Joachim Hagopian, Increasing Evidence Suggests AI and Interdimensional Demonic Forces Are Already Here

Joachim Hagopian Over the last couple months, even the US government that for the last eight decades emphatically denied ETs is increasingly floating the idea of “alien intelligence,” no longer denying the existence of alien technology and other worldly disclosure. It appears to be a setup leading to what NASA’s very first director a former German Nazi Werner von Braun on his deathbed in 1977 confessed the sobering warning to humanity, that the controllers will attempt to stage a fake alien invasion, deploying space-based weapons, akin to Project Blue Beam, in order to usher in…

Joachim Hagopian, WWIII Pathway to War against Iran via More US State Sponsored False Flag Terrorism?

 Joachim Hagopian 2024 went out with a bang, literally with co-timed reported acts of terrorism vis-a-vis the Las Vegas Musk-owned Tesla made cybertruck going off injuring a half dozen bystanders, killing only the apparent suicide bomber parked in front of the Trump International Hotel. This location linking the richest man in the world to billionaire President Trump is certainly no accident, an ominous attack of things to come symbolically directed against the Trump-Musk alliance set to retake the White House in two and a half weeks. According to CNN, Vegas police…