Jim Fetzer, Princeton in the Nation’s Service, Class of ’62 Style (II)

Jim Fetzer ’62   “‘It’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled”–attributed to Mark Twain   Dear Classmates,   Now that Drayton has presented his class lecture on the importance of character, “Character Matters”, I write to make a final plea as to whether the Class of ’62 has any character. The very idea that Tom Dunn, a real estate lawyer who appears to have no grasp of the principle, “Innocent until Proven Guilty” or of standards of proof (since I have refuted the claim…

Moon landing conspiracy theorists say this photo is new ‘hoax’ proof

Brooke Kato [Editor’s note: The US was embarrassed by Sputnik (the first satellite in space launched by the USSR) and, to demonstrate US technical and scientific superiority, decided to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade as proof. When it turned out to be physically and technically impossible, we faked it. I have done a lot on moon fakery, where one of my most recent presentations can be viewed here: “The Moon Landing Hoax: How we Know we Didn’t Go”.] Was the giant leap for…

Everything you ever wanted to know about “conspiracy theories” but were afraid to ask

But this time, you don’t have to be afraid Dr. Fetzer at University of Minnesota Duluth in November 2005 discussing the death of U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone Brought to you by the world’s best-known “conspiracy theorist” CONSPIRACY 101: CRITICAL THINKING & CONSPIRACY THEORIES 15-week online course presented by Philosophy Professor Emeritus James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. LEARN MORE SIGN UP! Copyright © 2022 Wrongs Without Wremedies, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in from one of our websites or from one of our affiliates’ sites.…

And I Suppose … nobody died when Johnny Carson was buried at sea on the moon, either?

Mike Palecek                And I Suppose… nobody died when Johnny Carson was buried at sea on the moon, either? by Mike Palecek   I understand how. I do not understand why. — Winston Smith, 1984   Also by Mike Palecek SWEAT: Global Warming in a small town, and other tales from the great American Westerly Midwest Joe Coffee’s Revolution The Truth The American Dream Johnny Moon KGB Terror Nation Speak English The Last Liberal Outlaw The Progrrressive Avenger Camp America Twins The Bigfoot Chronicles [non-fiction] Iowa Terror Guests of the Nation…

The 65 Shows: jimtheconspiracyguy.com (24 May-15 Nov 2020)

Jim Fetzer From 24 May to 15 November 2020, I did a show called “Jim The Conspiracy Guy” on Sunday evenings, where I usually did interviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When my original sponsor found they were not drawing a large audience and departed for points south, I continued the show as long as I could afford it at $100 per month. Here is the result. If any of the links don’t play, let me know. I hope you find something of interest. I enjoyed doing them. Watch These Shows…

PENN Magazine (Reprised and Updated): How we Know we Didn’t Go to the Moon

Jim Fetzer PENN magazine, edited by my colleague, Mike Palecek,  published this issue in 2018, which includes a stunning article by Winston Wu, “The Apollo Moon Hoax: 35 Proofs We Didn’t Go”. Winston is a brilliant guy and this article is my favorite on the subject. I recommend beginning with “Conspiracy Theory: Did we Land on the Moon?”, which advances one scientific reason after another about why we could not have gone and abundant evidence that the moon landing footage was faked. For those who may harbor lingering hopes that…