Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. My 5th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies (Virtual) Conference Enjoy from the comfort of your home. Zoom meeting limited to 500. Get your ticket NOW. SPEAKERS & SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Reserve Your Seat Now – Only 500 Seats ALEXANDER C. BAKER SPEAKER ALEXANDER BAKER holds a Juris Doctorate and possesses a wealth of real-world experience in the extortion racket named the “justice system.” He is President of the Post-Modern Justice Media Project (www.pmjmp.org/) and has…READ MORE BRIAN DAVIDSON SPEAKER BRIAN DAVIDSON, P.I., has been a…
Tag: Sarah Westall
4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2023 (16-17 December 2023)
The 4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference will be held this coming 16-17 December 2023. Unlike past conferences, this will be FREE and broadcast LIVE. We will take questions from the audience following grouped presentations. SATURDAY (9 AM- 1 PM/CT) will feature Ace Baker, Brian Davidson, Fred Leuchter, and Jim Fetzer on false flags and their exposure, with important examples; (1-6 PM/CT) Donald Jeffries, Stephanie Sledge, and Meryl Nass on COVID, Trump, and biological warfare; (5-1` PM/CT) Giuseppe Vafangulo, Joachim Hagopian, Rima Laibow, and Jack Mullen on kill shots, genocide against the human race, questioning the WHO, and freedom & privacy. For background, download LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE…
Sarah Westall, What I have endured: An inside Look at being Unpersoned in America
By Sarah Westall This is what I have experienced over the past 10 years. This is not meant for pity, we do not have time for that. It is meant as a tool for readers to have a better understanding of the situation we are facing. The more who are aware, the better odds we have to changing this situation. Be assured, I am not done fighting. Merriam Webster Dictionary: unperson noun un· per· son ˈən-ˈpər-sᵊn -ˌpər- : an individual who usually for political or ideological reasons is removed completely from recognition or…
LIVE Conference (3-4 December 2022) CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKETS Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair Welcome to the 3rd annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference (2022), to be broadcast LIVE 3-4 December 2022. The nation has been gripped by conspiracies, including the theft of the 2020 election, the production of a (fake) pandemic and a real (but deadly) vax, sabotaging the nation’s energy independence by cancelling the XL pipeline, the transgender movement (where parents have no say over the sex of their child), Congressional funding of the most corrupt country…
Joachim Hagopian, ‘Trust the Plan Bro,’ but for How Long? White Hats and Trump Aren’t Saving Us as America Is Destroyed
Joachim Hagopian After listening to 40-minutes of host Sarah Westall recently interviewing author, attorney and economist Wayne Jett, I feel compelled to write this article. As a fellow interviewee with Wayne a few years back on Kevin Barrett’s 2-hour Truth Jihad internet broadcast and as an hourlong guest myself on Sarah Westall’s podcast 4-years ago, I have immense respect for both Wayne and Sarah as courageous truth spreaders. A recent Wayne Jett piece dated February 19, 2022 entitled “Military Saves Constitution: Defeat of Insurrection Progresses,” boldly asserts that President Donald Trump during his final…
The 65 Shows: jimtheconspiracyguy.com (24 May-15 Nov 2020)
Jim Fetzer From 24 May to 15 November 2020, I did a show called “Jim The Conspiracy Guy” on Sunday evenings, where I usually did interviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When my original sponsor found they were not drawing a large audience and departed for points south, I continued the show as long as I could afford it at $100 per month. Here is the result. If any of the links don’t play, let me know. I hope you find something of interest. I enjoyed doing them. Watch These Shows…
False Flags and Conspiracies 2020: Live Conference: Now Available Free
False Flags and Conspiracies 2020: Live Conference – Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair Master Of Ceremonies Conspiracies are as American as apple pie. In my first scholarly article about conspiracy research, “Thinking about ‘Conspiracy Theories’: 9/11 and JFK“, I explained how the principles of scientific reasoning can be applied to conspiracy theories and illustrated with regard to the current issue of The New York Times that stories on every page dealt with conspiracies. Once authentic evidence has been separate from fabricated, these cases tend to fall into familiar patterns and…
Alexandra Bruce, BURISMA Whistleblower Bombshell
Alexandra Bruce [Editor’s note: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at VT (Veterans Today), has notified me that Romney is exclusively a GOP paymaster through Caymans and that he has that directly from a very senior FBI source.] A high-level person currently at Burisma Holdings in Ukraine is in possession of many documents that expose how the company has been used to steal virtually all of the money coming to Ukraine from USAID and how this money was diverted, laundered and kicked back. This insider claims to have seen the names of everyone involved, including…