Joachim Hagopian A Monday July 8th Politico article quotes Joe Biden in a private call made to his top donors, saying: I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye. Five days later at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a failed assassin’s bullet grazed Trump’s bleeding ear while giving a speech onstage, and suddenly that Biden statement, “it’s time to put Trump in a…

Patrick J. McShay, Trump Assassination Attempt: Was it Allowed to Happen?

Patrick J. McShay “Trump indicted for inciting an assassination attempt” — Headline from the Babylon Bee In a bizarre statement yesterday, Joe Biden said “It’s time to put a bulls-eye on Donald Trump”. That is exactly what an unhinged Biden supporter did at Trump’s rally in Butler Pennsylvania today when a deranged Antifa supporter opened fire about ten minutes into Trump’s speech that left Trump shot in the ear, a Trump supporter seated behind him killed, and reports that two others were hit and are in critical condition. The shooter was shot…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Motion to Recuse Judge Frank Remington Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 757.19(2)(g)

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Not to suggest a comedy of errors, but my Motion to Open Judgment Pursuant to Extrinsic Fraud and Fraud upon the Court (17 June 2024) prompted the Circuit Court Judge presiding over my case, The Honorable Frank Remington, to deny the motion without soliciting a response from the Plaintiff and my reply, which was a violation of the Wisconsin Rules of Judicial Procedure. When I protested by filing a Request for Relief from Judgment or Order (20 June 2024), he did it again! This was such a…

Joachim Hagopian, With ‘Friends’ Like Israel, Who Needs Enemies? Zionist Connection to JFK Murder and Beyond

Joachim Hagopian America has not had a president since the criminal Deep State cabal assassinated the last White House occupant who actually tried valiantly to represent the American people and defend our Constitution. Since John F. Kennedy violently exited this earth in November 1963, every president since, all eleven of them have been mere puppets obediently doing what their Khazarian controllers tell them, bar none.   The moneychanger City of London bankers were determined to have a decade long war in Southeast Asia, resulting in the wrongful death of upwards…

Joachim Hagopian, US Politics Kabuki Theater Has Never Sunk So Degradingly Low

Joachim Hagopian   It’s useless in our world today to allow ourselves to be deceived in this over-the-top politics game, played out worldwide this year with 2024’s most elections ever in all of world history. The geopolitics chessboard is all kabuki theater, bread and circus for the mind-controlled masses through misdirection on a grandest scale. Hence, the US presidential election is garnering the most wag-the-dog attention. As a journalist and author for more than a decade, I’ve focused exclusively on the power elites’ tightening stranglehold, increasing their power and control…

FAKE “Joe Biden” Is Back! One Day After Dismal Debate with Trump; FAKE “Joe” Wearing Silicone Mask put on campaign trail

Hal Turner A FAKE “Joe Biden” is back and on the campaign trail, committing willful felony, criminal fraud against the American People and criminal Impersonation of the President of the United States. The latest fake – this one with Hazel colored eyes instead of Biden’s blue eyes – appeared at a Campaign Rally. His silicone mask appeared to be melting or drooping near his eye brows, and coming unglued out of his ears! The sloppy impersonation is designed to commit willful fraud upon the American people; to make them think they…

Wisconsin Dane County Judge Remington rips Due Process in Sandy Hook appeal: Calls Wisconsin law “factually and legally” not applicable in litigation!

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Wisconsin Dane County Judge Remington rips due process in Sandy Hook appeal: Calls Wisconsin law “factually and legally” not applicable in litigation! Denies State of Connecticut Emergency Management website is judicially recognizable evidence on its face June 26, 2024–James Fetzer, PhD, University of Minnesota Professor Emeritus, was sued for defamation for his 425-page book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control” (2015; 2nd ed., 2016), the redacted edition of which can now be downloaded from Fetzer’s blog. For background, try reading Kevin Barrett’s…


Joachim Hagopian Below is a typical example of how on Sunday June 23rd, the Rothschild owned Associated Press generates war propaganda by twisting everything upside-down: The Russian leader [Vladimir Putin] is willing to challenge Western interests like never before. The pact that he signed with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un envisions mutual military assistance between Moscow and Pyongyang if either is attacked. Putin also announced for the first time that Russia could provide weapons to the isolated country, a move that could destabilize the Korean Peninsula and reverberate far beyond. After the Western…


Joachim Hagopian Without fail, every week global tensions keep heating up on two kinetic warfronts Ukraine and Middle East, while the next designated third warfront Taiwan also ratchets up. The globalists’ long planned, now staged, grand fireworks endgame finale, their conjured-up West vs. East WWIII Armageddon showdown, at the not so OK Corral, by the day looms ever more imminent than ever. It’s all being centrally scripted by the same bloodline controllers, you know, the same usual suspects. Since the Napoleonic Wars, the City of London moneylender central banksters maintain…

Alan Sabrosky, Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well

ALAN SABROSKY  Prelude The first week of June, I watched all thirteen episodes of a mini-series called Amerika (1987) I had briefly seen in part thirty-odd years before. Yes, I know it is a Hollywood production. Yes, I know it is fiction, just as I know that (e.g.) 1984 is fiction. Yes, I know many of the details re wrong for our time, most notably that the USSR is gone. Nonetheless, it shook me profoundly, and I could not understand why. Being a methodological Germanic scholar (perhaps a triple tautology?), I set out to understand…