a tabloid than a responsible news source, as the following article displays. For those who lack the background to appraise what it reports, check out Brian Wright’s Review of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015); Mike Adam’s discussion of its ban by and review of my role, “The Most Dangerous Mind in America”‘; and Kevin Barrett’s brilliant review of the trial, “The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial”.] When Brendan Hunt was arrested and…

Alison “Sunny” Maynard, J.D., SANDY HOOK: No Burial for the Dead Boy

Alison “Sunny” Maynard, J.D. (Orig. published 12/20/2019; updated (04/25/2022) I’ve been assisting James Fetzer, Ph.D., as well as Wolfgang Halbig (both without compensation), in the defamation lawsuits Sandy Hook “victims’ parents” have filed against them. The most vocal of these plaintiffs has been Leonard Pozner.  He’s also the most vindictive.  While representing himself as the grieving parent of a boy, “Noah,” killed at the Sandy Hook school shooting on Dec. 14, 2012, Pozner brags about being responsible for the take-down of 10,000 content items from the internet.*  He has created at least…

Sputnik: ‘It Looks Like the Democrats Will Go Down Hard in 2020’ & Impeachment Won’t Save Them–Prof

SPUTNIK INTERNATIONAL OPINION While the House Democrats are proceeding with their impeachment effort the writing is already on the wall that they won’t succeed in removing Donald Trump from office, says an American scholar, predicting a landslide Trump win in 2020. On 10 December, the House Democrats announced two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump citing alleged abuse of power and obstruction of Congress and insisting on trial and the president’s removal. Following the House move, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell dropped the hint about a “quick” trial in early January…

Ron Avery on MINNESOTA LAWYER, “Lawyers help Sandy Hook dad prevail”

Barbara L. Jones  [Editor’s note: Compounding a fraudulent lawsuit over a fabricated death certificate with fake news from a journal for Minnesota lawyers, no less. How many false claims and distortions can you identify? Here’s an example. The subtitle, which appears at the bottom of the featured image (above), “Defamation Defendant accused him of faking son’s death certificate”. Except that I am the Defendant and I didn’t do that. Perhaps it’s too subtle for a Minnesota lawyers’ journal, but I asserted (three times in 2015 and in 2016 and a…