James Corbett, Dissent Into Madness: Crazy Conspiracy Theorists

by James Corbett [Editor’s note: Brilliant piece by James Corbett, which I have supplemented with “How to Spot a False Flag (Part 1)” and “How to Spot a False Flag (Part 2)” below. I also highly recommend my co-authored Law Enforcement False Flag / Staged Event Checklist by Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., and Brian Davidson, P.I.] In “Dissent Into Madness: The Weaponization of Psychiatry,” I told the long and sordid history of how the study of the mind has been used to suppress political opposition and subdue unruly segments of the…

Joachim Hagopian, Is Dutch Provincial Election an Ides of March Victory for Farming Community? Or the Globalists?

Joachim Hagopian If you want to know where the United States is fast headed in record time, just look at the abysmal state that Europe currently finds itself in. Potential world war spreading beyond Ukraine’s border, severe supply chain energy and food shortages, deindustrialization, record high cost of living spikes, runaway inflation and imminent economic collapse, starting with the impending fall of teetering Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank. If you live anywhere in the West, a one world government agenda is spreading its cancer to a country and neighborhood near you as overt…


Jack Mullen As I have explained since June of last year, the banking system in the United States is not a creation of the Constitution, and it does not belong in any way to the people. The monetary system and the banking networks that support that system are privately owned, employing privately owned copyrighted dollar bills adorned with secret society symbols and powered by lucrative privately patented technology. Dollar bills are Federal Reserve Notes, not United States Treasury Notes. The Federal Reserve and NOT publicly elected officials and agencies of the US…

Capitalist Eric, Not Much Time Left…

Capitalist Eric Truth is treason in an empire of lies. So the question was posed to me last night: Now that we finally have a major situation unfolding and the dominoes are officially falling. I trust your analysis of timelines. My main question is time. I’m not holding you to anything. I believe you’re all about Truth, and extremely well grounded in reality. Time my friend. How much time do we have left? And are you envisioning a rapid or a prolonged deterioration from here? The short answer is, “nobody knows.”  I understand…


Joachim Hagopian The big news this week is America’s 16th largest bank, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has gone down as the second largest bank failure in US history, all within 48 hours last Thursday and Friday. The 2008 bankruptcy of Washington Mutual Bank is the largest during the so-called Great Recession from December 2007 to June 2009. That financial crisis resulted in the taxpayers’ “too big to fail” bank bailout that also sacrificed the fourth largest investment bank Lehman Brothers as the two biggest casualties in order to ostensibly “save” the unsustainable debtor system from total collapse.…

Sundance, The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

Sundance The Ring of Truth – “I am too well accustomed to the taking of evidence not to detect the ring of truth.” 1908, Edith Wharton Much has been made of the events of January 6, 2021, and with the latest broadcast of CCTV video from inside the Capitol Hill complex, more questions have been raised. Within the questions: the FBI and government apparatus had advanced knowledge of the scale of the J6 mall assembly yet doing nothing?  Why were the Capitol Hill police never informed of the FBI concerns?  Why didn’t…


By Alastair Crooke The West now faces the task of de-fusing the landmine of their own electorate’s conviction of a Ukraine ‘win’, and of Russian humiliation. Larry Johnson, an ex-CIA analyst, writes “I no longer hold clearances and have not had access to the classified intelligence assessments. However, I have heard that the finished intelligence being supplied to U.S. policymakers continues to declare that Russia is on the ropes – and their economy is crumbling. Also, analysts insist that the Ukrainians are beating the Russians”. Johnson responds that – lacking valid human sources –…

Patrick J. McShay, The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty is a New World Order Communist Police State

Patrick J. McShay “There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.” — Aldous Huxley- Author of Brave New World “The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption…

Joachim Hagopian, A Retrospective Look at US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III

Joachim Hagopian My freshman roommates at West Point, John Abizaid and Karl Eikenberry, ended up commanding generals in charge of losing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, then rewarded with membership to the notorious Council on Foreign Relations and US ambassadorships in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan respectively. Our alma mater, the famous brass factory on the Hudson since 1802, in recent decades is notorious for churning out cookie-cutter, rotten to the “Corps” leadership, disgracefully losing every American war since World War II by diabolical elite design. I’ve written extensively about all these leaders in…

Joe Lauria, As Bakhmut Falls, US may Turn from Ukraine, Starting with Pipeline Story

By Joe Lauria If the Donbass city of Bakhmut falls to the Russians the U.S. may need to save face in order to reverse course in Ukraine, writes Joe Lauria. On its face, The New York Times article yesterday, “Intelligence Suggests Pro-Ukrainian Group Sabotaged Pipelines, U.S. Officials Say,” appears intended to exonerate both the U.S. and Ukrainian governments from any involvement in the destruction last September of the Nord Stream gas pipelines between Russia and Germany. The thrust of the Times article is that Ukrainians unaffiliated with the Kiev government were the ones who did it,…