Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., The Sandy Hook School Shooting Did Not Happen. Period.

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. [Editor’s note: Mary published this on 13 February 2022, but I seem to have missed it. To make amends for my sin of omission, therefore, I am republished it here and now. Mary’s new book, UNREALITY: Sandy Hook Messes Minds, by the way, can be downloaded for free as a PDF from] I am a Boston-born dual citizen of US and Australia. Last night it was amazing to see, thanks to the miracle of YouTube, a huge, huge group of Aussies converging on Parliament House…

Joachim Hagopian, Devil’s Playground Ukraine Is Crime Cabal’s Last Stand, Resorting to False Flag to Blame Putin for Nukes

Joachim Hagopian Lately much of the mainstream media focus is emphasizing how the reckless madman from Russia is willing to go nuclear. The Wednesday October 19th headline from the notorious United Kingdom’s Daily Mail reads, “’Weak’ Vladimir Putin is turning to ‘deeply irresponsible’ nuclear rhetoric because he has ‘few options left,’ says British Chief of the Defense Staff.”  And on Tuesday October 18th a headline from The Sun: “Fears Mad Vlad on brink of detonating nuke over Black Sea in show of force as Defence Secretary scrambles to Washington.” This is predictive programming propaganda imminently…

William de Berg, Three Viagras and A Cloud of Deception

William de Berg Ohio State University football in the 1960’s under the legendary coach Woody Hayes was known not only for its great success but also for its conservative play-calling, which was given the moniker “three yards and a cloud of dust” because its offense relied mostly on the same tried-and-true running plays.   But if the Ohio State playbook was well-worn, the playbook of the Western financial cabal and its political and media henchmen is nothing short of necrotic. Late last week the western media ran wild with a…

Patricia N. Saffran, Lee and the House of Wax Meltdown in Charlottesville

by Patricia N. Saffran Every revolutionary since July 9, 1776 knows to pull down the statue of the oppressor. On that date at the Common in New York City, Thomas Jefferson read out loud the Declaration of Independence which he had written. Then the troops and crowd walked a mile down Broadway to Bowling Green. There they threw down the two ton gilded lead version of King George III as a mounted Roman emperor. The rabid crowd didn’t stop at merely toppling the statue. Captain John Montresor, a British officer,…

2nd Smartest Guy in the World, Who Owns the CDC?

2nd Smartest Guy in the World “Inventor status could enable the NIH to collect royalties — potentially recouping some of its investment of taxpayer money…” Theft via taxation is then recouped by a criminal agency such that is steals multiple times off of the initial theft of We the People. None of that recouping goes back to the slaves that were stolen from, but they do get “free” slow kill bioweapon injections for their troubles. Pretty sick and depraved system we’ve got. by A Midwestern Doctor Many of you are understandably…

Pat Buchanan, Where US and Ukrainian War Aims Collide

by Pat Buchanan For us, the crucial concern in this Ukraine-Russia war is not who ends up in control of Crimea and the Donbas, but that the U.S. not be sucked into a war with Russia that could escalate into a world war and a nuclear war. To President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine, Crimea and the Donbas are national territories whose retrieval justifies all-out war to expel the invading armies of Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Yet, who controls Crimea and the Donbas has, in the history of U.S.-Russian relations, never been an…


Joachim Hagopian Nations like China, Egypt, Serbia, India and many former Soviet outer republics in Eurasia are all ordering their citizens out of Ukraine immediately. They’ve been given notice that if they value their and their families’ lives, they need to get the hell out of Dodge ASAP. We know what’s coming. After back-to-back weeks of US/UK/Ukraine/NATO terrorist attacks on Russia’s Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines and Russia’s bridge to Crimea, the dirty ticks by the West are about to backfire bigtime. Be careful what you wish for. Next comes…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., The Biological Future of the Human Species

by Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. It seems we are in for some big changes. Some say there will be real physical changes made to the human being by design — our DNA will be maliciously fiddled with. I am not able to foresee what may happen in that regard. I’m here to address the way basic forces of biology are acting upon us. I have always been interested in morality and law on the one hand, and exploitation and war on the other. My Ph.D. dissertation, “The Moral Relationship…

James Fetzer – Show Trial: Alex Jones’ Case wasn’t Decided on its Merits

Henry Makow Prof James Fetzer, above who is facing a $450,000 penalty for his book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” says truth is no defense in 2022 Amerika. Alex Jones and his lawyers did not even try to use it which reveals Jones may be in on a charade designed to stifle dissent.   . . . . the school had been closed by 2008; that there were no students there; and that it had been a two-day FEMA drill presented as mass murder to promote gun control), I regarded this as…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., Thirteen Reasons Why I Reject the Official Sandy Hook Story

by Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. In 2014, a so-called terrorist event occurred in Australia. I happened to get involved in investigating it and found that it was a set-up by government. The terrorist — a Muslim, natch — went through his paces that day, holding a dozen or more people hostage, in a cafe right smack dab in Sydney’s business district. At the end, he (Man Haron Monis) reportedly shot a hostage dead, and then was killed by police. A young-mother hostage died from ricochet of police bullets. Eventually…