Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., FAKE NEWS: “The Truth vs. Alex Jones”

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Robert Barnes, the celebrated attorney, said (of his visit to the Alex Jones trial in Austin) that it was unlike any courtroom he had ever seen, with three cameras (one of which was pointed at the jury) and that “it looked like a made-for-TV-movie”! No doubt, Robert Barnes got it right! And the outcome was the film, “The Truth vs. Alex Jones”, which contains very little truth (as I shall explain) and distorts the law regarding freedom of speech by grossly misrepresenting the First Amendment to present a…

Mary Maxwell, America’s Downfall: the Sandy Hook Hoax Has Lasted Ten Years This Week

MaryMaxwell [Send E-Mail] Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2022 14:35:32 www.rumormill.news/213194 [Editor’s note: The photo I added  (above) is of “Noah Pozner” celebrating his 8th birthday. (Count the candles!) Pretty good for a boy who died at Sandy Hook at the age of 6!] Ten years ago on December 14, 2012, the FBI, or some other part of the US government, played a trick on the American people. They put out a story that 20 children were shot by 20-year-old Adam Lanza. No kid actually got shot, so that is a happy fact, but…

Mary Maxwell, Sandy Hook and the Remington Arms Lawsuit. Help!

by Mary W. Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. {Article revised on 13 August 2021 by the author.) [Editor’s note: I have added a few images (with captions) and corrected a few minor mistakes, which are in brackets […] or as Editor’s notes as well as adding links to Mary’s other books and to a book review.] I am a dual citizen of US and Australia and have been involved in investigating cases in both my countries. For example, in Australia I investigated the 2014 “siege” of the Lindt Cafe in Sydney, a…

James A. Fields Jr. (wrongfully) sentenced to life in prison in Charlottesville car attack, when he was’t even driving the car!

By Paul Duggan [Editor’s note: Paul Duggan appears to be one more in an endless string of incompetent or corrupt newsmen who don’t bother to do any research but mindlessly repeat the official narratives of “false flag” events. James Fields wasn’t even driving the car! (above)] CHARLOTTESVILLE — James A. Fields Jr., an avowed neo-Nazi who rammed his car into a group of counterprotesters at a white-supremacist rally, was sentenced to life in prison by a jury Tuesday after a trial that offered an unsparing view of the physical and emotional ruin…