Joachim Hagopian, As Israel-US Escalate Middle East War, More Staged Kabuki Theater at Home

Joachim Hagopian As predicted, the Zionist Israel controlled Synagogue of Satan Trump administration is deliberately escalating hostilities in the Middle East toward all-out US-Israel World War III against Iran and its Islamic Axis of Resistance in Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza. In recent years, the US has significantly increased its occupying military forces to exceed 40,000 soldiers and seamen spread throughout the West Asia-Middle East region in preparation for yet more Greater Israel Project wars against Islam resistance forces led by Iran. Make no mistake, the US military troops deployed in this volatile region of…

Report: Engineers Discover Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment and Gives Federal Government Access to Election Systems at Precinct Level

By Guest Contributor  Report via Joe Hoft Guest post by David and Erin Clements A growing majority of Americans know the 2020 election was fraudulent. Many analysts who have been studying election integrity have concluded that there had to be a two-way connection between local election electronics (electronic poll pads, tabulators, election management systems, voter databases, etc.) and a centralized data collection system responsible for monitoring and manipulating the election. Fingers have rightly been pointed at all-inclusive election management software, the Albert Sensor system, Scytl and Edison, and the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis…

Jim Hoft, Kari Lake’s Pseudo-Trial on Maricopa County’s Election Theft

By Jim Hoft [Editor’s note: Having now experienced the manner in which the courts of Wisconsin can fail to uphold the statutes of its own state–where I am back at the WI Court of Appeals (District IV) in an attempt to reverse the taking of my book, NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015; 2nd ed., 2016) and my blog–it’s obvious the Circuit Court in Maricopa manufactured the outcome by putting a time limit on presentations to the Court rather than allow Kari to present her evidence. Compare my latest…

Attorneys Reveal Who Is Really Profiting From Sandy Hook

by Ben Warren Mainline scientific studies confirm MSM’s hyping of mass shootings & glorification of killers main cause of nightmare phenomenon Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes joined attorney David Freiheit earlier this week on the Viva Frei show to break down alarming details of the unprecedented legal battle Alex Jones is enduring in the Connecticut Sandy Hook trial. With Barnes’ revelations in mind, it’s brazenly apparent that Alex Jones has been marked for destruction by the NWO and is the test case for the latest iteration of lawfare designed to destroy political opposition.…

Miles Mathis, Despinning Tucker Carlson

Miles Mathis  [Editor’s note: I am a huge fan of Tucker Carlson, but also of Miles Mathis. So I share this without implying that I agree with everything he has to say about Tucker, whom I esteem. But, agree or disagree, Miles is always worth reading.] I will start off by pointing out that I published 17 articles last month, 13 of them written by yours truly. That’s more than three a week. Some of them weren’t very long, but I believe it was a personal best. To pre-empt some…

BOMBSHELL: MI Judge Grants Attorney Matt DePerno Permission to RELEASE Results of Forensic Examination of 16 Dominion Voting Machines In Antrim Co., MI

The Gateway Pundit This morning, during an emergency hearing, MI 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer granted permission to Attorney Matthew Deperno to release the findings from their forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim County, MI where thousands of votes flipped from President Trump to Joe Biden on November 3, 2020. Earlier this week, we reported about a lawsuit filed by Matthew DePerno of DePerno Law on behalf of Central Lake resident William Bailey. In addition to thousands of votes that were flipped from President Trump to…