Joachim Hagopian, Ukraine Game Changer: Humanity at the Good vs. Evil Epic War Crossroads

Joachim Hagopian There is the bloodline ruling elites embodied by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, European royal families, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other lesser visible Illuminati lineages, all Hell bent on gaining absolute dystopian control over the earthly devil’s dominion, and virtually everything on it, especially a subjugated, majorly reduced human population. Because they own the criminal banking cartel for centuries now, over time they’ve subversively acquired ownership and control through bribery and blackmail all major governments, in particular the United Nations and European Union, but also all the largest transnational corporations including Big Pharma,…

Joachim Hagopian, As This Week’s War Drums Beat Louder, World War III Looms Ever Closer

Joachim Hagopian From the summary of the 2015 published book entitled Ukraine: ZBIG’s Grand Chessboard & How the West Was Checkmated: Ukraine: ZBIG’s Grand Chessboard & How the West Was Checkmated speaks to the historical and geostrategic moves by the West to control the Eurasian landmass: the broken promises and treaties, the geostrategic missteps and, finally, how Grand Chessboard fundamentalism actually catalyzed Russia’s re-emergence as a global power, shifted geostrategic power eastward and, proverbially, snatched defeat from the jaws of a U.S./NATO victory.   Seven years later based on today’s grand chessboard stage, the…

Joachim Hagopian, Are Putin and Xi City of London’s Controlled Opposition or Leaders Rising Up in a Multipolar World?

Joachim Hagopian With each passing day and week, it becomes glaringly more obvious that the planetary overlords that control the centralized Rothschild banking cartel and World Economic Forum, along with their other usual suspect partners, the Rockefeller and black nobility bloodlines, including the English and European royals, ruling over the unholy trinity of the City of London-Washington DC–Vatican as the longstanding power base on earth, are now making their final stand intending to provoke nuclear world war in Ukraine and Taiwan. The stage has been set by globalist design for a weakening, soon destroyed West, freefalling in decline to…


Joachim Hagopian [The Criminal Prosecution of Armenia] says its criminal investigation into Azerbaijan’s attack – a violation of the November 9, 2020 trilateral statement and several international treaties prohibiting the use of force or the threat to use force and invading the territory of another country gathered information on war crimes and criminal violations of Customary international humanitarian law.  During the fall of 2020, Azerbaijan invaded an area the size of Delaware known as Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh in Armenian) in the last 44-day war, Israeli supplied Azeri drones proved to be the key to…

Joachim Hagopian, The British Royal Family, Pedophilia and the End of a 1200 Year Parasitic Monarchy

Joachim Hagopian With the 96-year old Queen Elizabeth declared dead on September 8th, 2022 after her 70-year reign, the precursor necessary to finally end this 1200-year parasitic monarchy is finally in place. King Charles III has got to go! With the 2021-22 Sovereign Grants accounts released in June 2022 showing a 17% increase in UK taxpaid royal salary from the year prior, the British royals officially cost their overly burdened subjects £102.4 million ($117,610,000 USD). Considering their damage done to humans for more than a millennium, and humanity currently under genocidal siege…

Joachim Hagopian, The Elephant in Today’s War Room: Casualties of War Wounded and Killed Amidst the Enemy’s Death Jab

Joachim Hagopian 40-something Tulsa, Oklahoma NBC News affiliate anchor Julie Chin suffered a stroke on live TV last Saturday morning. Her story is currently making international headlines. Though mum’s the MSM word on whether Julie received death jabs that likely caused it, those who are half aware realize the lethal danger involved after receiving the COVID non-vaccines, are undoubtedly concluding that Julie Chin is more than likely another death jab victim. Yet you’ll never learn this watching CNN or reading the New York Times. With so much at stake, the corporate media has only doubled…


By Joachim Hagopian On Tuesday the 31st of August 2022, news out of Russia reported that the first and only president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, died at the age of 91. As the last Soviet leader, he was responsible for transitioning forward the Soviet Empire breakup to establish the Russian Federation, credited with graciously handling this difficult process known as “perestroika.” As a world stateman, President Mikhail Gorbachev achieved a number of major international accomplishments by virtually anyone’s standards. It was Gorbachev who ended the Cold War and normalized relations…


Joachim Hagopian One of the most bizarre major stories in recent weeks has been the death of popular Hollywood actress Anne Heche. Her strange car crash earlier this month had her traveling in her blue Mini Cooper at an outrageous speed of about 90 miles per hour prior to careening into a second story home in the residential LA Westside neighborhood of Mar Vista on Friday August 5th, 2022. According to the LA Fire Department report: 59 Firefighters took 65 minutes to access, confine and fully extinguish the stubborn flames within the…

Joachin Hagopian, Civil War in America? The Elites’ Divide and Rule Payoff

Joachim Hagopian Sending FBI attack dogs last week to invade Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence is undoubtedly meant to send the loud message that an overreaching desperado federal government fearing its own downfall is also coming after all of us Americans daring to oppose the US traitors atop the illegit regime bent on destroying our constitutional republic from within. At the same time, also hiring 87,000 new employees to the dreaded IRS and unleashing 70,000 trained, armed and dangerous IRS federal agents packing firearms to target middle class dissidents willing to shoot to kill is again…

Joachim Hagopian, The Militarization of the IRS: Biden’s Desperate War against American Citizens

Joachim Hagopian The latest episode of nightmarish overreach of the US federal government usurping citizens’ constitutional rights is the highly disturbing militarization of the Internal Revenue Service. With the fake Biden regime knowing its control over the nation is fast waning, despotic neo-Nazis in Washington are resorting to not only deploying federal FBI agents to invade Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home on August 8th, 2022, meaning that any home in our country can be violated and unsafe from federal overreach, but now the even bigger threat to Americans is enlarging the dreaded Internal…