Judicial Watch, Most of Facebook Censorship Board Has Ties to Leftwing Billionaire George Soros

Judicial Watch The recently appointed Facebook oversight board that will decide which posts get blocked from the world’s most popular social networking website is stacked with leftists, including a close friend of leftwing billionaire George Soros who served on the board of directors of his Open Society Foundations (OSF). Judicial Watch conducted a deep dive into the new panel that will make content rulings for the technology company that was slammed last year with a $5 billion fine for privacy violations. The information uncovered by Judicial Watch shows that the group of…

Patrick J. McShay, The Deep State, the IMF and the Fleecing of Ukraine

by Patrick J. McShay “Communism is Jewish Cabalism, a Satanic Cult that inverts reality and morality” — Eustace Mullin, Author of “The Secrets of The Federal Reserve” “The impeachment farce is basically a Jewish Affair” — Israeli Daily Haaretz I’ve written quite a bit about the unrelenting vitriol directed at President Trump by members of the media, especially so from Jewish members of the media. I’ve also written that the vast majority of the Jewish members of the Congress and Senate are Democrats with dual Israeli citizenship who are the…

Dr. Eowyn, George Soros admits he’s impeded by Trump to turn U.S. socialist

Dr. Eowyn A week ago, on Oct. 26, 2019, 89-year-old billionaire George Soros, who has spent his fortune promoting open borders and leftwing politicians, media, and organizations, said he has been impeded by opponents, including President Trump, in his lifelong quest to transform the United States into socialism, which he calls “open society”. Soros said that in an interview on Michel Martin’s  All Things Considered on National Public Radio (NPR). Although NPR is funded by U.S. taxpayers, Soros’ Open Society Foundations, to which he had given more than $32 billion, is a financial supporter of NPR — as much as $1.8…

Gordon Duff and NEO – Mueller Dropping Russia Probe, Says Trump Working for Israel and Saudis

by Gordon Duff with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow The Mueller Russia probe, according to mainstream media sources, Daily Beast, BBC, Vanity Fair, UK Independent, Mother Jones, al Jazeera, the UK Guardian and others, as of mid-December 2018, has changed direction. [Editor’s note: Let me say right off the bat that Duff has a long history with the CIA and gave me the boot from Veterans Today in 2015 for writing about JADEHELM15. So I do not take for granted the accuracy of his reporting. In this case, however, it coincides with…

Dave Hodges: Three Reasons Why Nancy Pelosi and Her Criminally Complicit Democrats Are Freaking Out Over the Whitaker Appointment

Dave Hodges The Democrats are absolutely freaking out over the appointment of Matt Whitaker as the new acting Attorney General of the United States. There are a chorus of Democratic politicians and their mouthpiece media that are demanding that Whitaker immediately recuse himself from any oversight of Mueller. There are three major reasons why criminally complicit Democrats and the Deep State, as a whole, are in a state of absolute panic over the appointment of Matt Whitaker. Pelosi called Whitaker’s appointment “a violent act against the Constitution”. That is not…

HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!

OCTOBER SURPRISE The New World Order Globalist Cabal Uses Weather Warfare Against the American People Every Hurricane Season State of the Nation Hurricane Michael is only the most recent weather weapon launched by the globalist-controlled geoengineers at the U.S. coastline and heartland. There are multiple reasons why the globalists are directing this Cat. 4 Hurricane at the Florida Panhandle. Midterm Elections 2018 First and foremost, this superstorm is being sent to Tallahassee, Florida the state capital.  Not only will the state government be entirely preoccupied with the aftermath of the storm for…

Patrick McShay, Is it Too Soon to call Kavanaugh’s Accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, a Liar?

  “My fervent hope is that Brett Kavanaugh will work to lessen the division in the Supreme Court so that we have far fewer 5-4 decisions and public confidence in our judiciary and our highest court is restored. Mr. President, I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”  — Susan Collins, U.S. Senator from Maine In the process of determining Brett Kavanaugh’s fitness for the Supreme Court, in their duty of “advise and consent”, the Marxist Senators on the left turned the hearings into a circus that Marxist, and mentor to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama,…