Patrick J. McShay, OPERATION DISCLOSURE: The Big Steal: Vote Fraud in 2020

Patrick J. McShay The states of North Carolina [Editor’s note: Pat originally had “Georgia” here, but I think that was a mistake] and Alaska were finally called for Trump on Wednesday and a recount in the 2 Georgia Senate races will go to a run off. The mainstream media has largely downplayed the possibility of widespread vote fraud despite reports from a dozen states that this election was stolen. In Georgia for instance, they’ve found 95,801 ballots that only voted for Joe [B]iden and no other races, which seems odd…

Patrick J. McShay, Are NBA Players Useful Idiots For The Marxist, Anti-American “Black Lives Matter” Hate Group?

Patrick J. McShay “If you vote Democrat in November, you’re voting for & violence, nihilism, and hate.” *Denise McCallister- Bestselling Co-Author of “Spygate” “The number one cause of death of young Black men 15 to 34 — is murder. Who’s committing the murder? Not police. Other black men!” *Juan Williams – Journalist Max Kellerman told Stephen A. Smith on ESPN’s top-rated show, “First Take” Friday that “the face of White Supremacy is feeling emboldened by the politics of the last 4 years”. Yet another racist shot at Trump and his…

Patrick J. McShay, The George Floyd Psyop: Anarchists, Protesters, and Traitors; Just Who Are “The Racists”?

Patrick J. McShay “Even allowing for the existence of discrimination in the criminal justice system, the higher rates of crime among Black Americans cannot be denied,” *James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein in their classic 1985 study, “Crime and Human Nature” Our controllers are once again using their influence over violent racists and Marxist groups like “Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa” to break down the rule of law, bring about anarchy, and to delegitimize and defund the police. We are told that this racism is systemic and that until something…

Patrick J. McShay, You Might Live In A Police State If…

by Patrick J. McShay “I think perhaps of all the things a police state can do to its citizens; distorting history is possibly the most pernicious” — Robert A. Heinlein-Author, Engineer, and Naval Officer “The Free State offers what a police state denies – The privacy of the home, the dignity, and peace of mind of the individual” — William O. Douglas- Supreme Court Justice There are new stories emerging on a daily basis during this forced lockdown of ridiculous and unnecessary actions being taken by city and state officials as well as police departments…

Patrick J. McShay, Coronavirus: From Pandemic to Police State

Patrick J. McShay “First we’ve got the population, the world today has 6.8 billion people that’s headed up to 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on a new vaccine we could lower that number by 10 or 15%” *Bill Gates “The World population should be reduced by 50%. The elderly are useless eaters” *Henry Kissinger “It is indispensable to…Utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, envy, struggle, and even the use of torture by starvation, by inoculation from diseases, and by want so that the Goyim see…

Patrick J. McShay, The Biden Crime Family

Patrick J. McShay With Trump’s impeachment appearing to be winding down, the Democrats are still crying about a cover-up and not being allowed to call witnesses including John Bolton, who the Dems were sure would contradict the President’s version of events. I say, what does it matter? There was already public interest in Biden’s nepotism, clear conflicts of interest, and the appearance of criminality for over a year before Trump mentioned it to Ukraine’s new President Zelensky during their July 25th phone call. Joe Biden entered the 2020 Presidential race…

Patrick J. McShay, Crooked Joe, Illegal Surveillance, and the FBI Cover-up

by Patrick J. McShay “Biden is finished but mark my word, Obama is in the middle of this, up to his neck in corruption and fraud, this is Obama’s scandal!” — Wayne Allen Root, Best Selling Author “Biden and his son are stone-cold crooked” — President Donald J.Trump, White House Press Conference, Oct 2nd, 2020 When Adam Schiff and the Democrat leadership made the decision to put their impeachment hopes on a 2nd-party, CIA-connected, Trump-hating whistleblower, they didn’t expect Trump to announce the release of the transcript before Nancy Pelosi…